Year 4 Maths Worksheets And Practice Questions – Download, Print, Or Practice Online
Numbers-Online Practice Question
- Numbers – Count on a number line also less then zero numbers
- Year 4 Math: Reading Roman Numerals (1 – 50)
- Year 4 Math: Writing Roman Numerals (1 – 50)
- Year 4 Math: Rounding Numbers
- Year 4 Math: Words in numbers
- Year 4 Math: Addition and Subtraction with Roman Numerals
- Year 4 Math: Recognizing Pattern
- Numbers – Even or odd: arithmetic rules🔒
- Numbers – Sequences🔒
- Numbers – Ordinal numbers to 100th🔒
- Numbers – Put numbers in order🔒
- Numbers – Roman numerals🔒
- Numbers – Multi-step inequalities🔒
- Numbers – Skip-counting puzzles🔒
- Numbers – Greatest/least Numbers ?🔒
- Numbers – numbers in words 🔒
Comparing-Online Practice Question
Place values-Online Practice Question
- Place values – Conversion between standard and expanded form
- Year 4 Math: Find the missing place value from a 3-digit number
- Year 4 Math: Find the missing place value from a 4-digit number
- Year 4 Math: Build a 5-digit number from the parts
- Year 4 Math: Write a 4-digit number in normal form
- Year 4 Math: Build a 3-digit number from the parts
- Place values – Convert to/from given number 🔒
- Place values – Place value models up to thousands 🔒
- Place values – Place value names up to hundred thousands 🔒
- Place values – Place value names up to thousand 🔒
- Place values – Place value word problems 🔒
- Place values – Value of a digit 🔒
Addition-Online Practice Question
- Addition – Fill in the missing digits in addition problems.
- Year 4 Math: Adding numbers
- Year 4 Math: Adding 3-digit numbers in columns
- Year 4 Math: Adding 2-digit numbers in columns (with regrouping)
- Year 4 Math: Adding 3-digit numbers in columns (with regrouping)
- Year 4 Math: Adding numbers (missing addend)
- Year 4 Math: Adding three 3-digit numbers in columns
- Year 4 Math: Adding three 4-digit numbers in columns
- Year 4 Math: Adding four 4-digit numbers in columns
- Year 4 Math: Adding four 3-digit numbers in columns
- Addition – Create input/output tables for addition problems with up to three digits. 🔒
- Addition – Identify patterns in addition problems as place values increase. 🔒
- Addition – Add three or more numbers with up to four digits in each number. 🔒
- Addition – Solve word problems that involve adding three or more numbers with up to four digits. 🔒
- Addition – Use addition to solve word problems that involve adding three or more numbers with up to three digits. 🔒
- Addition – Add three or more numbers with up to three digits in each number. 🔒
- Addition – Add two numbers with up to three digits. 🔒
- Addition – Use addition to solve word problems that involve adding two numbers with up to three digits. 🔒
- Addition – Balance addition equations with up to three digits. 🔒
- Addition – Fill in the missing numbers to complete addition sentences with up to three digits. 🔒
Subtraction-Online Practice Question
- Subtraction – Balance subtraction equations with numbers up to three digits.
- Year 4 Math: Subtraction
- Year 4 Math: Subtracting 3-digit numbers, with regrouping
- Year 4 Math: Subtracting 4-digit numbers, with regrouping
- Year 4 Math: Subtracting – borrowing across two zeros
- Year 4 Math: Subtracting – borrowing across three zeros
- Year 4 Math: Subtracting(missing numbers)
- Year 4 Math: Subtraction word problems
- Subtraction – Fill in the missing numbers to complete subtraction sentences with numbers up to three digits. 🔒
- Subtraction – Fill in the missing digits in subtraction problems. 🔒
- Subtraction – Create input/output tables for subtraction problems with numbers up to four digits. 🔒
- Subtraction – Create input/output tables for subtraction problems with numbers up to three digits. 🔒
- Subtraction – Identify patterns in subtraction problems as place values increase. 🔒
- Subtraction – Subtract numbers with up to four digits. 🔒
- Subtraction – Solve word problems that involve subtracting numbers with up to four digits. 🔒
- Subtraction – Subtract numbers with up to three digits. 🔒
- Subtraction – Solve word problems that involve subtracting numbers with up to three digits. 🔒
Understanding multiplication-Online Practice Question
- Understand multiplication – Learn the concept of multiplication by counting equal groups.
