AP® Exam Style Practice Questions and Resources 2025 Syllabus
AP® Exam Style Practice Questions and resources Based on New syllabus
AP® Exams are standardized exams designed to measure how well you’ve mastered the content and skills of a specific AP® course. U.S. colleges grant credit, advanced placement, or both for qualifying AP® scores. AP® Exam Style Practice Questions at IITian Academy will help to ace AP® Exams.
AP® Practice Questions: Get ready for your AP® exams with real exam questions
AP® Physics 1, Physics 2 , Physics C : E&M and Physics C : Mechanics are as per New Syllabus 2025.
You can prepare you AP® exam at IITianAcademy with Exam style question and Study notes prepared by AP® teachers.
AP® Exam Style Practice Questions , Exam Style Practice Questions, Notes and Past Paper for AP® Exam
AP® Physics 1 Algebra-Based
AP Physics 2 Algebra-Based
AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism
AP Biology
- Exam Style Question Banks with Solution
- Concise Summary Notes
- Mock Exams AP Biology
AP Chemistry
- Exam Style Question Banks with Solution
- Concise Summary Notes
- Mock Exams AP Chemistry
Most frequent questions and answers
IITianAcademy provide thousands of AP® Exam Style Practice Questions for both MCQs and FRQs. Subjects covered are
- AP® Physics 1
- AP® Physics 2
- AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- AP® Physics C: Mechanics
- AP® Biology
- AP® Chemistry
- AP® Calculus AB
- AP® Calculus BC
- AP® Statatistics
AP® Physics 1
Course Changes
- 8 units—an increase from 7.
- Fluids (previously Unit 1 of AP® Physics 2) is now Unit 8 of AP® Physics 1.
- Adding connections between rotational and translational motion.
- Adding specific learning objectives referencing power.
- Adding equations of motion for objects in simple harmonic motion.
- Uncoupling specific science practices from specific learning objectives. In the revised course framework, any learning objective can be tested with any science practice, which allows a greater range of questions to be written to the new framework.
Exam Updates
- 40 multiple-choice questions (MCQs)—a decrease from 50 MCQs.
- Removing multiselect questions.
- Decreasing Section I (MCQs) time from 90 to 80 minutes.
- 4 free-response questions (FRQs)—a decrease from 5 FRQs.
- All 4 FRQs are new question types:
- Mathematical routines
- Translation between representations
- Experimental design and analysis
- Qualitative/quantitative translation
- Increasing Section II (FRQs) time from 90 to 100 minutes.
AP® Physics 2
Course Changes
- Fluids are no longer part of AP® Physics 2 and have moved to AP® Physics 1, as Unit 8.
- Including a full treatment of waves (mechanical waves, standing waves, sound waves, and the Doppler effect), which was previously covered in AP® Physics 1.
- The previous AP® Physics 2 Unit 6: Geometric and Physical Optics is now two separate units: Geometric Optics (Unit 13) and Waves, Sound, and Physical Optics (Unit 14).
- Renumbering the AP® Physics 2 units beginning at 9, sequent to the 8 units of AP® Physics 1.
- Including a more comprehensive treatment of circuits.
- Including topics about blackbody radiation (which connects thermodynamics and modern physics) and Compton scattering.
- Uncoupling specific science practices from specific learning objectives. In the revised course framework, any learning objective can be tested with any science practice, which allows a greater range of questions to be written to the new framework.
Exam Updates
- 40 MCQs—a decrease from 50 MCQs.
- Removing multiselect questions.
- Decreasing Section I (MCQs) time from 90 to 80 minutes.
- All 4 FRQs are new question types:
- Mathematical routines
- Translation between representations
- Experimental design and analysis
- Qualitative/quantitative translation
- Increasing Section II (FRQs) time from 90 to 100 minutes.
AP® Physics C: Mechanics
Course Changes
Even though there were no major content changes, the course framework received the following revisions parallel to AP® Physics 1 and AP® Physics 2:
- Making language consistent across all 4 courses where AP®propriate. For example, the AP® Physics C: Mechanics learning objective for Newton’s third law now uses the same language as AP® Physics 1.
- More clearly defining the scope and depth of certain topics that are assessed on the exams, such as gravitational forces within an extended mass and physical pendulums.
