Home / Heat, light and sound IB MYP 4-5 Physics Summary Notes

Heat, light and sound IB MYP 4-5 Physics Summary Notes

  •  The efficiency of an energy source is hence also measured by:

\text { Efficiency }=\frac{\text { Power output }}{\text { power input }}

  •  In Physics, density refers to the degree of compactness of a substance. Pure water has a density of 1.00. Dersity is given by:


  • To find the relative density of a fluid (relative density is how many more times dense a Hid is compared to water), the following two formulae ale us

relative density $=\frac{\text { density of substance }}{\text { density of water }}$

relative density $=\frac{\text { mass of substance }}{\text { mass of same volume of water}}$

  • Unlike density, Pressure refers to the constant physical force exerted on an object by somet hing in contact with it.
  • Measured in Pascals $(\mathrm{Pa}) \cdot 1 \mathrm{Nm}^{-1}$ = $1 \mathrm{~Pa}$.

Pressure is defined by:

f= force

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