Question 1
(a) Topic: 3.2 (osmosis)
(b) Topic : 3.2 (osmosis)
(c) Topic: 3.2 (osmosis)
(a) Water is an important biological molecule. The box on the left contains the word ‘Water’. The boxes on the right contain some sentence endings. Draw a line from the box on the left to each correct statement about water. Draw three lines.
(b) Students investigated the movement of water in model animal cells using dialysis tubing. Fig. 1.1 is a diagram of the apparatus used in the investigation.
(i) State the name of the part in Fig. 1.1 which represents:
the partially permeable membrane of an animal cell…………………………..
the cytoplasm of an animal cell……………………………………..
(ii) Draw an arrow on Fig. 1.1 to show the direction of water movement during the investigation.
(iii) State the name of the process of water diffusing across a partially permeable membrane.
(c) Animal cells placed in pure water will burst. State the structure that prevents a plant cell from bursting when it is placed in pure water.
(b)(i) membrane: (dialysis) tubing ; cytoplasm: water
(b)(ii) arrow starting from water (inside tubing), crossing dialysis tubing and ending in salt solution
(b)(iii) osmosis
(c) (cell) wall
Questions 2
(a) Topic: 4.1 (biological molecules)
(b) Topic: 4.1 (biological molecules)
(c) Topic: 13.1 (excretion in humans)
(d) Topic: 13.1 (excretion in humans)
(e) Topic: 1.1 (characteristics of living organisms)
(a) Biological molecules are made of chemical elements. Complete Table 2.1 by placing ticks (✓) in the boxes to show which chemical elements each biological molecule is made from
(b) Large molecules are made from smaller molecules. The boxes on the left show the names of some small molecules. The boxes on the right show the names of some large molecules. Draw a line from each small molecule to the large molecule that it makes. Draw four lines.
(c) (i) Complete the sentences about excretion. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
assimilation digestion faeces gain glucose ions metabolism nitrogen plasma removal urea
Excretion is the ……………………………………….. of the waste products of ………………………………………. and substances in excess of requirements. A kidney excretes ……………………………………… , excess ………………………………………. and excess water.
(ii) State the name of an organ in the human body that excretes carbon dioxide.
(d) Fig. 2.1 is a diagram of part of the human excretory system and associated blood vessels.
(i) State the letter of a structure in Fig. 2.1 that excretes excess water.
(ii) State the letter in Fig. 2.1 that identifies the urethra.
(iii) State the name of the structure labelled C in Fig. 2.1.
(iv) State the name of the vein that removes blood from the kidneys.
(e) Excretion is one characteristic of living organisms. State two other characteristics of living organisms.
(c)(i) removal ;
metabolism ;
urea ;
(c)(ii) lung(s)
(d)(i) A
(d)(ii) D
(d)(iii) bladder
(d)(iv) renal (vein)
- any two from:
movement ;
respiration ;
sensitivity ;
growth ;
reproduction ;
Questions 3
(a) Topic: 17.4 (monohybrid inheritance)
(b) Topic: 17.4 (monohybrid inheritance)
(c) Topic: 17.4 (monohybrid inheritance)
Fig. 3.1 is a pedigree diagram for a plant that can have either blue flowers or purple flowers. Blue flower colour is dominant to purple flower colour.
The allele for blue flowers is represented by the letter B. The allele for purple flowers is represented by the letter b. The possible genotypes for these plants are BB or Bb or bb.
(a) (i) State the genotypes of plants 1, 4 and 6 in Fig. 3.1.
(ii) Describe how a gardener could use selective breeding to grow plants that only produce blue flowers.
(b) A different type of plant can produce red flowers or white flowers. The allele for red flowers is dominant and is represented by the letter R. The allele for white flowers is recessive and is represented by the letter r. Two plants were crossed. Complete the Punnett square by writing in:
• the colours of the parent plant flowers
• the offspring genotypes.
State the phenotypic ratio for this cross.
Phenotypic ratio ………………………… red flowers : …………………….white flowers
(c) Table 3.1 contains some definitions of genetic terms. Write the correct term next to each definition in Table 3.1.
(a)(i) (plant 1) Bb ;
(plant 4) Bb ;
(plant 6) bb
(ii) any three from:
breed together two plants with blue flowers ;
only breed from offspring with blue flowers ; ora
repeat until only blue flowers are produced / AW ; ora
ref. to selecting, genotype BB / pure-breeding ;
Questions 4
(a) Topic: 9.2 (heart)
(b) Topic: 9.2 (heart)
Fig. 4.1 is a diagram of the human heart.
(a) Complete Table 4.1, using Fig. 4.1. Letters may be used once, more than once or not at all.
(b) Describe two ways the structure of an artery differs from the structure of a vein.
