In Year 4, your child will develop their mental and written calculation skills using larger positive numbers and fractions. They will meet negative and decimal numbers, as well as some Roman numerals. They will convert between units of measurement, find perimeters and areas, and learn more about angles and symmetry
Unit 1. Numbers and comparing
Unit 2. Place values
Unit 3. Addition
Unit 4. Subtraction
Unit 5. Understand multiplication
Unit 6. Multiplication fluency
Unit 7. Multiplication
Unit 8. Understand division
Unit 9. Division fluency
Unit 10. Division
Unit 11. Mixed operations
Unit 12. Properties
Unit 13. Equations and variables
Unit 14. Estimation and rounding
Unit 15. Logical reasoning
Unit 16. Understand fractions
Unit 17. Decimals
Unit 18. Percentages
Unit 19. Measurement
Unit 20. Geometry – Measurement
Unit 21. Time
Unit 22. Geometry
Unit 23. Money