Refer to the Peacewick University case study (SL/HL paper 1 May 2022).
a. Outline two STEEPLE factors that influence PU’s decisions.[4]
b. Explain ways in which PU could achieve greater sustainability in the 2022/23 academic year (lines 118-131).[6]
STEEPLE framework: Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Political, Legal, Ecological (‘Environmental’)
STEEPLE factors include:
Activists spreading bad publicity (social)
Changes in artificial intelligence and other technologies (technological)
The accident at the chemical factory (ecological, environmental)
The economic recession (economic)
Reduction in other universities (economic)
Government grants and “large amount of funding from the government to research medicines” (lines 42-43) (political)
If the STEEPLE factor is not explicitly stated, the “second” mark can be awarded i.e. [0] + [1] if it is clear from the context what factor is being referred to.
Answers must present two separate STEEPLE factors.
E.g. two economic factors would only be awarded a maximum of [2].
Accept any other relevant factor.
Mark as a [2] + [2].
Award [1] for an appropriate factor and [1] for application. Maximum award for two factors: [4].
Note: To be awarded the second mark, each factor must be explicitly linked to the STEEPLE framework. Some flexibility is allowed in the categorization, for example the economic recession could be outlined from a social perspective, or the governments grants could be seen as the result of a legal decision. The same factor, however, cannot be counted twice.
Refer to Paper 1 markbands for 2016 forward, available under the “Your tests” tab > supplemental materials.
Ways to achieve greater sustainability include:
Rebuilding facilities to higher sustainability standards and this could include building design, heating/lighting systems, furniture and equipment, use of space.
Maintain and improve on the current lower levels of waste, pollution, energy and consumption (these four would only be one way). This could be through ensuring recycling facilities, encouraging minimization of waste, finding more efficient uses of energy
Expand the use of solar and other sustainable energy sources. Available space?
Review, maintain and further develop CSR policies. Continued reduction in energy consumption.
Review online teaching provision. An increase in online teaching would help to reduce energy consumption at PU.
Candidates may refer to different forms of sustainability including the triple bottom line; this should be awarded.
Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for 2016 forward section A.
Award a maximum of [3] for a theoretical answer, or for limiting the answer to only one way, or for only copying extracts from the case study.
Award a maximum of [6].