CBSE Class 12 Physical Education –Chapter 6 Test and Measurement in Sports- Study Materials

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Important Questions Chapter 7 Test and Measurement in Sports

1 Mark Questions

Q.1 What is test?
Ans. Test, may be called as tool, a question, set of question, an examination which use to measure a particular characteristic of an individual or group of individuals.

Q.2 What is measurement?
Ans. According to R.N. Patel
“Measurement is an act or process that involves the assignment of numerical values to whatever is being tested. So it involves the quantity of something.”

Q.3 What do you understand by muscular strength?
Ans. It is the amount of force the muscle or a group of muscles can exert against resistance for short duration as in anaerobic activities.

Q.4 What is Kraus-Weber test?
Ans. It is mean to test minimum general fitness required by an individual by testing the strength and flexibility of big muscles and joints.

Q.5 What is motor fitness?
Ans. Motor fitness is a person’s ability to perform physical activities.

Q.6 What do you understand by cardiovascular fitness?
Ans. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen rich blood to the working muscle tissues and the ability of the muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for movement.

Q.7 What do you understand by Harward step test?
Ans. It is a cardiovascular fitness test. It is good for measurement of fitness and the ability to recover after a strenuous exercise.

Q.8 What is Rockport one mile test?
Ans. It is cardio respiratory test used to determine VO2 max. (volume of oxygen) V02max is the maximum capacity of the person’s body to move and use oxygen during exercise.

Q.9 What do you understand by flexibility?
Ans. Flexibility is the range of motion in a joint or group of joints, or, the ability to move joints effectively. Flexibility is related to muscle strength.

Q.10 What do you understand by senior citizen fitness test?
Ans. Senior citizen fitness test are easy to understand and effective tests to measure aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility using minimum and inexpensive equipments.

Q.11 Why measurement is necessary?
Ans. It is something which provides information regarding individual’s ability, knowledge, performance and achievement.

Q.12 By which test the one can measure abdominal strength?
Ans. Kraus-Weber test.

3 Mark Questions

Q1. What do you understand by AAHPER test? Describe any two items of the test.
Ans. The AAHPER youth fitness test was formed in 1965 in United States. This test administered on school student of 17 year age. This test was designed to help the physical education teachers and other recreation leaders in the field to find out the performance levels of their students, compare them with national norms.
Administration of test
1. (a) Pull-ups(boys): This test measures the total number of repetitions performed without taking rest on a horizontal bar. The total number of pull-ups noted. In this test, the chin must reach above the bar while doing pull-ups.
(b) Flexed-arm hangs (girls): This is test is administered on an adjusted on an adjustable horizontal bar. The height of the bar should be adjusted so that it is approximately equal to the standing height of the student. With the help of two girls the student’s body is lifted off the ground until her chin is positioned above the bar.
The student holds this position as long as possible. Her time is noted in seconds. She may  be allowed for one trial.
2. Flexed-leg sit-ups : The student is advised to lie on floor on his/her back keeping knees bent. The angle of knee: around 90 degree. The feet are held by partner. The student should put fingers locked and put behind the head curls up and touches the elbows to knees the score is counted as maximum number of sit-ups in 60 seconds.

Q2. Describe any three tests in Kraus-Weber test.
Ans. This very test of fitness was firstly used to investigate about the progress of the treatment given for back pain problems. More than eighty who take this test failed to pass it in the first attempt.

The first test of the six Kraus-Weber tests series is used to evaluate general fitness of a person. In this test one has to keep the feet on the ground: do sit ups while keeping both hands folded on the back and lying body on the ground.
The second part of Kraus-Weber ‘Test series is similar to first in posture but only change is that in this test knees of person are folded and the ankles are as close to buttocks as possible; while doing sit ups.

Lower Abdomen
The third part of Kraug-Weber Test series requires the person to lie flat on the back and keeps hands behind the neck and legs remain straight and lifted up for about ten seconds in a stretch.

