Year 3 Maths – Study Notes and Examples
Counting and number patterns
Comparing and ordering
- Comparing numbers
- Sorting Numbers
- Solve Inequalities
Names of numbers
- Convert Words to Numbers up to 100
- Convert Numbers to Words up to 100
- Write Addition and Subtraction Equations
- Ordinal Numbers up to Tenth
- Ordinal Numbers up to Hundredth
- Repeating Patterns
- Growing Patterns
Addition – one digit
- Simple Addition Review
- Review Addition – Sums to 20
- Addition using Number Lines to 20
- Addition Input/Output Tables to 20
Subtraction – one digit
- Subtraction equation
- Subtract Zero or All
- Subtracting One-Digit Numbers
- One-Digit Subtraction Input/Output Tables
Addition – two digits
- Adding Multiples of 10
- Adding Two Two-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
- Two-Digit Addition Word Problems
Subtraction – two digits
- Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping
- Two-Digit Subtraction Input/Output Tables
Addition – three digits
- How to Add Three-Digit Numbers
- 3-Digit Addition with Regrouping in Tens
Subtraction – three digits
- How to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers
- 3-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping in Tens and Ones
- Three-Digit Subtraction Word Problems
- Multiplication tables up to 10
- Multiply a one-digit number by a two-digit number
- Divide by counting equal groups
- Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10
- Divide using repeated subtraction
Place values
- Ones and Tens Place
- Convert Numbers to Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones
- Expanded Form with Hundreds and Thousands Place
Estimation and rounding
- Rounding to the Nearest Ten, Hundred, or Thousand
- Estimating Sums
- Coin values
- Counting All Coins
- Make Purchases
- Learn to Tell Time
- Using O’clock, Half, and Quarter
- Reading a Calendar
Data and graphs
- Tally Charts and Tables
- Pictographs
- Venn Diagrams
Units of measurement
- Compare size, weight and capacity
- Read a thermometer
- Measuring Tools
Two-dimensional shapes
- Circles, Triangles, Squares, and Rectangles
- Flip, Turn, and Slide
Three-dimensional shapes
- Three Dimensional Shapes
- Tracing 2D Shapes from 3D Shapes
Perimeter and area
- Perimeter
- Area
Understand fractions
- Halves, Thirds, and Fourths
- Fractions to Shapes
- Equivalent fractions
- More, less and equally likely
- Certain, Likely, Unlikely, Impossible
Year 3 Maths – Syllabus
Number and place value
- Counting in steps of 2, 3 and 5
- Putting the numbers one to 100 in the correct order
- Using < and > symbols
- Recognising the place value of each digit in a two-digit number
- Adding and subtracting one- and two-digit numbers
- Knowing addition and subtraction facts up to 20
- Learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, plus division facts
- Identifying odd and even numbers
- Finding 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a shape or quantity
- Using appropriate units to measure length, weight and capacity
- Combining amounts of money to make a particular value
- Working out how much change to give
- Tell the time to five minutes, including quarter to / past the hour
- Identifying, describing and sorting common 2D and 3D shapes
- Understanding that a quarter turn is a right angle
- Confident with clockwise and anti-clockwise
- Interpreting and constructing simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables
- Answer questions about the data presented