IB DP Maths Topic 8.12 Definition of a group homomorphism. HL Paper 3


Let \(f:G \to H\) be a homomorphism of finite groups.

a.Prove that \(f({e_G}) = {e_H}\), where \({e_G}\) is the identity element in \(G\) and \({e_H}\) is the identity

element in \(H\).[2]

b.(i)     Prove that the kernel of \(f,{\text{ }}K = {\text{Ker}}(f)\), is closed under the group operation.

(ii)     Deduce that \(K\) is a subgroup of \(G\).[6]

c.(i)     Prove that \(gk{g^{ – 1}} \in K\) for all \(g \in G,{\text{ }}k \in K\).

(ii)     Deduce that each left coset of K in G is also a right coset.[6]



\(f(g) = f({e_G}g) = f({e_G})f(g)\) for \(g \in G\)     M1A1

\( \Rightarrow f({e_G}) = {e_H}\)     AG

[2 marks]


(i)     closure: let \({k_1}\) and \({k_2} \in K\), then \(f({k_1}{k_2}) = f({k_1})f({k_2})\)     M1A1

          \( = {e_H}{e_H} = {e_H}\)     A1

          hence \({k_1}{k_2} \in K\)     R1

(ii)     K is non-empty because \({e_G}\) belongs to K     R1

          a closed non-empty subset of a finite group is a subgroup     R1AG

[6 marks]


(i)     \(f(gk{g^{ – 1}}) = f(g)f(k)f({g^{ – 1}})\)     M1

\( = f(g){e_H}f({g^{ – 1}}) = f(g{g^{ – 1}})\)     A1

\( = f({e_G}) = {e_H}\)     A1

\( \Rightarrow gk{g^{ – 1}} \in K\)     AG

(ii)     clear definition of both left and right cosets, seen somewhere.     A1

use of part (i) to show \(gK \subseteq Kg\)     M1

similarly \(Kg \subseteq gK\)     A1

hence \(gK = Kg\)     AG

[6 marks]


Examiners report








A group \(\{ D,{\text{ }}{ \times _3}\} \) is defined so that \(D = \{ 1,{\text{ }}2\} \) and \({ \times _3}\) is multiplication modulo \(3\).

A function \(f:\mathbb{Z} \to D\) is defined as \(f:x \mapsto \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {1,{\text{ }}x{\text{ is even}}} \\ {2,{\text{ }}x{\text{ is odd}}} \end{array}} \right.\).

a.Prove that the function \(f\) is a homomorphism from the group \(\{ \mathbb{Z},{\text{ }} + \} {\text{ to }}\{ D,{\text{ }}{ \times _3}\} \).[6]

b.Find the kernel of \(f\).[3]

c.Prove that \(\{ {\text{Ker}}(f),{\text{ }} + \} \) is a subgroup of \(\{ \mathbb{Z},{\text{ }} + \} \).[4]



consider the cases, \(a\) and \(b\) both even, one is even and one is odd and \(a\) and \(b\) are both odd     (M1)

calculating \(f(a + b)\) and \(f(a){ \times _3}f(b)\) in at least one case     M1

if \(a\) is even and \(b\)  is even, then \(a + b\) is even

so\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = 1.\;\;\;f(a){ \times _3}f(b) = 1{ \times _3}1 = 1\)     A1

so\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = f(a){ \times _3}f(b)\)

if one is even and the other is odd, then \(a + b\) is odd

so\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = 2.\;\;\;f(a){ \times _3}f(b) = 1{ \times _3}2 = 2\)     A1

so\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = f(a){ \times _3}f(b)\)

if \(a\) is odd and \(b\) is odd, then \(a + b\) is even

so\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = 1.\;\;\;f(a){ \times _3}f(b) = 2{ \times _3}2 = 1\)     A1

so\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = f(a){ \times _3}f(b)\)

as\(\;\;\;f(a + b) = f(a){ \times _3}f(b)\;\;\;\)in all cases, so\(\;\;\;f:\mathbb{Z} \to D\) is a homomorphism     R1AG

