IGCSE Physics (0625) 6.2.3 The Universe Paper 1 – 2023,2024&2025


Which statement about the Milky Way is correct?
A It is a galaxy.
B It is a group of galaxies.
C It is a group of stars outside our own galaxy.
D It is a group of stars which are part of our galaxy.


Ans: A


Which description of a galaxy is correct?

A a collection of billions of stars
B a collection of gaseous planets orbiting a star
C a collection of rocky planets orbiting a star
D all of the stars that exist


Ans: A


An astronomer observes redshift in the light from a distant galaxy.
Which statement about redshift is correct?
A It is the decrease in the observed wavelength of red light emitted from receding galaxies.
B It is evidence that the Universe is contracting and supports the Big Bang Theory.
C It is evidence that the Universe is expanding and supports the Big Bang Theory.
D Redshift is when light from receding galaxies appears blue.



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