- Year 4 Math: Multiplications using pictures
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 2 & 3
- Year 4 Math: Meaning of multiplication sentences
- Understand multiplication – Understand how to express multiplication using arrays. 🔒
- Understand multiplication – Identify multiplication expressions for representing equal groups. 🔒
- Understand multiplication – Relate addition and multiplication when dealing with equal groups. 🔒
- Understand multiplication – Write multiplication sentences to represent arrays. 🔒
- Understand multiplication – Write multiplication sentences to represent equal groups. 🔒
- Understand multiplication – Write multiplication sentences to represent number lines. 🔒
Multiplication fluency –Online Practice Question
- Multiplication fluency – Improve multiplication fluency by finding the missing factor in multiplication facts up to 12.
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication sentences and arrays
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 5 & 10
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 4 & 6
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 7 & 8
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 3 & 9
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 7, 8 & 9
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 2 to 5 practice
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables – 6 to 9 practice
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables 1 to 12 practice
- Multiplication fluency – Enhance multiplication fluency by sorting multiplication facts up to 12. 🔒
- Multiplication fluency – Test multiplication fluency with true or false questions based on multiplication facts up to 12. 🔒
- Multiplication fluency – Determine the accuracy of multiplication sentences up to 12 by evaluating whether they are true or false. 🔒
Multiplication-Online Practice Question
- Multiplication – Explore box multiplication as a method for multiplication.
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication Tables (missing number)
- Year 4 Math: Multiplying whole tens
- Year 4 Math: Multiplying whole hundreds
- Year 4 Math: Multiply whole tens by whole tens
- Year 4 Math: Multiplying by whole tens (missing factor)
- Year 4 Math: Multiply in columns – 1 digit by 2 digit
- Year 4 Math: Multiply in columns – 1 digit by 3 digit
- Year 4 Math: Multiply in columns – 1 digit by 4 digit
- Year 4 Math: Multiplication word problems
- Multiplication – Create input/output tables for multiplication problems. 🔒
- Multiplication – Identify patterns in multiplication problems as place values increase. 🔒
- Multiplication – Solve word problems that involve multiplication. 🔒
- Multiplication – Multiply a one-digit number by a three-digit number. 🔒
- Multiplication – Solve a word problem that involves multiplying a one-digit number by a two-digit number. 🔒
- Multiplication – Multiply a number by a multiple of ten. 🔒
- Multiplication – Multiply numbers that end in zeroes. 🔒
- Multiplication – Multiply three or more numbers together. 🔒
- Multiplication – Solve word problems that involve multiplying three or more numbers. 🔒
Division fluency –Online Practice Question
- Division fluency – Improve division fluency by practicing division facts up to 12.
- Year 4 Math: Division Facts: Missing Numbers
- Year 4 Math: Dividing numbers
- Year 4 Math: Long Division: Basic Division Facts
- Year 4 Math: Division with remainders
- Year 4 Math: Long Division with remainders within 1-100
- Year 4 Math: Meaning of division
- Year 4 Math: Dividing into equal groups
- Division fluency – Enhance division fluency by sorting division facts up to 12. 🔒
- Division fluency – Test division fluency with true or false questions based on division facts up to 12. 🔒
- Division fluency – Determine the accuracy of division sentences up to 12 by evaluating whether they are true or false. 🔒
Division-Online Practice Question
- Division – Fill in the missing values in the division table.
