AP Biology : 8.3 Population Ecology – Exam Style questions with Answer- MCQ


Wildlife management introduces 135 ducks to a reservoir in an effort to restore the duck population in the area. The growth rate of the
population (rmax) is 0.074 ducks/year.

Which of the following is the best estimate of the size of this duck population after one year?
(A) 135
(B) 141
(C) 145
(D) 152



(C) \(\frac{dN}{dt}=r_{max} N = (0.074)(135) = 10\) ducks in one year. Since the starting
population size is 135 ducks, after one year, there will be 135 + 10 =
145 ducks.


In 1986, the quail population in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco was 140 birds. Hunting by feral cats reduced the number of quail to 32 birds by 2016.

If the birth rate of quail over this period averaged 20.4 quail/year, what was the average death rate of quail during this period?
(A) 2.4 quail/year
(B) 3.6 quail/year
(C) 24 quail/year
(D) 36 quail/year



(C) \(\frac{dN}{dt}=B\) (birth rate) – D (death rate). So The average death rate would be D = B – \(\frac{dN}{dt}\). The death rate is D = 20.4 quail / year – \(\frac{(32-140) quail}{30 years} = 20.4 – (-3.6) = 20.4 + 3.6 = 24\) quail/year.


A population of 190 jackrabbits lives in McInnis Park in San Rafael, California. The carrying capacity of the park for jackrabbits is
approximately 200 rabbits.

If the rmax for the jackrabbit population is 1.5 surviving jackrabbits per year, what is the estimated increase in the
number of jackrabbits in one year?
(A) 10
(B) 14
(C) 285
(D) 300



(B) Since there is a carrying capacity in this environment, use this equation. \(\frac{dN}{dt} = r_{max} N(\frac{K-N}{K})=(1.5)(190)(\frac{200-190}{200})\) = 14.25. Choice (B) is the closest estimate to this number and is therefore the correct answer.


Which of the following statements describes a population that could experience exponential growth?
(A) a population that was limited by density-dependent factors
(B) a population whose size is beyond the carrying capacity of the
(C) a population in which there are no limiting factors
(D) a K-selected population



(C) Populations grow exponentially if there are no limiting resources
or predators that would limit the population size. If the population was
limited by density-dependent factors, its growth would be logistic, so
choice (A) is incorrect. Choice (B) is incorrect because if the size of the
population was beyond the carrying capacity of the environment, its numbers would be declining, not growing. K-selected populations
experience logistic growth, so choice (D) is also incorrect.


Suppose a certain strain of plant produced albino offspring that are unable to grow or produce seeds unless they grow in close proximity
to green plants of the same species. Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between these two
(A) The albino plant requires pollen from the green plant to produce
(B) The green plant is a producer, and the albino plant is a
(C) The albino plant is dependent upon the green plant for organic
(D) The albino and green plants are heterozygous.


Ans: C

The albino plant is not photosynthetic, so it requires organic
molecules from the green plant of the same species to which it is grown in
close proximity. Although choice B may seem appealing, the definition of
consumer doesn’t really apply here, especially given the more accurate
description in choice C.
Choice A is incorrect because it may be the albino’s lack of
photosynthetic ability that prevented it from producing seeds. There is not enough information in the question to determine whether the albino, given the proper nutrition, can produce pollen, eggs, or both.

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