AP Chemistry: 2.5 Lewis Diagrams – Exam Style questions with Answer- MCQ


 Based on the octet rule, magnesium most likely forms a __________ ion.
A) Mg-           B) \(Mg^{6+}\)           C) \(Mg^{2+}\)            D) \(Mg^{6-}\)             E) \(Mg^{2-}\)


Ans: C


 Based on the octet rule, phosphorus most likely forms a __________ ion.
A) \(P^{5-}\)           B) \(P^{5+}\)           C) \(P^+\)           D) \(P^{3-}\)           E) \(P^{3+}\)


Ans: D


 The Lewis structure of \(AsH_3\) shows __________ nonbonding electron pair(s) on As.
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) This cannot be determined from the data given.


Ans: B


 The Lewis structure of HCN (H bonded to C) shows that __________ has __________ nonbonding electron
A) C, 1           B) N, 2           C) C, 2           D) N, 1             E) H, 1


Ans: D


The Lewis structure of \(N_2H_2\) shows __________.
A) each nitrogen has one nonbinding electron pair
B) each hydrogen has one nonbonding electron pair
C) each nitrogen has two nonbinding electron pairs
D) a nitrogen-nitrogen single bond
E) a nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond


Ans: A

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