- Division – Solve division problems involving larger numbers. 🔒
- Division – Solve word problems that involve dividing larger numbers. 🔒
- Division – Divide numbers that end in zeroes. 🔒
- Division – Understand the divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10. 🔒
- Division – Create input/output tables for division problems. 🔒
- Division – Identify patterns in division problems as place values increase. 🔒
- Division – Solve word problems that involve division. 🔒
- Division – Interpret remainders in division problems. 🔒
Mixed operations-Online Practice Question
- Mixed operations – Solve mixed operations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Year 4 Math: Four operations
- Year 4 Math: Add/Subtract/Multiply w/o parenthesis
- Year 4 Math: Add / Subtract with parenthesis
- Year 4 Math: Add/subtract with brackets
- Year 4 Math: Order of Operations Add/Subtract/Multiply w/ parenthesis
- Mixed operations – Perform addition and subtraction operations using data from tables. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Solve word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Fill in the blanks to make a complete addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division sentence. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Fill in the missing operators in mixed operations problems. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Solve multi-step word problems involving various operations. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Determine the accuracy of multiplication and division facts up to 5 with true or false questions. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Evaluate the truth value of multiplication and division sentences up to 12. 🔒
- Mixed operations – Write numerical expressions for given situations involving mixed operations. 🔒
Properties-Online Practice Question
- Properties – Explore the properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division terms.
- Properties – Apply the distributive property to find the missing factor in an equation. 🔒
- Properties – Multiply numbers using the distributive property. 🔒
- Properties – Understand the properties of addition. 🔒
- Properties – Understand the properties of multiplication. 🔒
- Properties – Identify the relationship between addition and multiplication. 🔒
- Properties – Identify the relationship between multiplication and division. 🔒
- Properties – Solve equations using the properties of addition. 🔒
- Properties – Solve equations using the properties of multiplication. 🔒
- Properties – Gain an understanding of the use and significance of parentheses. 🔒
Equations and variables-Online Practice Question
- Equations and variables – Identify equations from given mathematical expressions.
- Equations and variables – Solve equations to find the value of the variable using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 🔒
- Equations and variables – Solve equations to find the value of the variable using addition and subtraction. 🔒
- Equations and variables – Solve equations to find the value of the variable using multiplication and division. 🔒
- Equations and variables – Write variable equations to represent word problems. 🔒
- Equations and variables – Write variable expressions to represent mathematical relationships. 🔒
- Equations and variables – Write variable expressions based on word problems. 🔒
Estimation and rounding –Online Practice Question
- Estimation and rounding – Make estimations of differences between numbers.
- Year 4 Math: Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000
- Year 4 Math: Ordering numbers up to 10,000
- Year 4 Math: Comparing numbers up to 10,000
- Year 4 Math: Round numbers 0-10,000 to the nearest 1000
- Year 4 Math: Round numbers to the nearest 100
- Estimation and rounding – Solve word problems by estimating the differences between numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Estimate the products of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Solve word problems by estimating the products of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Estimate the quotients of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Solve word problems by estimating the quotients of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Estimate the sums of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Solve word problems by estimating the sums, differences, products, and quotients of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Solve word problems by estimating the sums of numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Perform rounding operations on numbers. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Engage in rounding puzzles or exercises. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Round money amounts to the nearest currency or specified decimal place. 🔒
- Estimation and rounding – Use estimation to solve inequalities. 🔒
Logical reasoning-Online Practice Question
- Logical reasoning – Solve age puzzles using logical reasoning.
- Logical reasoning – Determine the order or sequence of a given set of elements using logical reasoning. 🔒
- Logical reasoning – Find two numbers based on their sum, difference, product, and quotient using logical reasoning. 🔒
- Logical reasoning – Determine two numbers based on their sum and difference using logical reasoning. 🔒
- Logical reasoning – Engage in a logical reasoning game to guess a specific number. 🔒
- Logical reasoning – Determine the largest or smallest number possible based on given conditions using logical reasoning. 🔒
Understand fractions-Online Practice Question
- Understand fractions – Add three or more fractions with like denominators.
