Paper 3
- Time: 60 minutes [55 Maximum marks].
- 2 questions only
- No marks deducted from incorrect answers
- Answer all the questions
- A graphic display calculator is required for this paper
- Only HL syllabus for Maths AA
Topic 1: Number and algebra– AHL content
- Topic : AHL 1.10
- Topic : AHL 1.11
- Topic : AHL 1.12
- Topic : AHL 1.13
- Topic : AHL 1.14
- Topic : AHL 1.15
- Topic : AHL 1.16
Topic 2: Functions– AHL content
- Topic: AHL 2.12
- Topic: AHL 2.13
- Topic: AHL 2.14
- Topic: AHL 2.15
- Topic: AHL 2.16
Topic 3: Geometry and trigonometry-AHL content
- Topic : AHL 3.9
- Topic : AHL 3.10
- Topic : AHL 3.11
- Topic : AHL 3.12
- Concept of a vector; position vectors; displacement vectors.
- Representation of vectors using directed line segments.
- Base vectors i, j, k.
- Components of a vector: \(v = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{v_1}} \\ {{v_2}} \\ {{v_3}} \end{array}} \right) = {v_1}i + {v_2}j + {v_3}k\) .
- Algebraic and geometric approaches to the following:
- sum and difference of two vectors.
- the zero vector \(0\), the vector \( – v\) .
- multiplication by a scalar, \(kv\) , parallel vectors
- magnitude of a vector, \(\left| v \right|\) .unit vectors=\(\frac{\vec{v}}{\left | \vec{v} \right |}\)
- position vectors \(\overrightarrow {OA} = a\) .
- displacement vector \(\overrightarrow {AB} = b – a\) .
- Proofs of geometrical properties using vectors.
- Topic : AHL 3.13
- The definition of the scalar product of two vectors.
- Properties of the scalar product: \({\boldsymbol{v}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{w}} = {\boldsymbol{w}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{v}}\) ; \({\boldsymbol{u}} \cdot \left( {{\mathbf{v}} + {\boldsymbol{w}}} \right) = {\boldsymbol{u}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{v}} + {\boldsymbol{u}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{w}}\) ; \(\left( {k{\boldsymbol{v}}} \right) \cdot {\boldsymbol{w}} = k\left( {{\boldsymbol{v}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{w}}} \right)\) ; \({\boldsymbol{v}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{v}} = {\left| {\boldsymbol{v}} \right|^2}\) .
- The angle between two vectors.
- Perpendicular vectors; parallel vectors.
- Topic : AHL 3.14
- Topic : AHL 3.15
- Topic : AHL 3.16
- The definition of the vector product of two vectors.
- Properties of the vector product: \({\text{v}} \times {\text{w}} = – {\text{w}} \times {\text{v}}\) ; \({\text{u}} \times ({\text{v}} + {\text{w}}) = {\text{u}} \times {\text{v}} + {\text{u}} \times {\text{w}}\) ; \((k{\text{v}}) \times {\text{w}} = k({\text{v}} + {\text{w}})\) ; \({\text{v}} \times {\text{v}} = 0\) .
- Geometric interpretation of \({\text{v}} \times {\text{w}}\) .
- Topic : AHL 3.17
- Topic : AHL 3.18
Topic 4 : Statistics and probability-AHL content
- Topic: AHL 4.13
- Topic: AHL 4.14
Topic 5: Calculus-AHL content
- Topic: AHL 5.12
- Topic: AHL 5.13
- Topic: AHL 5.14
- Topic: AHL 5.15
- Derivatives of \(\tan x\), \(\sec x\) , cosec x , \(\cot x\) , \({a^x}\) , \({\log _a}x\) , \(\arcsin x\) , \(\arccos x\) and \(\arctan x\) .
- Indefinite integrals of the derivatives of any of the above functions. The composites of any of these with a linear function.
- Use of partial fractions to rearrange the integrand.
- Topic: AHL 5.16
- Topic: AHL 5.17
- Topic: AHL 5.18
- Topic: AHL 5.19
IBDP Mathematics – Paper 3 – Old Syllabus
Topic 7 – Option: Statistics and probability
- Topic 7.1
- Cumulative distribution functions for both discrete and continuous distributions.
- Geometric distribution.
- Negative binomial distribution.
- Probability generating functions for discrete random variables.
- Using probability generating functions to find mean, variance and the distribution of the sum of \(n\) independent random variables.
- Topic 7.2
- Topic 7.3
- Topic 7.4
- Topic 7.5
- Topic 7.6
- Topic 7.7
- Introduction to bivariate distributions.
- Covariance and (population) product moment correlation coefficient \(\rho \).
