Year 6 Science Practice Questions
Year 6 is a crucial year in a child’s academic journey, laying the groundwork for their future studies. A well-structured curriculum during this time ensures that students develop a strong foundation in various subjects.
Year 6 science practice questions are likely to be challenging and comprehensive. Practice topic wise questions Year 6 Science Practice Questions at IITian Academy.
Living things and their habitats
- Year 6 Science: Comparing characteristics of living things
- Year 6 Science: Micro-organisms are living things
- Year 6 Science: Grouping micro-organisms
- Year 6 Science: Microorganisms that help us (non-statutory)
- Year 6 Science: Growing yeast: plan (non-statutory)
- Year 6 Science: How and why we group animals
- Year 6 Science: How and why we group plants
- Living things and their habitats – All Questions.🔒
Animals, including humans
- Year 6 Science: What are the key parts of a healthy diet?
- Year 6 Science: What happens to the circulatory system during exercise?
- Year 6 Science: What are medicinal drugs?
- Year 6 Science: What are nicotine and alcohol?
- Year 6 Science: What effect does exercise have on the muscles?
- Year 6 Science: Why do people with different lifestyles need different diets?
- Animals, including humans- All Questions.🔒
Evolution and inheritance
- Year 6 Science: What is the Theory of Evolution?
- Year 6 Science: How do fossils provide evidence for evolution?
- Year 6 Science: What are the different animal kingdoms?
- Year 6 Science: Which organisms lived during each era of time?
- Year 6 Science: What impact have humans had on plants and animals?
- Year 6 Science: What impact are humans likely to have on life in the future?
- Evolution and inheritance- All Questions.🔒
- Year 6 Science: What is light and where does it come from?
- Year 6 Science: What is reflection and how can we use it?
- Year 6 Science: What is refraction and how can we use it?
- Year 6 Science: How do we see light?
- Year 6 Science: Where do different colours come from?
- Year 6 Science: What are some uses of light?
- Year 6 Science: How light travels
- Year 6 Science: Light sources and light reflectors (non-statutory)
- Year 6 Science: Light enters our eyes
- Year 6 Science: Reflected light
- Year 6 Science: Changing the direction of light
- Year 6 Science: Measuring reflected light: plan
- Year 6 Science: Measuring reflected light: do and review
- Year 6 Science: How shadows form
- Year 6 Science: Shadow shapes investigation
- Year 6 Science: The position of shadows (non-statutory)
- Year 6 Science: Multiple shadows
- Light – All Questions.🔒
- Year 6 Science: How has our understanding and use of electricity developed?
- Electricity- All Questions.🔒
Living things and their habitats
- describe how living things are classified into groups including micro-organisms, plants and animals
- give reasons for classifying plants and animals
Animals, including humans
- identify and name parts and functions of the human circulatory system
- recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way the body functions
- describe how nutrients and water are transported within animals
Evolution and inheritance
- learn how fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth in the past
- recognise that living things produce offspring that are not identical to their parents
- identify how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment and that adaptation may lead to evolution
- understand that light appears to travel in straight lines and is necessary for us to see objects
- understand how shadows are formed
- investigate how the brightness of a lamp and the volume of a buzzer changes with the number and voltage of cells used in a circuit
- give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on / off positions of switches
- use recognised symbols when representing a circuit in a diagram
This is the final year of the Key Stage 2 science curriculum and the main areas are still:
- Life processes and living things
- Materials and their properties
- Physical processes