Home / IBDP Biology 2025 SL&HL: C2.1 Chemical signaling Study Notes

IBDP Biology 2025 SL&HL: C2.1 Chemical signaling Study Notes

C2.1 Chemical signalling (HL only)

Introduction (HL only) 

Cells receive a signal from outside:
Protein receptor’s shape is complementary to the signal molecule = ligand

Stages of cell signalling:

A. Reception

Signaling molecules binds to a receptor protein in the membrane.

B. Transduction

Passing on the signal(can occur in  one step , but usually a sequence of changes in a series of “relay molecules”) “transduction pathway”.

C. Response

Cellular changes because of the signal.

Quorum sensing in bacteria (HL only)

Quorum = minimum number of individuals required for an action

Quorum sensing = ability of some bacteria to perceive if they are in sufficient number for an action.

Marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri

Bioluminescent = They produce proteins that emit light only under high density of cells


Lives by itself in ocean
In symbiosis with
Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes)
Inside the squid’s light organ




Cells secrete molecule = autoinducer
Autoinducer triggers expression of genes
for bioluminescent proteins in cells around .More cells, more autoinducer

More cells
– more autoinducer secreted (LuxI)
– more autoinducer sensed by cells (binds to receptor LuxR)
– bioluminescence genes more expressed (Lux operon genes)
– bioluminescent proteins produced
– bioluminescence

At night, squid from hiding sand to below surface water to feed
Bioluminescence “on”
Predators of squid = fish
Mistakes squid’s light for moonlight
Squid is safe

Types of signalling chemicals in animals (HL only)

Four types of signalling molecules in animals

  1. Hormones
  2. Neurotransmitters
  3. Cytokines
  4. Calcium ions

Where do they work in the body?

  • Hormones

Endocrine system

  •  Neurotransmitters

Nervous system

  • Cytokines

Immune system

  • Calcium ions

All systems

How do they work?

Endocrine and nervous system

Immune system and all systems

  • Hormones




  • Neurotransmitters

Amino acids 
 glutamic acid 
 aspartic acid


 dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine

Nitrous oxide


  • Cytokines




  • Calcium ions


Receptors and initiation of signal transduction (HL only)

Two types of receptors in animals

  • Intracellular
  • Transmembrane

Distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids depends on localisation of these receptors

Transmembrane receptors

1. Acetylcholine receptor
In membrane of striated muscle cells
Receive nerve impulse from motor neuron
Response = contraction of muscle cell

2. Adrenaline (epinephrine) receptor
In membrane of cardiac muscle cells
Receive adrenaline from blood
Response = heart beat increase

G-protein = intracellular, peripheral protein
Second messenger = cyclic AMP aka cAMP

NOS: Students should be aware that naming conventions are an example of international
cooperation in science for mutual benefit.
Both “adrenaline” and “epinephrine” were coined by researchers and are based on
production of the hormone by the adrenal gland;
“adrenaline” comes from Latin ad = at and ren = kidney
and “epinephrine” comes from old Greek epi = above and nephros = kidney, respectively.
Unusually, these two terms persist in common use in different parts of the world

3. Insulin receptor
Small intestine cell membrane
Receive insulin from blood
Response = glucose channel moved from cytoplasm to cell membrane
– Glucose enters villus cells

Tyrosine-kinase = enzyme that transfers phosphate to
a tyrosine in other proteins
Absence of insulin: Glucose transporter kept in vesicles in cytoplasm
Presence of insulin: Exocytosis of these vesicles

 Intracellular receptors


 Steroid hormones receptors
In cytoplasm of various types of cells
Binds steroid hormone from blood
Complex hormone-receptor into nucleus
Activates transcription of specific genes
Production of specific proteins
Response specific to the hormone

  • Oestradiol

1) In cytoplasm of hypothalamus cells
Binds oestradiol hormone from blood
Complex hormone-receptor into nucleus
Activates transcription of specific genes
Production of specific proteins
2) Response = production of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone in hypothalamus
3) Production of FSH and LH hormones in pituitary gland
4) More production of oestradiol in ovaries
 – Back to 1)

Positive feedback (amplification) 

  • Progesterone

1) In cytoplasm of endometrium cells
Binds progesterone hormone from blood
Complex hormone-receptor into nucleus
Activates transcription of specific genes
Production of specific proteins
2) Response in endometrium
Maintains endometrium thick
Increases blood vessels in endometrium
– Prepares uterus for implantation of embryo
3) Response in ovaries
Inhibits secretion of FSH
– Inhibit next ovulation

Negative feedback (reduction)

Positive and negative feedback (HL only)

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