Question 1
Topic: 3.2
(a) Topic- 3.2
(b) Topic- 9.4
(c) Topic- 3.1
(d) Topic- 3.3
(a) Fig. 1.1 is a diagram showing the diffusion of oxygen molecules across a cell membrane.
The arrow shows the direction of the net movement of oxygen molecules through the membrane.
(i) Using the information in Fig. 1.1, explain why the net movement of oxygen molecules is from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell.
(ii) State where the energy for diffusion comes from.
(b) (i) State the name of the cells that transport oxygen in the human body.
(ii) State the name of the molecule that oxygen binds to when it is transported around the
(c) Table 1.1 shows some factors that may affect the rate of diffusion of oxygen molecules.
Complete Table 1.1 by stating whether each factor increases, decreases or has no effect on the rate of diffusion of oxygen molecules.
(d) Some molecules are transported by active transport rather than by diffusion.
Describe what is meant by the term active transport.
1(a) (i) because there are more (oxygen) molecules on the outside of the cell (compared to the inside of the cell) / or (diffusion occurs ) molecules or oxygen move, from high to low concentration / down the concentration gradient ;
(ii) from, kinetic energy / random movement (of molecules / particles) ;
1(b)(i) red blood (cells) ;
(ii) haemoglobin ;
1(d) movement (of particles / molecules / ions) through a (cell) membrane from a low(er) concentration to a high(er) concentration / against a concentration gradient using energy from respiration ;
Question 2
Topic: 16.4
(a) Topic- 16.4
(b) Topic- 16.4
(c) Topic- 16.5
(d) Topic- 16.4
(a) Fig. 2.1 is a diagram of the female reproductive system in humans.
Table 2.1 shows some of the functions of the female reproductive system.
Complete Table 2.1 by writing the letters from Fig. 2.1 to show which structure is responsible for each function.
(b) Complete the sentences about fertilisation.
Fertilisation occurs when the …………………………………. of two gametes fuse.
The fertilised egg cell is called a?
(c) Fig. 2.2 shows the changes in the thickness of the uterus lining in one menstrual cycle in a human.
Using the information in Fig. 2.2:
(i) State the days of the menstrual cycle when the uterus lining is lost.
from day ……………………. to day …………………….
(ii) State the days of the menstrual cycle when the uterus lining is thickest.
from day ……………………. to day …………………….
(d) State the name and describe the role of a hormone produced in the testes.
G ;
F ;
C ;
nuclei ;
zygote ;
2(c) (i) (day) 1 (to day) 8 ;
(ii) (day) 22 (to day) 28 ;
2(d) name: testosterone ;
role max two from:
ref. to puberty ;
development / regulation / growth, of secondary sexual characteristics ;
example of named secondary sexual characteristics ;
Question 3
Topic: 7.1
(a) Topic- 7.1
(b) Topic- 7.2
(c) Topic- 7.2
(a) A balanced diet contains all the nutrients needed by the body to maintain health.
(i) Water is needed as part of a balanced diet.
A woman was advised to drink 2.7 \( dm^{3}\) of water per day.
A cup contains 250 \( cm^{3}\) of water.
Calculate the number of cups of water the woman needs to drink.
Give your answer to the nearest whole number.
(ii) Water is an important solvent in the body.
State two body processes that use water as a solvent.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(b) Fig. 3.1 shows part of the human digestive system.
(i) State the names of the organs labelled X and Y.
X ……………………………………………………………………………….
Y ……………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) Circle two substances that are absorbed into the blood from organ X.
amino acids carbon dioxide fibre glucose starch urea
(iii) State two functions of organ W.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(c) After absorption, nutrients are taken into and used by cells.
State the name of this process.
3(a) (i) 11 (cups) ;
(ii) any two from:
digestion ;
excretion ;
transport ;
(i) X small intestine / ileum ;
Y large intestine / colon ;
(ii) circles around amino acids and glucose ;
(iii) any two from:
chemical digestion ;
physical / mechanical, digestion ;
production of protease / break down of protein ;
production of hydrochloric acid / gastric juice ;
killing (named) microorganisms ;
3(c) assimilation ;
Question 4
Topic: 6.2
(a) Topic- 6.2
(b) Topic- 6.1
(c) Topic- 8.2
(d) Topic- 14.5
(a) Fig. 4.1 is a photomicrograph of part of a cross-section of a leaf.
(i) State the name of the structure circled and labelled A on Fig. 4.1.
(ii) Using the information in Fig. 4.1, complete Table 4.1.
(b) State the word equation for photosynthesis.
(c) Root hair cells absorb water.
State one way that root hair cells are adapted for their function.
(d) Describe how tropic responses in plants allow roots to absorb more water from the soil.
4(a) (i) vascular bundle ;
4(b) water + carbon dioxide → glucose + oxygen
4(c) large surface area ;
4(d) any three from:
(positive) gravitropism ;
roots grow towards gravity ;
(negative) phototropism ;
roots grow away from the light ;
idea of: so roots grow deeper into the soil where there is more water ;
Question 5
Topic-: 12.3
(a) Topic- 12.3
(b) Topic- 12.2
(c) Topic- 12.1
(a) A student investigated the concentration of lactic acid in the blood of an athlete during a 400 m race.