- Proof that \(\rho = 0\) in the case of independence and \( \pm 1\) in the case of a linear relationship between \(X\) and \(Y\).
- Definition of the (sample) product moment correlation coefficient \(R\) in terms of n paired observations on \(X\) and \(Y\).Its application to the estimation of \(\rho \).
- Informal interpretation of \(r\), the observed value of \(R\). Scatter diagrams.
- Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: use of the \(t\)-statistic to test the null hypothesis \(\rho = 0\) .
- Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: knowledge of the facts that the regression of \(X\) on \(Y\) (\({E\left. {\left( X \right)} \right|Y = y}\)) and \(Y\) on \(X\) (\({E\left. {\left( Y \right)} \right|X = x}\)) are linear.
- Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: least-squares estimates of these regression lines (proof not required).
- Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: the use of these regression lines to predict the value of one of the variables given the value of the other.
Topic 8 – Option: Sets, relations and groups
- Topic 8.1
- Topic 8.2
- Topic 8.3
- Topic 8.4
- Topic 8.5
- Topic 8.6
- Topic 8.7
- Topic 8.8
- Example of groups: \(\mathbb{R}\), \(\mathbb{Q}\), \(\mathbb{Z}\) and \(\mathbb{C}\) under addition.
- Example of groups: integers under addition modulo \(n\).
- Example of groups: non-zero integers under multiplication, modulo \(p\), where \(p\) is prime.
- Symmetries of plane figures, including equilateral triangles and rectangles.
- Invertible functions under composition of functions.
- Topic 8.9
- Topic 8.10
- Topic 8.11
- Topic 8.12
Topic 9 – Option: Calculus
- Topic 9.1
- Topic 9.2
- Convergence of infinite series.
- Tests for convergence: comparison test; limit comparison test; ratio test; integral test.
- The \(p\)-series, \(\mathop \sum \nolimits \frac{1}{{{n^p}}}\) .Series that converge absolutely.
- Series that converge conditionally.
- Alternating series.
- Power series: radius of convergence and interval of convergence. Determination of the radius of convergence by the ratio test.
- Topic 9.3
- Topic 9.4
- Topic 9.5
- First-order differential equations.
- Geometric interpretation using slope fields, including identification of isoclines.
- Numerical solution of \(\frac{{{\text{d}}y}}{{{\text{d}}x}} = f\left( {x,y} \right)\) using Euler’s method.
- Variables separable.
- Homogeneous differential equation \(\frac{{{\text{d}}y}}{{{\text{d}}x}} = f\left( {\frac{y}{x}} \right)\) using the substitution \(y = vx\) .
- Solution of \(y’ + P\left( x \right)y = Q\left( x \right)\), using the integrating factor.
- Topic 9.6
- Rolle’s theorem.
- Mean value theorem.
- Taylor polynomials; the Lagrange form of the error term.
- Maclaurin series for \({{\text{e}}^x}\) , \(\\sin x\) , \(\cos x\) , \(\ln (1 + x)\) , \({(1 + x)^p}\) , \(P \in \mathbb{Q}\) .
- Use of substitution, products, integration and differentiation to obtain other series.
- Taylor series developed from differential equations.
- Topic 9.7
Topic 10 – Option: Discrete mathematics
- Topic 10.1
- Topic 10.2
- \(\left. a \right|b \Rightarrow b = na\) for some \(n \in \mathbb{Z}\) .
- The theorem \(\left. a \right|b\) and \(a\left| {c \Rightarrow a} \right|\left( {bx \pm cy} \right)\) where \(x,y \in \mathbb{Z}\) .
- Division and Euclidean algorithms.
- The greatest common divisor, gcd(\(a\),\(b\)), and the least common multiple, lcm(\(a\),\(b\)), of integers \(a\) and \(b\).
- Prime numbers; relatively prime numbers and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
- Topic 10.3
- Topic 10.4
- Topic 10.5
- Topic 10.6
- Topic 10.7
- Graphs, vertices, edges, faces. Adjacent vertices, adjacent edges.
- Degree of a vertex, degree sequence.
- Handshaking lemma.
- Simple graphs; connected graphs; complete graphs; bipartite graphs; planar graphs; trees; weighted graphs, including tabular representation.
- Subgraphs; complements of graphs
- Euler’s relation: \(v – e + f = 2\) ; theorems for planar graphs including \(e \leqslant 3v – 6\) , \(e \leqslant 2v – 4\) , leading to the results that \({\kappa _5}\) and \({\kappa _{3,3}}\) are not planar.
- Topic 10.8
- Topic 10.9
- Topic 10.10
- Topic 10.11