Home / IBDP Biology 2025 SL&HL: B3.2 Transport Study Notes

IBDP Biology 2025 SL&HL: B3.2 Transport Study Notes

B3.2-1 Transport in animals: The circulatory system

Heart and Circulation in Animals

All organism respire 

Cell respiration releases energy , needed for cell activities 

movement, beating of heart and breathing movements

Oxygen + Glucose needed to release energy

Respiration that needs oxygen = aerobic respiration

Gas exchange : 

  1. Getting oxygen from the environment
  2. Releasing CO2 to environment 

Gas exchanges occur by diffusion across cell membrane

Gas exchange surface = Surface of the organism dedicated to gas exchanges

All organisms respire, grow, respond, reproduce…
These activities need energy, amino acids, hormones…
Nutrients and hormones needed to perform these activities

Transport/ Circulation = distributing molecules/ions where needed
-Needed all over the body
-Need for a circulatory system to all over the body
Circulatory system = system of organs to transport and distribute molecules and ions

Why is the need for a transport system inside large organisms ? 

If cell size increases,
The distance from the centre of cell to its exterior increases
– Exchanges with environment become more challenging

Small organisms have a large SA/V ratio
– Cells directly in contact with environment
– Can exchange material easily with environment

Bigger organisms have a small SA/V ratio
– Cells mostly very far from environment
– Cannot exchange material easily with environment
– To reach cells inside the body, Need to transport substances to these cells (Oxygen, nutrients…) from these cells (Waste)
– Need a transportation system

The circulatory system
Heart, blood, arteries, veins…
Heart = PUMP
Gives blood pressure to
1. Exit the heart through arteries,
2. Reach tissues and lungs,
3. Re-enter the heart through veins

Blood pressure is highest when exits heart
Then decreases
Low when reaches capillaries
Very low in veins
Lowest when enters heart again

Arteries carry blood away from the heart
Veins carry blood into the heart

  1. Blood pressure is highest when exits heart
    Then decreases
  2. Low when reaches capillaries
  3. Very low in veins
  4. Lowest when enters heart again

Arteries, veins and capillaries are adapted to different blood pressures.

Structures and functions of blood vessels

  • Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart
  • Capillaries: Link arteries to veins
    Exchange of materials between blood and cells (lungs, tissues) , Lungs: +O2 – CO2 , Tissues: -O2 + CO2
  • Veins: Carry blood into the heart

  • Arteries

Withstand and maintain high blood pressure from the heart

  • Small lumen
    Keep higher pressure from heart
  • Thick smooth muscle layer
    Helps the flow of blood by contracting
  • Thick elastic layer
    Elastic recoil after contraction
  • Outer coat contains collagen
    Prevents from bursting
  • No valves

  • Veins
  • Large lumen
    Keeps blood pressure until the heart
  • Thin smooth muscle layer
    Keeps the flow of blood by contracting
  • Thin elastic layer
    elastic recoil after contraction
  • Valves

Flexible wall facilitates return of blood to the heart

  • Capillaries

  • Very small lumen
  • No muscle
  • No elastic layer
  • No valves
  • One cell-thick wall

Thin wall – one-cell thick – short diffusion distance
Numerous and highly branched – large Surface Area for diffusion
Narrow diameter – keep all cells close by
Narrow lumen – bring RBC close to the cells = short diffusion distance
Size of lumen just more than enough for RBC
Fenestration = Spaces between cells – allow fast exchanges and WBC to escape

  • Identify an artery, a vein and a capillary on the micrograph


Coronary heart disease 

  • CHD and heart attacks 


A part of thrombus breaks away
= Embolus
Carried away by blood flow

Single or double circulation (HL only) 

In bony fish:

Blood flows ONCE through the heart
Single Circulation
Heart = “single pump”

1.  Deoxygenated blood pumped by heart
2. Gets oxygenated in the gills
3. Oxygenated blood gives oxygen to tissues
4. Deoxygenated blood back to heart

Between 1 and 2, blood pressure decreases Blood flow slows down in 3
Delivery of \(O_2\) to cells is limited
Mammals need much more \(O_2\) than fish (higher metabolism, maintenance of body temperature)
Mammals cannot use single circulation

In mammals:

Blood flows TWICE through the heart
Double Circulation
Heart = “double pump”

1. Deoxygenated blood pumped by heart
2. Gets oxygenated in the lungs
3. Oxygenated blood back to heart
4. Oxygenated blood pumped by heart
5. Oxygenated blood gives oxygen to the tissues
6. Deoxygenated blood back to heart

Structure of the mammalian heart (HL only)

  • Heart’s position in thorax

  • Internal view of the heart

Cardiac Cycle (HL only)