- Understand fractions – Perform addition and subtraction operations with fractions that have like denominators. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Use a number line to add fractions with like denominators. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Compare the sums and differences of fractions with like denominators. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Decompose fractions into smaller unit fractions. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Decompose fractions into unit fractions to facilitate addition and subtraction. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Use a number line to subtract fractions with like denominators. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Review the concept of fractions. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Solve word problems that involve finding fractions of a group. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Understand fractions as parts of a whole number. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Determine fractions of a number, specifically focusing on unit fractions. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Solve word problems that involve finding fractions of a number. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Solve word problems that involve modeling fractions of a whole using various representations. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Understand fractions in the context of number lines. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Identify fractions on number lines. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Identify mixed numbers and determine their value based on visual representations. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Express mixed numbers in words. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Represent fractions using area models. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Represent fractions using fraction bars. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Understand fractions through the use of area models. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Understand fractions through the use of fraction bars. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Solve word problems that involve unit fractions. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Compare fractions to determine which is greater or lesser. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Graph fractions on number lines and compare their positions. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Graph and compare fractions with like denominators on number lines. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Graph and compare fractions with like numerators on number lines. 🔒
- Understand fractions – Put fractions in order from least to greatest or greatest to least. 🔒
Decimals-Online Practice Question
- Decimals – Perform addition and subtraction operations with decimals.
- Decimals – Solve word problems that involve adding and subtracting decimals. 🔒
- Decimals – Add three or more decimal numbers together. 🔒
- Decimals – Compare decimals using number lines. 🔒
- Decimals – Convert between decimals and fractions. 🔒
- Decimals – Solve inequalities involving decimals. 🔒
- Decimals – Identify the value of a digit in a given place in a decimal number. 🔒
- Decimals – Determine the place value of a given digit in a decimal number. 🔒
- Decimals – Analyze number sequences that include decimals. 🔒
- Decimals – Arrange decimal numbers in ascending or descending order. 🔒
- Decimals – Round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. 🔒
- Decimals – Understand and express decimals in words. 🔒
- Decimals – Determine the decimal number represented by a given illustration. 🔒
- Decimals – Evaluate the truth of comparisons between decimal numbers. 🔒
- Decimals – Identify the greater or lesser decimal number in a given set. 🔒
Measurement-Online Practice Question
- Measurement – Compare and convert imperial units of length.
- Year 4 Math: Estimate the volume of containers (liters)
- Year 4 Math: Metric units of capacity: liters and milliliters
- Year 4 Math: Convert units of weight (ounces and pounds)
- Year 4 Math: Metric Units: millimeters and centimeters
- Year 4 Math: Reading a measuring cup (metric)
- Year 4 Math: Measuring volume: cups, pints, quarts, and gallons
- Year 4 Math: Metric units of weight: grams (g) and kilograms (kg)
- Year 4 Math: Units of length: inches, feet, yards & miles
- Year 4 Math: Using a scale (pounds and ounces)
- Year 4 Math: Capacity Estimation
- Year 4 Math: Convert between cups, pints, quarts & gallons
- Year 4 Math: Metric units of mass: kilograms and grams
- Year 4 Math: Reading a scale (kilograms)
- Year 4 Math: Reading a scale (pounds)
- Year 4 Math: Convert between yards, feet and inches
- Year 4 Math: Reading a thermometer (Fahrenheit & Celsius)
- Year 4 Math: Measure mass
- Year 4 Math: Compare mass
- Year 4 Math: Length word problems
- Year 4 Math: Mass word problems
- Year 4 Math: Volume word problems
- Year 4 Math: Temperature and weather (customary units)
- Year 4 Math: Add and subtract mass
- Year 4 Math: Measure capacity
- Year 4 Math: Compare capacity
- Year 4 Math: Add and subtract capacity
- Year 4 Math: Measuring to the nearest quarter mm
- Measurement – Compare and convert imperial units of volume. 🔒
- Measurement – Compare and convert imperial units of weight. 🔒
- Measurement – Compare and convert metric units of length. 🔒
- Measurement – Compare and convert metric units of mass. 🔒
- Measurement – Compare and convert metric units of volume. 🔒
- Measurement – Use conversion tables for imperial units. 🔒
- Measurement – Use conversion tables for metric units. 🔒
- Measurement – Read and interpret a thermometer. 🔒
- Measurement – Determine a reasonable temperature based on context. 🔒
- Measurement – Determine the appropriate imperial unit of length for a given measurement. 🔒
- Measurement – Determine the appropriate imperial unit of volume for a given measurement. 🔒
- Measurement – Determine the appropriate metric unit of length for a given measurement. 🔒
- Measurement – Determine the appropriate metric unit of mass for a given measurement. 🔒
- Measurement – Determine the appropriate metric unit of volume for a given measurement. 🔒
Geometric measurement-Online Practice Question
- Geometric measurement – Calculate the area of shapes composed of unit squares.