Q3. Explain administration of Rockport one mile test.
Ans. Administration of Test :(i) Choose a windless day to conduct the test, (ii) Record your weight in pounds (lbs) (iii)Walk one mile (1609 mt) as fast as possible, (iv) Record the time to complete the one mile walk, (v) Immediately on finishing the walk record your heart rate (beats per minute), (vi) Determine your maximum cardio-respiratory ability (V02) from the calculation given below. Calculation procedure :Analysis of the result is done by comparing it with the result of previous test. It is expected that, appropriate training between each test should be done to show improvement.
The formula used to calculate VO2 Max is : 132.853 – (0-0769 × weight) – (0-3877 × Age) + (6-315 × Gender) – (3-2649 × Time) – (0-1565 × Heart rate)
Where :-
(a) Weight is in pounds (lbs),
(b) Gender: Male – 1 and Female = 0
(c) Time is expressed in minutes and seconds,
(d) Heart rate is in beats/minute
(e) Age in years.

Q4. Describe in short Harvard step test.
Ans. The Harvard Step Test is a method used to assess cardio-respiratory fitness, which was developed by Brouhaetal. (1943) in the Harward Fatigue Laboratories during World War II. It is based on heart rate recovery following a given work load of 5 minutes or until exhaustion.
What do we need?
·A gym bench or box. 20inches high.
·A stopwatch
·An assistant
There are two versions of the Harvard Step Test, the short form and the long form.
·Short Form Equation – Fitness Index = (100 × test duration in seconds) divided by (5.5 × pulse count between 1 and 1.5 minutes).
·Long form Equation – Fitness Index = (100 × test duration in seconds) divided by (2 × sum of heart beats in the recovery periods).

Q5. Discuss the back scratch Test for upper body flexibility.
Ans. You’ll need a ruler or a yardstick. Place your hand over your shoulder, and reach as far as possible down the middle of your back, your palm touching your body. Place your other arm behind your back, palm facing outward and reach up as far as possible attempting to touch or overlap the middle fingers of both hands. Practice two times, and then test two times. Your partner measures the distance between the tips of the middle fingers to the nearest half-inch. If the fingertips touch, score zero. if they do not touch, score a negative distance. such as 2 incites: If they overlap score a positive distance, such as – 1 inch. Take your best score. For women the goal is to have your fingertips no more than 5 inches apart and for men no more that 8 inches apart. If you’re unable to reach this goal. You may be at risk for losing the ability to form some activities that require upper body flexibility. Stop the test if you experience pain.

Q6. Discuss in short sit and reach test.
Ans. The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.
Ruler, step (optional, you could make your own sit and reach box if keen too) After a brief warm up the subject sits on floor with shoes off. Subject places bottom of feet (10 to 12 inches apart) against side of box (approximately 12” or 30 cm high) with knees straight. Tester places measuring stick on box parallel to subjects legs; 15” or 38 cm at edge of box closest to subject and end of measuring stick (“o”) toward subject. Subject places hand over hand and reaches as far as possible over measuring stick without bending knees. Best of three tries is recorded.

Q7. What is the importance of measurement in physical education and sports? Write in your own words.
Ans. Physical education and sports is a big area. It has no end. Without doing any test, measurement is not possible. Till we do not evaluate the results, the measurements are useless. In physical education and sports use of test and measurement is important due to reasons given below:
1. Selection of athlete
2. Classification of individual games
3. To Study the development of athletes
4. The person-centered training program
5. Motivate athletes
6. Potential performance
7. The criteria and standards to be created
8. Measuring current capacity
9. To do research
10. To achieve objectives & goal of the activity.

Physical Education Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 6 Test and Measurement in Sports

1 Mark Questions

Question 1.
What is a test in sports?
Test in sports means content knowledge, fitness levels, motor skills as well as attitudes and feelings required for the particular sport.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of the term ‘measurement’ in sports?
Measurement is a specific score given by an expert every time on applying a test. Each score tells about the use of a test once. Every time a test is used, it must have its score called measurement.