- Stronger alignment between the essential knowledge statements, the learning objectives, and the science practices.
Exam Updates
- 40 MCQs—an increase from 35 MCQs.
- Increasing Section I (MCQs) time from 45 to 80 minutes.
- Changing all MCQs from 5 options to 4.
- 4 FRQs—an increase from 3 FRQs.
- All 4 FRQs are new question types:
- Mathematical routines
- Translation between representations
- Experimental design and analysis
- Qualitative/quantitative translation
- Increasing Section II (FRQs) time from 45 to 100 minutes.
- Extending the format and timing to a full exam session.
- The exam no longer shares the same session in the exam schedule as AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism.
AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Course Changes
Even though there were no major content changes, the course framework received the following revisions parallel to AP® Physics 1 and AP® Physics 2:
- Making language consistent across all 4 courses where AP®propriate. For example, the AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism learning objective for Ohm’s law now uses the same language as AP® Physics 2.
- Adding language to clearly define the scope and depth of certain topics, such as the definition and properties of dielectrics and descriptions of LC Circuits to be assessed on the exams.
- Stronger alignment between the essential knowledge statements, the learning objectives, and the science practices.
- Renumbering the units beginning at 8, sequent to the 7 units of AP® Physics C: Mechanics.
Exam Updates
- 40 MCQs—an increase from 35 MCQs.
- Increasing Section I (MCQs) time from 45 to 80 minutes.
- Changing all MCQs from 5 options to 4.
- 4 FRQs—an increase from 3 FRQs.
- All 4 FRQs are new question types:
- Mathematical routines
- Translation between representations
- Experimental design and analysis
- Qualitative/quantitative translation
- Increasing Section II (FRQs) time from 45 to 100 minutes.
- Extending the format and timing to a full exam session.
- The exam no longer shares the same session in the exam schedule as AP® Physics C: Mechanics.
Basically, they are advanced classes that prepare you for an test in that subject, and many colleges accept passing that test as being equal to an introductory college course in the subject.
So if you are planning on going to college, taking AP® classes and successfully passing the AP® Test in that subject can give you a head start on your college education.
The benefit of taking the AP® exams is to potentially earn college credit, thus saving your time and money in college.
Generally, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this. The AP® Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP®’s five-point scale:
- 5: Extremely well qualified
- 4: Very well qualified
- 3: Qualified
- 2: Possibly qualified
- 1: No recommendation
Starting in May 2025, standard paper testing will be discontinued for 28 AP Exams—these exams will move to the Bluebook digital testing application.
- Students will take digital exams in the Bluebook app. AP coordinators and proctors will administer digital exams using the Test Day Toolkit web application.
- Paper exams in these subjects will only be available to students approved by the College Board to receive a paper exam for digital assessments.
- For math, science, and economics exams that require graphing or symbolic notation, students will view free-response questions and prompts in Bluebook and write their answers in paper exam booklets.
- All schools, including schools and test centers outside of the United States, must administer these 28 AP Exams digitally.
- Late-testing exams in these subjects, if offered by the school, are also in digital format.
Digital AP Exam Subjects
Of the 28 digital exams in 2025, 16 will be fully digital and 12 will be hybrid digital.
Fully Digital Subjects
Students complete multiple-choice and free-response questions in Bluebook, with all responses automatically submitted at the end of the exam.
- AP African American Studies (U.S. schools only)
- AP Art History
- AP Comparative Government and Politics
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP Environmental Science
- AP European History
- AP Human Geography
- AP Latin
- AP Psychology
- AP Seminar
- AP United States Government and Politics
- AP United States History
- AP World History: Modern
Hybrid Digital Subjects
Students complete multiple-choice questions and view free-response questions in Bluebook. They handwrite their free-response answers in paper exam booklets that are returned for scoring.
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Chemistry
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP Precalculus
- AP Statistics
Note: The AP Exam administration for exams with audio components and exams consisting solely of portfolio assessments is remaining unchanged for the May 2025 AP Exam administration:
- AP 2-D Art and Design
- AP 3-D Art and Design
- AP Drawing
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP French Language and Culture
- AP German Language and Culture
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- AP Japanese Language and Culture
- AP Music Theory
- AP Research
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture
Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, any product at IITian Academy.