- Year 4 Math: Areas of rectangles using a grid
- Year 4 Math: Perimeters of rectangular shapes
- Geometric measurement – Determine the area of rectangles and squares. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Find the unknown side length of a rectangle given its area. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Find the missing side length of a shape given its perimeter. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Calculate the perimeter of polygons. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Determine the perimeter of rectangles. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Identify figures that have a specific area. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Select two figures that have the same area. 🔒
- Geometric measurement – Calculate the volume of three-dimensional objects. 🔒
Data and graph-Online Practice Question
- Coordinate planes as maps – Count the distance: Use a coordinate plane as a map to determine the distance between two points by counting the number of units or steps along the x and y axes.
- Year 4 Math: School Activities Circle Graph
- Year 4 Math: Number of Books Line Plot
- Year 4 Math: Pets Line Plot
- Year 4 Math: Computer Sales Scaled Bar Graph
- Year 4 Math: Board Game Scaled Bar Graph
- Year 4 Math: Pizza Pictograph
- Year 4 Math: Solid Shapes Tally and Graph
- Year 4 Math: Multiples on Venn Diagram
- Year 4 Math: Bar Graph
- Year 4 Math: Line Graph
- Year 4 Math: Bar Charts
- Year 4 Math: Pictograms
- Coordinate planes as maps – Find the coordinates: Identify the coordinates of points on a coordinate plane that represents a map or a graph.🔒
- Count shapes in a Venn diagram: Analyze a Venn diagram, which consists of overlapping circles, to count and categorize the number of objects or elements that fall into different regions of the diagram.🔒
- Interpret bar graphs: Understand and analyze the information presented in bar graphs, which use rectangular bars of different lengths or heights to represent and compare data in various categories or groups.🔒
- Interpret bar graphs for continuous data: Interpret and analyze bar graphs that represent continuous data, such as measurements or values that can take on any numerical value within a range.🔒
- Interpret line graphs: Analyze and interpret line graphs, which display data points connected by lines, to understand trends, patterns, and changes over time or other variables.🔒
- Interpret line plots: Interpret data presented in line plots, also known as dot plots, where data points are plotted as dots along a number line to represent their frequency or distribution.🔒
- Interpret pictograms: Interpret pictograms, which use pictures or symbols to represent data, to gather information, compare quantities, and analyze trends or patterns.🔒
- Objects on a coordinate plane: Identify and locate objects or points on a coordinate plane using their coordinates, understanding their positions in relation to the x and y axes.🔒
Geometry-Online Practice Question
- Geometry – Classify triangles as acute, obtuse, or right.