Question 3.
What is Slaughter-Lohman Children Skinfold test?
Slaughter – Lohman Children Skinfold is a standard test used to measure the body fat in children under the age group 6-17 years. In this test, the skin in the triceps and calf region is measured and then the measurement is inserted into a formula to know the level of body fat.

Question 4.
Name the tests which we use for cardiovascular fitness.
The tests which we use for cardiovascular fitness are the Harvard Step Test and Rockport Test.

Question 5.
Calculate the Physical Fitness Index for a 12-year-old boy having completed Harvard Step Test for a duration of 3 min and a pulse rate of 54 beats for 1 to 1.5 min, 50 beats for 2 to 2.5 min and 46 beats for 3 to 3.5 min.
Physical Fitness Index
\(\begin{aligned} &=\frac{\text { Duration of exercise in seconds } \times 100}{2 \times \text { Sum of pulse counts in recovery }} \\ &=180 \times 100 / 2 \times(54+50+46)=60 \end{aligned}\)

Question 6.
Calculate the Physical Fitness Index using a short formula for a 12-year-old boy having completed the Harvard Step Test for a duration of 3 minutes and a pulse rate of 54 beats for 1 to 1.5 minutes. (CBSE Model Question Paper 2015)
Physical Fitness Index (short formula)
= (100 x test duration in seconds) divided by (55 × pulse count between 1 and 1.5 minutes)
= 100 × 180/5.5 × 54= 60.6

Question 7.
Which motor quality does a senior citizen lack who finds difficulty in tying the shoelaces while sitting on a chair? (CBSE Model Question Paper 2015)
The senior citizen lacks lower body flexibility.

Question 8.
Your grandmother feels she has reduced her upper body flexibility and therefore she wants to test herself. Which test would you suggest to her? (All Indio 2017; CBSE Delhi 2015)
I would suggest to my grandmother to take the Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility under the Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Tests.

Question 9.
Which test would you suggest for your grandmother to test lower body flexibility? (All Indio 2015)
I would suggest the Chair Sit and Reach Test for my grandmother to test lower body flexibility.

Question 10.
How can the body fat percentage be computed?
The body fat percentage can be computed through finding out the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is a measure of body fat calculated on the basis of height and weight.

3 Marks Questions

Question 11.
List the six items of ‘AAHPER’ motor fitness test.
The six items of ‘AAHPER’ motor fitness test are

  • Pull-ups (for boys)/Flexed arm hang (for girls)
  • Flexed leg sit-ups
  • Shuttle run
  • Standing long jump
  • 50-yard dash
  • 600-yard run-walk

Question 12.
What is General Motor Fitness? How can it be measured?
General motor fitness is an athlete’s general ability to perform different motor skills without getting too much fatigued. There are three tests to measure general motor fitness

  1. Standing Broad Jump This test measures the explosive leg power. If the athlete is fit and has explosive strength then he can use leg power to jump forward. By this test, the fitness of lower limbs is measured.
  2. Zig-Zag Run This test measures the agility of the athletes as they are required to run through the zig-zag path created by placing cones. Athletes are not supposed to touch or knock the cones while running.
  3. Medicine Ball Put This test measures the arm and shoulder girdle explosive strength. The athletes are required to throw the medicine ball with specific weight as far as possible. For boys it is 5 kg, for girls it is 1 kg.