The septum separates the left and right sides of the heart

The vena cava carry deoxygenated blood from the body to the right atrium

The right atrium collects deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the right ventricle

The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary artery

The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs 

In the lungs

\(CO_2\) diffuses from the blood into the alveoli
Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood

Deoxygenated blood becomes oxygenated blood

The pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium

The left atrium collects the oxygenated blood and pumps it to the left ventricle


The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the body via the aorta

The artery named aorta carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body


In the rest of the body

\(O_2\) diffuses from the blood into the cells
\(CO_2\) diffuses from the cells into the blood

Oxygenated blood becomes deoxygenated blood

Atrio-ventricular valves prevent backflow of blood into the atria when ventricles contract


Semi-lunar valves prevent backflow of blood from arteries into the ventricles when ventricles relax

Thickness of walls of ventricles

Pulmonary circulation way shorter than systemic circulation
Systemic circulation needs higher pressure than pulmonary circulation
Muscles around left ventricle way thicker than those around right ventricle

Origin and control of the heart rate

  • Muscles around four chambers of the heart contract rhythmically
  • All muscles except the cardiac muscles require external stimulation to contract
  • External stimulation via action potential reaching the muscles
  • Cardiac muscles contract in response to stimulation within the heart
  • Heart beat is myogenic = generated by the muscles themselves
  • Origin of stimulation = sino-atrial node = SAN = natural pacemaker
  • Cluster of cells inside top left part of muscles around of right atrium
  • SAN generates nerve impulse
  • Impulse radiates through muscles fibers of both atria
    Atria contract = atrial systole

To ensure the right one-way flow of blood through the heart, atria have to contract before ventricles do:

  • Impulse generated by SAN should NOT reach ventricles directly
    If it did, ventricles would contract at the same time as atria
    Speed of nerve impulse = 100 m/s
  • Tissue between atria and ventricles prevent impulse from SAN to reach ventricles
  • Nerve impulse from SAN reaches another node = AVN = atrio-ventricular node
    AVN at the bottom right part of right atrium
    1. AVN picks up nerve impulse from SAN
    2. AVN sends nerve impulse between ventricles along Bundle of His
    Bundle of His = muscle fibres modified to transmit nerve impulse
    Bundle of His passes nerve impulse to Purkinje fibres
    Purkinje fibres = muscle fibres modified to transmit nerve impulse
    Purkinje fibres – contract: ventricle systole
    – transmit nerve impulse to next Purkinje fibres
    Contraction of ventricles starts at the bottom of the heart
    Propagates up the ventricles
    Ensures flow of blood towards arteries

Pressure is everything

Two phenomena
Diastole = relaxation
Systole = contraction
For the 2 atria and the 2 ventricles
Three stages
1. Diastole of both Atria and Ventricles
2. Atrial systole + Ventricular diastole
3.Ventricular systole + Atrial diastole

  • Measuring systolic and diastolic blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer (a.k.a. pressure cuff) 
  1. The cuff is inflated and blood flow is monitored in the arm (brachial) artery at the elbow, using the stethoscope. Inflation is continued until there is no sound (that is, no flow of blood, because the cuff has completely occluded the artery).
  2. Air is now allowed to escape from the cuff slowly, until blood can just be heard sputting through the constriction point in the artery. This pressure at the cuff is recorded, for it is equal to the maximum pressure created by the heart(systolic pressure).
  3. Pressure in the cuff is allowed to drop until the blood can be heard flowing constantly. This is the lowest pressure the blood falls to between beats (diastolic pressure).

Electrocardiogram = ECG

Measures electrical signals through the heart

“P” wave : atrial depolarisation and contraction
“QRS” waves complex: depolarisation and contraction of the ventricles
QRS much larger than “P” wave (ventricles’ muscles are much larger than the atria’s muscles)
“T” wave : repolarization and relaxation of the ventricles
Repolarisation of the atria is masked by the “QRS” complex

Tissue fluid, capillaries and lymph ducts (HL only)

Tissue fluid bathes cells of tissues aka interstitial fluid
Arterioles: Tissue fluid production from blood
Veinules: Reuptake from tissue fluid into blood

  1. Blood pressure is highest when exits heart
    Then decrease
  2. Low when reaches capillaries
  3. Very low in veins
  4. Lowest when enters heart again

Arteries, veins and capillaries are adapted to different blood pressures

Pressure filtration
= production of tissue fluid through fenestrations

= drain back of tissue fluid through fenestrations

Water and Waste products exit cells
Re- uptaken from tissue fluid into veinules

Water, Nutrients, oxygen, hormones
from arterioles to tissue fluid
by pressure filtration
then diffuse into cells