- Year 4 Math: Measuring angles
- Year 4 Math: Draw accurately
- Year 4 Math: Comparing angles with right angles
- Year 4 Math: Lines, segments, and rays
- Year 4 Math: Identifying polygons
- Year 4 Math: Regular Polygons
- Year 4 Math: Properties of Polygons
- Year 4 Math: Describing parts of a circle
- Year 4 Math: Parts of a circle
- Year 4 Math: Lines, segments, rays and angles
- Year 4 Math: Quadrilaterals
- Year 4 Math: Classifying triangles
- Year 4 Math: Classify triangles by their sides
- Year 4 Math: Classifying triangles by their angles
- Year 4 Math: Identifying parallelograms
- Year 4 Math: Describing Quadrilaterals
- Year 4 Math: Types of Quadrilaterals
- Year 4 Math: Lines of symmetry
- Year 4 Math: Congruent shapes
- Year 4 Math: Parallel and perpendicular
- Year 4 Math: Horizontal and vertical
- Year 4 Math: Compare angles
- Year 4 Math: Counting Squares
- Year 4 Math: Perimeter of rectangles
- Year 4 Math: Right angles in shapes
- Geometry – Classify angles as acute, right, or obtuse. 🔒
- Geometry – Use a protractor to measure and classify angles as acute, right, or obtuse. 🔒
- Geometry – Compare angles to determine if they are greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle. 🔒
- Geometry – Identify angles measuring 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees. 🔒
- Geometry – Count and compare the number of sides and vertices in geometric shapes. 🔒
- Geometry – Count vertices, edges, and faces of three-dimensional shapes. 🔒
- Geometry – Identify shapes that are congruent to each other. 🔒
- Geometry – Identify the faces of three-dimensional shapes. 🔒
- Geometry – Identify and name different types of three -dimensional shapes. 🔒
- Geometry – Identify and classify two-dimensional shapes. 🔒
- Geometry – Determine whether a given figure is a polygon. 🔒
- Geometry – Differentiate between lines, line segments, and rays. 🔒
- Geometry – Perform reflection, rotation, and translation on shapes. 🔒
- Geometry – Classify polygons as regular or irregular. 🔒
- Geometry – Classify triangles as scalene, isosceles, or equilateral. 🔒
- Geometry – Identify and analyze symmetry in shapes. 🔒
Money-Online Practice Question
- Money – Perform addition and subtraction operations with money amounts.
- Year 4 Math: Pounds and pence
- Year 4 Math: Estimating money
- Year 4 Math: Ordering money
- Year 4 Math: Making Change
- Year 4 Math: Let’s Go Shopping!
- Year 4 Math: Money Conversion
- Money – Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of money . 🔒
- Money – Count coins and notes up to the value of a $£ 5$ note . 🔒
- Money – Solve inequalities involving money . 🔒
- Money – Calculate and give correct change for a given amount . 🔒
- Money – Interpret and analyze price lists . 🔒
- Money – Determine whether you have enough money to make a purchase up to the value of $£ 10$ . 🔒
- Money – Arrange money amounts in ascending or descending order . 🔒
- Money – Compare pictures and determine which one represents a greater amount of money . 🔒
Time-Online Practice Question
- Time – Determine whether a given time is in A.M. or P.M. format.
- Year 4 Math: Elapsed time
- Year 4 Math: Time phrases
- Year 4 Math: Estimating time
- Year 4 Math: Converting time
- Year 4 Math: Calendar – months as ordinal numbers
- Year 4 Math: Reading a calendar
- Year 4 Math: Time word problems
- Year 4 Math: Telling Time
- Year 4 Math: Telling the time to 5 minutes
- Year 4 Math: Years, months, weeks and days
- Year 4 Math: Analogue to digital – 24 hour hour
- Year 4 Math: Analogue to digital – 12 hour hour
- Year 4 Math: Hours, minutes and seconds
- Time – Convert between the 12-hour and 24-hour time formats. 🔒
- Time – Convert between hours and fractional parts of an hour. 🔒
- Time – Calculate elapsed time between two given times. 🔒
- Time – Solve word problems involving elapsed time.