Question 13.
Explain the Rockport Test. (All India 2017)
The Rockport Test tells us about the aerobic fitness of an individual. In this test, the time taken to finish the walk, exercising heart rate, body mass, age and gender are noted. These parameters are inserted in an equation to predict aerobic fitness.
The Rockport Test is performed on a 400-metre standard track. After walking for one mile, the heart rate is measured at the wrist for 15 seconds immediately after completion. The actual heart rate is determined by multiplying that number by 4. The time taken to complete the 1 mile is converted to the nearest hundredth of a minute. ‘

Question 14.
Give the names of the tests designed by Rikli and Jones for senior citizen fitness and state what each test is used to test.
The tests designed by Rikli and Jones for senior citizen fitness are

  • Chair Stand Test for lower body strength.
  • Arm Curl Test for upper body strength and endurance.
  • Chair Sit and Reach Test for lower body flexibility.
  • Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility.
  • Eight Foot Up and Go Test for coordination and agility.
  • Six’Minute Walk Test for aerobic fitness and endurance.

Question 15.
What is the usefulness of the Back Scratch Test for senior citizens?
The usefulness of the Back Scratch Test for senior citizens is to assess the upper body ‘ flexibility, particularly, the shoulders. The . shoulder stretch is a simple flexibility test to determine if the hands can be brought together behind the back particularly the shoulders. This test is part of the fitness programme as an alternative to the back saver sit and reach test.

Question 16.
Describe in detail ‘Eight Foot Up and Go Test’ for agility.
Explain the procedure for Eight Foot Up and Go Test. (All Indio 2016)
The Eight Foot Up and Go Test is a coordination and agility test for the elderly. The purpose of this test is to measure speed, agility and balance while moving: The procedure is

  1. Place the chair next to a wall for safety and the marker 8 feet in front of the chair. Clear the path between the chair and the marker.
  2. The subject should start fully seated, hands resting on the knees and feet flat on the ground.
  3. On the. command -go’, the stopwatch is started and the subject stands and walks (no running is allowed) as quickly as possible as to and around the cone, returning to the chair to Sit down
  4. The score is the better time of two trials to the nearest l/10th sec.

Question 17.
Describe the purpose and procedure of the Six Minute Walk Test for aerobic endurance.
Purpose This test measures aerobic fitness and endurance of senior citizens. Procedure The walking course is laid out in a 50 yard (45.72 m) rectangular area (dimension 45 x 5yards) with cones placed at regular intervals to indicate distance walked. The aim of this test is to walk as quickly as possible for six minutes to cover as much ground as possible. Subjects are to set their own pace (a preliminary trial is useful to practise pacing) and are allowed to stop for a rest if they desire.

5 Marks Questions

Question 18.
Describe the Kraus Weber Test in detail.
Explain the procedure for conducting the Kraus Weber Test for measuring minimum muscular strength. (Delhi 2015)
The Kraus Weber Test is a test of minimum muscular fitness of the various muscles of the body. The test consists of six items which indicate the level of muscular strength and flexibility of key muscle groups. Usually, the scoring of each item is graded either on pass/fail basis or a range of scoring from zero to ten. A subject’s grade of zero means that the subject has failed in a particular test item; score ranges from one to ten are for subjects who pass these test items.

The six tests are

  • Test 1 tests the strength of the abdominal and psoas muscles.
  • Test 2 tests the strength of the abdominal muscles.
  • Test 3 tests the strength of the psoas muscles.
  • Test 4 tests the strength of the upper back.
  • Test 5 tests the strength of the lower back.
  • Test 6 tests the strength of the back and hamstring muscles.

Question 19.
Explain the AAHPER physical fitness test.
The AAHPER (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) youth fitness test was formed in 1965 in United States, but was revised in 1976. Later, dance was also added and it was known as AAHPERD.
The students are advised to warm up before they participate in the test. All the students must be medically fit.

This test has the following six items

  • Pull-ups (for boys) / Flexed arm hang (for girls) to measure arm and shoulder strength.
  • Flexed leg sit-ups to measure abdominal strength and endurance.
  • Shuttle runs to measure speed and agility.
  • Standing long jump to measure power.
  • 50-yard dash to measure speed.
  • 600-yard run-walk to measure endurance.