Fig. 5.1 shows the results of the investigation.
(i) Using the information in Fig. 5.1, state the time during the race when blood lactic acid concentration is 4.8 mmol per \( dm^{3}\).
………………………………………………. s
(ii) Using the information in Fig. 5.1, calculate the increase in blood lactic acid concentration between 0 seconds and 20 seconds.
blood lactic acid concentration at 0 seconds ……………………………………… mmol per \( dm^{3}\)
blood lactic acid concentration at 20 seconds ……………………………………. mmol per \( dm^{3}\)
increase = ………………………………… mmol per \( dm^{3}\)
(iii) The list shows three statements about the data in Fig. 5.1.
Tick (✓) one correct statement.
(b) Complete the sentences about aerobic respiration.
During aerobic respiration, glucose reacts with …………………………………… .
Aerobic respiration takes place in the …………………………………… in cells.
Aerobic respiration releases …………………………………… energy than anaerobic respiration.
(c) Respiration releases energy.
State three uses of energy in living organisms.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5(a) (i) 15 (s) ;
(ii) (at 0 seconds) 0.8 (mmol per \( dm^{3}\)) and
(at 20 seconds) 5.4 (mmol per \( dm^{3}\)) ;
4.6 (mmol per \( dm^{3}\)) ;
(iii) one statement ticked:
The lactic acid concentration increased between 45 and 55 seconds ;
oxygen ;
mitochondria ;
more ;
5(c) any three from:
muscle contraction ;
protein synthesis ;
cell division ;
active transport ;
growth ;
(the passage of) nerve impulses ;
Question 6
Topic: 16.6
(a) Topic- 16.6
(b) Topic- 15.1
(c) Topic- 16.6
(d) Topic- 16.6
(e) Topic- 16.6
(a) A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection transmitted through sexual contact.
Table 6.1 shows some STIs and the type of pathogen that causes the infection.
State the names of the STIs shown in Table 6.1 that can be treated using antibiotics.
(b) (i) Antibiotics are one type of drug.
Describe what is meant by the term drug.
(ii) State why the effectiveness of some antibiotics has reduced over time.
(c) HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact.
The box on the left contains the term HIV.
The boxes on the right contain some methods of disease transmission.
Draw two lines to show two other ways that HIV can be transmitted from one person to another.
(d) Table 6.2 shows the number of people infected with different STIs in one country.
(i) State the STI in Table 6.2 that has half the number of people infected that AIDS has.
(ii) State the STI in Table 6.2 that has the highest number of people infected.
(e) Describe how the spread of STIs can be controlled.
6(a) chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis ;
6(b)(i) any substance taken into the body that modifies / affects, (chemical) reactions in the body ;
(ii) bacteria / pathogens, become resistant (to the antibiotic) ;
6(c) lines from HIV to:
breastfeeding ;
sharing needles ;
6(d)(i) gonorrhoea ;
(ii) chlamydia ;
6(e) any three from:
abstinence ;
use, condoms / femidoms ;
vaccination ;
testing / screening ;
treatment / antibiotics / antivirals ;
do not share needles / use sterile needles / use disposable needles ;
education ;
Question 7
Topic: 14.1
(a) Topic- 14.1
(b) Topic- 14.2
(a) Fig. 7.1 shows the reflex arc that is involved when someone steps on a pin.
(i) The skin is a sense organ and can detect the pin.
State the type of stimulus that the cells in the skin are responding to.
(ii) Describe the reflex action shown in Fig. 7.1.
(b) The response of the pupil to changes in light intensity is also an example of a reflex action.
(i) Fig. 7.2 shows the size of the pupil in dim light.
On Fig. 7.3, draw the expected appearance of the pupil in bright light.
(ii) State the name of the structure labelled A in Fig. 7.2.
(iii) State the name of the tissue in the eye that detects light.
7(a) (i) touch ;
(ii) any four from:
X is sensory (neurone), Y is motor (neurone), Z is relay (neurone) ;
(pin is detected) by a receptor ;
ref. to electrical impulse ;
(impulse travels) from X to Z to Y ;
ref. to synapse ;
(impulse to,) effector ;
effector / muscle (contracts), moves foot off the pin ;
7(b)(i) pupil drawn smaller than in Fig. 7.2 ;
(ii) iris ;
(iii) retina ;
Question 8
Topic: 19.2
(a) Topic- 19.2 (food chain and food web)
(b) Topic- 19.3 (nutrient cycles0
(c) Topic- 21.3 (genetic modifications)
Crop plants are producers.
(a) Describe what is meant by the term producer.
(b) State three processes in the carbon cycle that involve producers.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) Complete the sentence about genetically modified crop plants.
Crop plants can be genetically modified to confer resistance to ………………………………………. and ………………………………………. .
8(a) organisms that make (their own organic) nutrients using energy from sun or light / through photosynthesis ;
8(b) any three from:
photosynthesis ;
combustion ;
respiration ;
formation of fossil fuels ;
feeding ;
decomposition ;
8(c) any two from:
herbicides ;
insects / pests ;
(named) environmental factors ;