- Time – Match analogue clocks with their corresponding digital time representations. 🔒
- Time – Match clocks to specific times. 🔒
- Time – Interpret and read information from a calendar. 🔒
- Time – Read analogue clocks and write the corresponding times. 🔒
- Time – Read and understand schedules using the 12-hour time format. 🔒
- Time – Read and understand schedules using the 24-hour time format. 🔒
- Time – Understand the relationships between different units of time. 🔒
- Time – Create and interpret timelines involving time events. 🔒
- Time – Identify and analyze patterns in time-related data. 🔒
- Time – Write the time in various formats or representations. 🔒
Unit 1. Number & place value
- Represent numbers to 1,000
- Partition numbers to 1,000
- Number line to 1,000
- Thousands
- Represent numbers to 10,000
- Partition numbers to 10,000
- Flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000
- Find 1, 10, 100, 1,000 more or less
- Number line to 10,000
- Estimate on a number line to 10,000
- Compare numbers to 10,000
- Order numbers to 10,000
- Roman numerals
- Round to the nearest 10
- Round to the nearest 100
- Round to the nearest 1,000
- Round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000
Unit 2. Addition & subtraction
- Add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s
- Add up to two 4-digit numbers – no exchange
- Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange
- Add two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange
- Subtract two 4-digit numbers – no exchange
- Subtract two 4-digit numbers – one exchange
- Subtract two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange
- Efficient subtraction
- Estimate answers
- Checking strategies
Unit 3. Multiplication & division – Part A
- Multiples of 3
- Multiply and divide by 6
- 6 times-table and division facts
- Multiply and divide by 9
- 9 times-table and division facts
- The 3, 6 and 9 times-tables
- Multiply and divide by 7
- 7 times-table and division facts
- 11 times-table and division facts
- 12 times-table and division facts
- Multiply by 1 and 0
- Divide a number by 1 and itself
- Multiply three numbers
Unit 3. Multiplication & division – Part B
- Factor pairs
- Use factor pairs
- Multiply by 10
- Multiply by 100
- Divide by 10
- Divide by 100
- Related facts – multiplication and division
- Informal written methods for multiplication
- Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
- Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
- Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
- Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
- Correspondence problems
- Efficient multiplication
Unit 4. Fractions
- Understand the whole
- Count beyond 1
- Partition a mixed number
- Number lines with mixed numbers
- Compare and order mixed numbers
- Understand improper fractions
- Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions
- Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers
- Equivalent fractions on a number line
- Equivalent fraction families
- Add two or more fractions
- Add fractions and mixed numbers
- Subtract two fractions
- Subtract from whole amounts
- Subtract from mixed numbers
Unit 5. Decimals
- Tenths as fractions
- Tenths as decimals
- Tenths on a place value chart
- Tenths on a number line
- Divide a 1-digit number by 10
- Divide a 2-digit number by 10
- Hundredths as fractions
- Hundredths as decimals
- Hundredths on a place value chart
- Divide a 1- or 2-digit number by 100
- Bonds to 10 and 100
- Make a whole
- Write decimals
- Compare decimals
- Order decimals
- Round decimals
- Halves and quarters
Unit 5. Geometry (properties of shapes)
- Turns and angles
- Right angles in shapes
- Compare angles
- Identify angles
- Compare and order angles
- Triangles
- Quadrilaterals
- Lines of symmetry
- Complete a symmetric figure
Unit 6. Geometry (position and direction)
- Describe position
- Draw on a grid
- Move on a grid
- Describe movement on a grid
Unit 7. Measurement -Time
- Telling the time to 5 minutes
- Telling the time to the minute
- Using a.m. and p.m.