Question 20.
Explain the measurement of cardiovascular fitness Harvard Step Test.
What is the Harvard Step Test? Mention the equipment required to perform it and explain its procedure. (Delhi 2016)
The Harvard Step Test is a test that measures cardiovascular fitness. The equipment required to perform the test are bench 20 inches high, stopwatch and metronome. The procedure is that the performer steps up and down 30 times a minute on the bench. Each time the subject should step all the way up on the bench with the body erect. The stepping exercise continues for exactly 5 minutes unless the performer is forced to stop sooner due to exhaustion.

As soon as he stops exercising, the performer sits on a chair quietly while pulse rates are counted at 1 to I ‘A, 2 to 2 ‘/i and 3 to VA minutes after the exercise. The Physical Fitness Index (PFI) is computed using the formula

Question 21.
How the cardiovascular fitness is measured with the help of ‘Harvard Step Test’? Write in detail about its administrative procedure. (All Indio 2016)
Explain in brief ‘The Harvard Step Test.’ (All India 2015)
‘Harvard Step Test’ is a test to measure cardiovascular fitness with the help of a 20 inch high bench, a stopwatch and a metronome.
The administrative procedure of this test is given below The performer steps up and down 30 times a minute on the bench. Each time the subject should step all the way up on the bench with the body erect.

The stepping process is performed in four parts in the following sequence

  • One foot is placed on bench.
  • The other foot is placed on bench.
  • One foot is placed on the floor.
  • The other foot is placed on the floor.

The performer may lead with either foot and can change as long as the four parts of the test are maintained. The stepping exercise continues for exactly 5 minutes, unless the performer is forced to stop sooner because of exhaustion. As soon as he stops exercising, the performer sits on a chair
quietly while pulse rates are counted 1 to \(1 \frac{1}{2}, 2\) to \(2 \frac{1}{2}\), and 3 to \(3 \frac{1}{2}\) minutes after the exercise.
A Physical Fitness Index (PFI) is computed, utilising the following formula

Question 22.
Describe the procedure for administering the Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Test. (CBSE 2014)
The-Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Test for assessing the functional fitness of older adults describes easy to understand and effective tests to measure aerobic fitness; strength and flexibility using minimal and inexpensive equipment.
These test items involve common activities such as getting up from a chair, walking, lifting, binding and stretching.
The tests were developed to be safe and enjoyable for older adults while still meeting scientific standards for reliability and validity.

The tests are

  • Chair Stand Test – testing lower body strength
  • Arm Curl Test – testing upper body strength
  • Chair Sit and Reach Test – testing lower body flexibility test
  • Back Scratch Test – testing upper body flexibility test
  • Eight Foot Up and Go Test – testing agility test
  • Six-minute Walk Test – aerobic fitness and endurance

Question 23.
Explain the Arm Curl Test for upper body strength for senior citizens.
The Arm Curl Test is a test of upper body strength. The purpose of this test is to measure upper body strength and endurance. The subject has to do as many arm curls as possible in 30 sec. This test is conducted on the dominant arm side (or stronger side).
Its procedure is

  1. The subject sits on the chair holding the weight (8 pounds for men / 5 pounds for women) in the hand using a suitcase grip (palm facing towards the body) with the arrriin a vertically down position beside the chair.
  2. The upper arm is held close to the body so that only the lower arm is moving.
  3. The subject curls the arm up through a full range of motion, gradually turning the palm up (flexion with supination)
  4. Then the arm is lowered through the full range of motion, gradually return to the starting position. The arm must be fully bent and then fully straightened at the elbow.
  5. Repeat this action as.many times as possible within 30 sec.
  6. The score is the total number of controlled arm curls performed in 30 sec.

Question 24.
Describe the measurement of flexibility using the Chair Sit and Reach Test.
Explain the procedure of Chair Sit acrid Reach Test for senior citizens. ‘
The Chair Sit and Reach Test is part of the senior fitness test protocol and is designed to test the functional fitness of seniors.
Purpose This test measures lower body flexibility.
Equipment Required Ruler, a chair with straight back or folding chief \seat 17 inch/44 cm high).
Procedure The subject sits bn the chair placed against a wall for safety.

