Place value
Properties of number
Arithmetic procedures -Integers
Expressions and equations
Plotting coordinates
Perimeter and area
Arithmetic procedures including fractions
Fractions and Ratio
The Year 7 math curriculum based on the National Curriculum of England, which is widely used as a reference.
- Place value
- Understand the value of digits in decimals, measure and integers
- Properties of number: factors, multiples, squares and cubes
- Understand multiples
- Understand integer exponents and roots
- Understand and use the unique prime factorization of a number
- Arithmetic procedures with integers and decimals
- Understand and use the structures that underpin addition and subtraction strategies
- Understand and use the structures that underpin multiplication and division strategies
- Use the laws and conventions of arithmetic to calculate efficiently
- Expressions and equations
- Understand and use the conventions and vocabulary of algebra including forming and interpreting algebraic expressions and equations
- Simplify algebraic expressions by collecting like terms to maintain equivalence
- Manipulate algebraic expressions using the distributive law to maintain equivalence
- Plotting coordinates
- Connect coordinates, equations and graphs
- Perimeter and area
- Understand the concept of perimeter and use it in a range of problem-solving situations
- Understand the concept of area and use it in a range of problem-solving situations
- Arithmetic procedures including fractions
- Work interchangeably with terminating decimals and their corresponding fractions.
- Compare and order positive and negative integers, decimals and fractions
- Know, understand and use fluently a range of calculation strategies for addition and subtraction of fractions
- Know, understand and use fluently a range of calculation strategies for multiplication and division of fractions
- Understanding multiplicative relationships: fractions and ratio
- Understand the concept of multiplicative relationships
- Understand that multiplicative relationships can be represented in a number of ways and connect and move between those different representations
- Understand that fractions are an example of a multiplicative relationship and apply this understanding to a range of contexts
- Understand that ratios are an example of a multiplicative relationship and apply this understanding to a range of contexts
- Transformations
- Understand and use translations
- Understand and use rotations
- Understand and use reflections
- Understand and use enlargements
Overall, Year 7 builds upon the problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge developed in Year 6. Students continue to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts, apply them to real-life situations, and communicate their reasoning effectively. The introduction of mathematical tools and technologies further supports their learning and problem-solving abilities.