Living processes, cells in plants and animals, unicellular organisms and the role of the human skeleton, muscles & joints.
- Year 7 Science : Bacteria in the human digestive system
- Year 7 Science : The parts of the human digestive system
- Year 7 Science : Biomechanics
- Year 7 Science : Movement
- Year 7 Science : Muscles
- Year 7 Science : The human skeleton
- Year 7 Science: Diffusion through a selectively-permeable membrane: practical
- Year 7 Science : Diffusion through the cell membrane
- Year 7 Science : Diffusion through a permeable material: practical
- Year 7 Science : Diffusion: moving particles
- Year 7 Science: Specialised cells are adapted for their functions
- Year 7 Science: Multicellular and unicellular organisms
- Year 7 Science: Plant cell structures and their functions
- Year 7 Science: Animal cell structures and their functions
- Year 7 Science: Preparing and observing a microscope slide
- Year 7 Science: Observing cells with a light microscope
- Year 7 Science: The common processes of all living organisms
- Year 7 Science: Organisation
- Year 7 Science: Unicellular organisms
- Year 7 Science: Specialised plant cells
- Year 7 Science: Specialised animal cells
- Year 7 Science: Cell structures
- Year 7 Science: Microscopes
- Year 7 Science : Absorption and transport of nutrients in humans
Describing the factors and components of an ecosystem, feeding relationships within food chains and webs, competition, reproduction in flowering plants
Inherited variations and environmental variation, adolescence, human reproduction
- Year 7 Science : Heredity
- Year 7 Science : The importance of biodiversity
- Year 7 Science : Bioaccumulation
- Year 7 Science : Using chemicals in farming
- Year 7 Science : Pollination and human food security
- Year 7 Science : DNA, chromosomes, genes and the genome
- Year 7 Science : The discovery of the structure of DNA
- Year 7 Science : DNA from fruit
- Year 7 Science : A model of the structure of DNA
- Year 7 Science : Genetic material and DNA
- Year 7 Science : Heredity and genetic material
How to describe the motion of objects using calculations and graphs, what a force is, different types of force and their effects on objects
Electricity & Energy
Types of energy, energy transfers, conservation of energy, voltage, current & electrical circuits, using electricity, efficiency.
Light and Sound
Transmission of light and sound, wave features, reflection, refraction, the ear, the eye.
The particulate nature of matter
How all matter is made of particles, states of matter, solutions and several techniques for separating mixtures
- Year 7 Science: Changes of state: energy and evaporation
- Year 7 Science: Boiling and condensing
- Year 7 Science: Particle model of substances in the gas state
- Year 7 Science: Melting: melting points and freezing points
- Year 7 Science: Bunsen burners
- Year 7 Science: Melting: particle model
- Year 7 Science: Solid and liquid states
- Year 7 Science: Transferring energy
- Year 7 Science: Chromatography
- Year 7 Science: Distillation: practical
- Year 7 Science: Simple distillation
- Year 7 Science: Separating liquids
- Year 7 Science: Separating pure salt from dirty rock salt
- Year 7 Science: Saturated solutions
- Year 7 Science: Solubility: analysis
- Year 7 Science: Solubility: practical
- Year 7 Science: Dissolving: scientific methods
- Year 7 Science: Variables
- Year 7 Science: Dissolving
- Year 7 Science: Diffusion
- Year 7 Science: Mixtures and solutions
- Year 7 Science: Mixtures: equipment diagrams
- Year 7 Science: Mixtures: choosing equipment
- Year 7 Science: Pure substances
- Year 7 Science: Group 1
- Year 7 Science: Group 7
- Year 7 Science: Compounds
- Year 7 Science: Elements
- Year 7 Science: Metals and non-metals
- Year 7 Science: Development of the Periodic Table
Chemical Reactions
Acids and alkalis, metals and non-metals and their oxides, metal reactivity series, displacement reactions and making salts.
- Year 7 Science: Chemical reactions
- Year 7 Science : Chemical formulae
- Year 7 Science : A particle model of chemical reactions
- Year 7 Science: Conservation of mass
- Year 7 Science : Naming compounds
- Year 7 Science : Compounds and their formation
- Year 7 Science : Common elements
- Year 7 Science : Molecular elements
- Year 7 Science : Properties of elements
- Year 7 Science : Atoms and elements
Earth Structure & universe
Earth’s layered structure, rock types, the solar system, phases of the moon.
Living things and their habitats
- describe how living things are classified into groups including micro-organisms, plants and animals
- give reasons for classifying plants and animals
Animals, including humans
- identify and name parts and functions of the human circulatory system
- recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way the body functions
- describe how nutrients and water are transported within animals
Evolution and inheritance
- learn how fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth in the past
- recognise that living things produce offspring that are not identical to their parents
- identify how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment and that adaptation may lead to evolution
- understand that light appears to travel in straight lines and is necessary for us to see objects
- understand how shadows are formed
- investigate how the brightness of a lamp and the volume of a buzzer changes with the number and voltage of cells used in a circuit
- give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on / off positions of switches
- use recognised symbols when representing a circuit in a diagram
This is the final year of the Key Stage 2 science curriculum and the main areas are still:
- Life processes and living things
- Materials and their properties
- Physical processes