One foot must remain flat pn the floor. The other leg is extended forward with .the knee s traight, heel touching the floor, with ankle bent at 90°. Place one hand on top of’the other with tips of the middle fingers even, exhale and reach forward towards the toes by bending at the hip. Keep the back straight and head up.

Avoid bouncing or quick movements and never stretch to the point of pain. Keep the knee straight and hold the reach for 2 sec. The distance to be measured is between the finger tips and the toes. If the fingertips touch the toes then the score is zero. If they do not touch, measure the distance between the fingers and the toes (a negative score); if they overlap, measure by how much (a positive score). Perform two trials and record the better score. .

Question 25.
What are the six test items of the Kraus Weber muscular strength test?
The six test items of the Kraus Weber muscular strength test are given below

  1. Abdominals Plus Psoas (hip flexing) Muscles The subject lies supine with hands behind the neck. The feet are held by the examiner. On command, the subject rolls up into a sitting position. This is a test of the strength of abdominal and psoas muscles. If the subject performs one sit-up then passes otherwise score remains zero.
  2. Abdominals Minus Psoas The subject lies supine, hands behind neck and knees bent. On command, the subject tries to roll up into a sitting position. This is a further test of abdominal muscles without psoas. Scoring is like test 1.
  3. Psoas or P The subject lies supine with hands behind the neck and legs extended. On command, the feet are lifted 25 cms (10 inches) above the ground and maintained for ten seconds. This is a test for the strength of psoas and lower abdominal muscles. Scoring depends on the number of seconds the exact position is held.
  4. Upper Back or UB The subject lies prone with a pillow under the abdomen but far enough down to give a see-saw effect. He holds his hands behind the neck. The examiner holds down the feet and asks the subject to raise up his chest, head and shoulders and maintain the position for ten seconds. This test is for the strength of the upper back muscles. Scoring is like test 3.
  5. Lower Back or LB The subject lies prone over the pillow and places his hands in front and rests his head on them. The examiner holds the chest down and asks the subject to lift his legs up without bending the knees and maintain the position for ten seconds. This is a test for the strength of the lower back muscles. Scoring is like test 3.
  6. Back and Hamstring or BH The subject stands erect with his hands at sides and feet together. On command, he leans down slowly to touch the floor with his fingertips. The knees are kept straight and the leaning down position is maintained for ten seconds. No bouncing is allowed to touch. This tests the length of back and hamstring muscles and is a test of flexibility. Scoring is like the above tests.

Value Based Questions

Question 26.
While taking medicine by Rony’s grandfather, a pill was dropped which slipped under the bed. The old man was not able to bend down. Seeing this, Rony quickly picked up the pill from under the bed and also poured a glass of water to his grandpa to swallow the pill.
(i) What values are shown by Rony?
(it) Which test can be suggested to measure the fitness of grandpa?
(iii) Who prepared the physical fitness tests for elderly people?
(i) The values shown by Rony are helpful, kindness, care and respect for the elderly.
(ii)The test that can be suggested is Chair Sit and Reach Test as it measures lower body flexibility.
(iii) The tests for the elderly were prepared by Rikli and Jones. That is why these tests are called Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Fitness Test.

Question 27.
After failing in the pull-up activity, the sports teacher advised Arun not to loose hope as five other tests were remaining. He also advised Arun and other students to do proper warm up before their participation.
(i) Which test is being talked about in this question? Name its parts.
(ii) What values are shown by the sports teacher?
(i) The test is AAHPER (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation).
Its parts are as follows

  • Pull-ups (for boys) / Flexed arms hang (for girls)
  • Flexed leg sit-ups
  • Shuttle run
  • Standing long jump
  • 50-yard dash

(ii) 600-yard run-walk.
(iii) The values shown by the sports teacher are commitment and excellence. The teacher shows care, dedication and also motivates the students.

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