- 24-hour clock
- Hours, minutes and seconds
- Years, months, weeks and days
- Analogue to digital – 12 hour
- Analogue to digital – 24 hour
Unit 7. Measurement -Money
- Pounds and pence
- Ordering money
- Estimating money
- Convert pounds and pence
- Add money
- Subtract money
- Give change
- Working with money
- Four operations
Unit 7. Measurement -Length & perimeter
- Equivalent lengths – m and cm
- Equivalent lengths – mm and cm
- Kilometres
- Add lengths
- Subtract lengths
- Measure perimeter
- Perimeter on a grid
- Perimeter of a rectangle
- Perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Unit 7. Measurement -Area
- Counting squares
- Comparing area
Unit 8. Statistics
- Interpret charts
- Comparison, sum and difference
- Line graphs
Unit 12. Properties
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division terms
- Understanding parentheses
- Properties of addition
- Solve using properties of addition
- Properties of multiplication
- Solve using properties of multiplication
- Distributive property: find the missing factor
- Multiply using the distributive property
- Relate addition and multiplication
- Relate multiplication and division
Unit 3. Addition
- addition-blocks-3
- blocks-composing-thousands-1
- add-2-digit-numbers-in-columns-no-regrouping-a
- add-2-digit-numbers-in-columns-with-regrouping-a
- add-2-digit-plus-1-digit-missing-addend-a
- add-3-3-digit-numbers-in-columns-a
- add-3-4-digit-numbers-in-columns-a
- add-3-digit-numbers-in-columns-no-regrouping-a
- add-3-digit-numbers-in-columns-with-regrouping-a
- add-4-3-digit-numbers-in-columns-a
- add-4-4-digit-numbers-in-columns-a
- add-4-digit-numbers-in-columns-a
- adding-2-digit-plus-1-digit-a
- adding-3-digit-and-1-digit-numbers-a
- adding-complete-one-hundred-a
- adding-complete-whole-thousands-a
- adding-one-2-digit-and-two-1-digit-numbers-a
- adding-two-whole-tens-and-two-1-digit-numbers-a
- adding-whole-hundreds-3-addends-a
- adding-whole-hundreds-a
- adding-whole-hundreds-missing-addends-a
- adding-whole-tens-3-addends-a
- adding-whole-tens-4-addends-a
- adding-whole-tens-to-2-digit-missing-addend-a
- adding-whole-tens-to-2-digit-number-a
- adding-whole-thousands-a
- adding-whole-thousands-and-whole-hundreds-a
- adding-whole-thousands-b
- grade_3_addition_word_problems_a1
- showing-hops-easy-1
The curriculum for maths in Year 4
Years 3 and 4 (lower Key Stage 2) share similar curriculum targets.
In lower Key Stage 2, the principal focus of maths teaching is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.
At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value. Pupils will also draw with increasing accuracy and develop mathematical reasoning so they can analyse shapes and their properties, and confidently describe the relationships between them. It should ensure that they can accurately use measuring instruments and make connections between measure and number.
By the end of Year 4, pupils should have memorised their times tables up to and including the 12 times table, and they will show precision and fluency in their work. Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently, using their growing word reading knowledge and their knowledge of spelling.
We’ve outlined England’s curriculum for maths in Year 4 below. Follow the links for help and activities:
Number & place value in Year 4
- count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000
- find 1000 more or less than a given number
- count backwards through zero to include negative numbers
- recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones)
- order and compare numbers beyond 1000
- identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
- round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
- solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly large positive numbers
- read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value.
Addition & subtraction in Year 4
- add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
- estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
- solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.
Multiplication & division in Year 4
- recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12
- use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers
- recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations
- multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout
- solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects.
Fractions (including decimals) in Year 4
- recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions
- count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten.
- solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number
- add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
- recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths
- recognise and write decimal equivalents to
- find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths
- round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number
- compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places
- solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places.
Geometry (properties of shapes) in Year 4
- compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes
- identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size
- identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations
- complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry.
Geometry (position and direction) in Year 4
- describe positions on a 2D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant
- describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left/right and up/down
- plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon.
Measurement in Year 4
- Convert between different units of measure (for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute)
- measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres
- find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares
- estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence
Statistics in Year 4
- interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs.
- solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.