(b) any two from:
artery wall is thicker ; ora
artery lumen, narrower / smaller ; ora
ref. to presence of valves in veins ;
Questions 5
(a) Topic: 14.1 (coordination and responses)
(b) Topic: 14.1 (coordination and responses)
(a) (i) Describe the role of the mammalian nervous system.
(ii) State the two parts of the central nervous system.
(b) Fig. 5.1 is a diagram showing a reflex arc.
Complete the sentences about the reflex arc. The hot pan shown in Fig. 5.1 is the ……………………………………….. in this reflex arc. The arrows shown in Fig. 5.1 represent the movement of an electrical ……………………………………….. along the neurones. X is a ………………………………………. neurone and Y is a ………………………………………. neurone. A junction between two neurones is called a ……………………………………….. .
(a)(i) any one from:
idea of coordination of, (named) body functions / (named)
responses ;
idea of regulation of (named) body functions
(ii) brain ;
spinal cord
(b) stimulus ;
impulse ;
relay ;
motor ;
Questions 6
(a) Topic: 8.2 (water uptake)
(b) Topic: 6.2 (leaf structure)
(c) Topic: 8.3 (transpiration)
(d) Topic: 8.3 (transpiration)
(e) Topic: 8.3 (transpiration)
(a) Water moves from the soil to a leaf. Using words from the list, complete the flowchart by writing the names of the structures in the correct order in the spaces provided.
The words may be used once, more than once or not at all.
ciliated cell cuticle guard cell mesophyll cells phloem root hair cell stomata xylem
(b) Fig. 6.1 shows part of a cross-section of a leaf.
(i) State the function of the parts labelled L on Fig. 6.1.
(ii) Describe how layer K in Fig. 6.1 is adapted for photosynthesis.
(c) A scientist investigated the effect of temperature on the rate of transpiration from leaves. Fig. 6.2 shows the apparatus used. The mass of the leafy shoot and test-tube of water was measured at 0 minutes and at 60 minutes. The apparatus was used at a range of temperatures. All variables apart from temperature were kept the same. There was no air movement during this investigation.
Table 6.1 shows the results.
(i) Calculate the mass lost at 20°C. Write your answer in Table 6.1. [1]
(ii) Calculate the percentage decrease in mass at 25°C. Give your answer to the nearest whole number. Space for working.
(d) Describe the effect of temperature on the rate of transpiration for the data shown in Table 6.1.
(e) The apparatus was used for a new investigation to determine the effect of wind speed on transpiration. The temperature was maintained at 25°C. A fan was used to move air past the leafy shoot. Predict the effect of increased wind speed on the rate of transpiration and on the mass of the leafy shoot.
(a) in this order vertically from top to bottom:
root hair cell ;
xylem ;
mesophyll cell
(b)(i) to control/regulate/allow, (named) gas exchange / (rate of) transpiration
(b)(ii) (palisade /
K) contains, (many) chloroplasts / chlorophyll ;
tightly packed / columnar, cells ;
near (upper) surface ;
next to air spaces for absorption of carbon dioxide ;
(cells)absorb energy from (sun)light / transfer energy from
light to chemicals ;
(c)(i) 4.5
(c)(ii) (–)33 (%)
(d) as temperature increases (the rate of) transpiration increases
(e) (rate of) transpiration will increase ; more mass will be lost / value of mass lost greater than 8.3 g
Questions 7
(a) Topic: 7.1 (diet)
(b) Topic: 7.1 (diet)
(c) Topic: 21.1 (genetic modifications)
(a) The mineral ion iron is a component of a balanced diet. People who do not get enough iron from their diet can develop anaemia. Fig. 7.1 shows the percentage of children with anaemia in four countries in the year 2000 and in the year 2015.
Describe the data shown in Fig. 7.1.
(b) Mineral ions are part of a balanced diet. State three other components of a balanced diet.
(c) Some crop plants have been genetically modified to improve their nutritional value.
(i) State the meaning of the term genetic modification.
(ii) Describe two examples of genetic modification in crop plants, other than improving their nutritional value.
(iii) State two reasons why bacteria are often used for genetic modification.
(a) any three from:
in countries A and C (percentage of children with anaemia) decreases / percentage is greater in 2000 than 2015 ; in country B (percentage of children with anaemia) increases / percentage is greater in 2015 than 2000 ; country D is unchanged / AW ;country A has largest (percentage) decrease ; comparative data quote
(b) any three from:
carbohydrates ;
fats / oils ;
proteins ;
(named) vitamins ;
fibre / roughage ;
(c)(i) changing / manipulating, the genetic material of an organism ; by, removing / changing / inserting, individual genes
(c)(ii) any two from:
(to confer) resistance to herbicides ;
(to confer) resistance to (named) insect pests ;
(c)(iii) any two from:
rapid reproduction rate ;
ability to make complex molecules ;
can be grown in a small space (easily) ;