Plasma and tissue fluid

• The yellowish liquid part of blood
• 90% is water
• Transports dissolved substances :
• Glucose
• CO2
• Hormones
• Mineral salts
• Nitrogenous waste



Lymphatic system
Production of white blood cells Protection against pathogens
Absorb lipids from food
Remove cell waste

  1. Excess tissue fluid enters lymph ducts
    Pressure in lymph ducts
  2. Movement of lymph in ducts
    Valves in duct ensure one-way lymph transport
  3. Lymph returned to blood circulation

  1. Excess tissue fluid enters lymph ducts
    Pressure in lymph ducts
  2. Movement of lymph in ducts
    Valves in duct ensure one-way lymph transport
  3. Lymph returned to blood circulation


B3.2-2 Transport in plants: Xylem and Phloem 

Transport of water from roots to leaves

  • Importance of Water to Plants

Reasons why plants need appropriate amounts of water:
1. 80% of a plant cell is water
2. Water = environment of all chemical reactions
3. Support of plants depends on turgidity
4. Gas exchanges only possible when stomata are opened
Stomata are opened only when turgid
5. To avoid wilting, water evaporating from inner moist surfaces must be replaced

Stomata on lower leaf epidermis

Transpiration = water loss through stomata of leaves

Stomata only open in daylight
Opened stomata
– Gas exchanges possible
– Photosynthesis: \(CO_2\) in \(O_2\) out \(O_2\) used for respiration
– Water vapour diffuses out
Light provides energy for
– photosynthesis (photolysis of water)
and for
– evaporation of water into water
vapour in air spaces in mesophyll
Evaporation cools down
leaf cells

Plants transport water from roots up to leaves through xylem vessels

Water in xylem
Pulled up by transpiration
Pulled down by gravity

Two opposite forces
– Tension in water in xylem
– Water drawn up


Adaptations of xylem vessels for transport of water

Xylem vessels

  • Dead cells, all cell components gone
  • Cells on top of each other
  • End cell walls broken down
    Continuous narrow tubes (Flow upwards unimpeded )
  • Water and minerals transported
    without barrier from roots to top
  • Strengthened by lignin(Withstand tension)
  • Holes in lignin = pits
    Water moves between vessels

Xylem and phloem vessels


Anatomy of stems in dicotyledonous plants 

Flowering Plants: Monocots or Eudicots

Anatomy of roots in dicotyledonous plants

Generation of root pressure in xylem vessels (HL only)

Mineral ions are actively transported from soil to Xylem

  • Mineral ions enter the root hair cells by
    Diffusion/Facilitated diffusion or Active transport
    Depending on concentration gradient soil to root hair cells
  • Most mineral ions are more concentrated in soil
    Mostly active transport: \(K^{+} Cl^{-} Ca^{2+} Mg^{2+} Na^{+} NO^{-}_{3}\)
    Many mitochondria in root hair cells
  • Selective absorption
    Depending on the plant’s needs
  • Ways of transport: dissolved in water
    Up the xylem towards transpiring leaves

Water follows by osmosis from soil to Xylem 

Usefulness of root pressure 

Adaptations of phloem sieve tubes and companion cells for
translocation of sap (HL only)

Mass/Pressure-flow hypothesis/theory
• Explains how sap moves in a plant from source to sink:
– Sucrose from source is actively pumped into phloem sieve tube cells
– Osmosis moves water into the cells and raises pressure.
– Pressure moves the sap

Pressure flow 1

• In leaves
• Photosynthesis
• Produces Glucose and Fructose
• Combined to make sucrose

Pressure flow 2

Active transport is used to load sucrose into phloem SET against a diffusion gradient.

Phloem loading 

Pressure flow 3 

• High concentration of sucrose in the sieve tube cells
• Water moves from xylem to STE by osmosis,
• Pressure raises in STE
• Sap moves from high pressure to low pressure

Pressure flow4

• A developing fruit is one example of a sink
Sucrose actively
– transported out of phloem into the fruit cells.
• In a root, sucrose is converted into starch,
Keeps sugar moving in by diffusion.

Pressure flow 5

• Sugar concentration drops in the sieve tube cells
• Osmosis moves water out of the tube into fruit

Pressure flow 6

• As water moves out by osmosis,
Pressure in the sieve tube cells drops.
The pressure difference along the column of sieve tube cells keeps the sap flowing.


Sieve tube elements and companion cells 

– Live cells
– No nucleus
– Elongated and widened
– Thick primary cell wall
– Between two STE: sieve plate
– Callose
– Center cytoplasm: no organelles
– No tonoplast
– Slimy sap + protein strands
– Transports sap
Companion cells:
– Live cells
– Large nucleus
– Many mitochondria

Cellular functions of STE are performed by CC
Exchange of materials: cytoplasms are connected via plasmodesmata

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