[6 marks]


\(1\) is the identity of \(\{ D,{\text{ }}{ \times _3}\} \)     (M1)(A1)

so\(\;\;\;{\text{Ker}}(f)\) is all even numbers     A1

[3 marks]



sum of any two even numbers is even so closure applies     A1

associative as it is a subset of \(\{ \mathbb{Z},{\text{ }} + \} \)     A1

identity is \(0\), which is in the kernel     A1

the inverse of any even number is also even     A1


\({\text{ker}}(f) \ne \emptyset \)

\({b^{ – 1}} \in {\text{ker}}(f)\) for any \(b\)

\(a{b^{ – 1}} \in {\text{ker}}(f)\) for any \(a\) and \(b\)

Note:     Allow a general proof that the Kernel is always a subgroup.

[4 marks]

Total [13 marks]


Examiners report








The group \(\{ G,{\text{ }} * \} \) is Abelian and the bijection \(f:{\text{ }}G \to G\) is defined by \(f(x) = {x^{ – 1}},{\text{ }}x \in G\).

Show that \(f\) is an isomorphism.



we need to show that \(f(a * b) = f(a) * f(b)\)     R1

Note:     This R1 may be awarded at any stage.

let \(a,{\text{ }}b \in G\)     (M1)

consider \(f(a) * f(b)\)     M1

\( = {a^{ – 1}} * {b^{ – 1}}\)    A1

consider \(f(a * b) = {(a * b)^{ – 1}}\)     M1

\( = {b^{ – 1}} * {a^{ – 1}}\)    A1

\( = {a^{ – 1}} * {b^{ – 1}}\) since \(G\) is Abelian     R1

hence \(f\) is an isomorphism     AG

[7 marks]

Examiners report

A surprising number of candidates wasted time and unrewarded effort showing that the mapping \(f\), stated to be a bijection in the question, actually was a bijection. Many candidates failed to get full marks by not properly using the fact that the group was stated to be Abelian. There were also candidates who drew the graph of \(y = \frac{1}{x}\) or otherwise assumed that the inverse of \(x\) was its reciprocal – this is unacceptable in the context of an abstract group question.


The groups \(\{ K,{\text{ }} * \} \) and \(\{ H,{\text{ }} \odot \} \) are defined by the following Cayley tables.




By considering a suitable function from G to H , show that a surjective homomorphism exists between these two groups. State the kernel of this homomorphism.



consider the function f given by

\(f(E) = e\)

\(f(A) = e\)

\(f(B) = a\)     M1A1

\(f(C) = a\)

then, it has to be shown that

\(f(X * Y) = f(X) \odot f(Y){\text{ for all }}X{\text{ , }}Y \in G\)     (M1)


\(f\left( {(E{\text{ or }}A) * (E{\text{ or }}A)} \right) = f(E{\text{ or }}A) = e;{\text{ }}f(E{\text{ or }}A) \odot f(E{\text{ or }}A) = e \odot e = e\)     M1A1

\(f\left( {(E{\text{ or }}A) * (B{\text{ or }}C)} \right) = f(B{\text{ or }}C) = a;{\text{ }}f(E{\text{ or }}A) \odot f(B{\text{ or }}C) = e \odot a = a\)     A1

\(f\left( {(B{\text{ or }}C) * (B{\text{ or }}C)} \right) = f(E{\text{ or }}A) = e;{\text{ }}f(B{\text{ or }}C) \odot f(B{\text{ or }}C) = a \odot a = e\)     A1

since the groups are Abelian, there is no need to consider \(f\left( {(B{\text{ or }}C) * (E{\text{ or }}A)} \right)\)     R1

the required property is satisfied in all cases so the homomorphism exists

Note: A comprehensive proof using tables is acceptable.


the kernel is \(\{ E,{\text{ }}A\} \)     A1

[9 marks]

Examiners report

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