Home / IB DP Biology-C2.1 Chemical signaling -FA 2025- IB Style Questions For HL Paper 1

IB DP Biology-C2.1 Chemical signaling -FA 2025- IB Style Questions For HL Paper 1


If schizophrenia is caused by an overabundance of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the synapses of some areas of the brain, which drug action could work in treating the symptoms?

A. Release of cholinesterase into the synaptic cleft

B. Increased re-uptake of dopamine and serotonin by presynaptic neurons

C. Increased permeability of the presynaptic neuron to sodium

D. Blockage of dopamine and serotonin receptors on presynaptic neurons




Neurons transmit electrical impulses. Which statement describes part of this process?

A. \(\mathrm{K}^{+}\)ions are pumped out of the cell to depolarize the membrane.

\(B\). Ion channels let \(\mathrm{K}^{+}\)diffuse into the cell to depolarize the membrane.

C. \(\mathrm{Na}^{+}\)ions are pumped into the cell to repolarize the membrane.

D. Ion channels let \(\mathrm{Na}^{+}\)diffuse into the cell to depolarize the membrane.




Atropine drops are used by opticians to dilate the pupil, so that a thorough examination of the retina can be performed. Atropine binds to acetylcholine receptors in synapses. 

What is the effect of atropine binding in synapses?
A. Inhibits the binding of acetylcholine at the presynaptic membrane
B. Inhibits the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic neuron
C. Prevents binding of acetylcholine at the postsynaptic membrane
D. Prevents transport of acetylcholine through the postsynaptic membrane



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