IB MYP Biology : Biotechnology – ethical implications Practice Question

IB myp 4-5 Biology – Practice Questions- All Topics

Topic :Biotechnology-Ethical Implications

Topic :Biotechnology– Weightage : 21 % 

All Questions for Topic : Genetic modification,Cloning,Ethical Implications,Genome mapping and application,3D tissue and organ printing

Researching the risks of GM foods

The following text is from Netherwood, T. et al. 2004. Nature Biotechnology. Vol 22. Pp 204–209. Read the passage and work through the tasks that follow.


a) Explain why it was essential for scientists to get permission from the volunteers before carrying out this research.


Ans: Informed consent always needed; unethical to carry out procedures without permission; volunteers must be aware of any potential risks/issues; and have given permission knowing about these risks/issues.

b) Few scientists consider the ingestion of new genes in GM foods to be a significant risk. Explain why research into this issue is still worthwhile.


Ans: To convince others that ingestion of new genes in GM foods is not a risk; because the scientists might be wrong in thinking that the procedure is safe; because some risks are unexpected; because the precautionary principle states that those introducing a new procedure have a duty to demonstrate that it is safe.

c) Explain the conclusions that can be drawn about what happens to the DNA of the epsps gene as it passes through the small and large intestines.


Ans: A small percentage/3.7% to 0.00001% of epsps genes passed through the gut to the end of the small intestine; 99.99999 to 96.3% of epsps genes broken down in the small intestine; all remaining epsps genes were broken down in the large intestine; feeding on GM food with epsps genes did not lead to an increase in gut bacteria carrying the epsps gene.

d) Write a brief newspaper article explaining the research into the risks of ingesting GM foods, for readers who have little biological knowledge but strong views on this subject.


Ans: Marks should be awarded on a scale from 0 marks for an account that is incomprehensible or misleading to 6 marks for an exemplary account explaining complex ideas in simple terminology and in phraseology that encourages the reader to continue to the end of the article.


Cultivated varieties of potatoes have been developed from wild species in South America. The process took hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. Explain how a cultivated variety of plant can be developed from a wild species and reasons for it taking such a long time. 


Ans: Farmers select the best potato plants/tubers; and grow the next year’s crop from them; mutations give variation; much less variation if sexual reproduction does not occur; slower change/evolution with less genetic variety.

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