IB MYP Biology : Interactions between organisms – pathogens/parasites, predator/prey Practice Question

IB myp 4-5 Biology – Practice Questions- All Topics

Topic :Interaction between organism-Pathogens/Parasites,Predator/Prey

Topic :Interaction between organism– Weightage : 21 % 

All Questions for Topic : Pathogens/Parasites,Preadator/Prey,Food chains and webs,Competition,Speciation and Extinction


b . Humans built a large housing development in the forest which is the habitat of the foxes. The foxes now use human trash as a source of food.(2 marks)4

Outline how the population of foxes could be affected by this change.

Outline how the population of foxes could be affected by this change.


Ans: The population of foxes could totally be affected by this change in a few ways. First, with human trash as a food source, more foxes might be born and their population could grow fast. Second, if they rely too much on human trash, their hunting skills might decline and they might struggle to survive without it. Plus, more interaction with humans could lead to conflicts and harm to the fox population. So, it’s a mixed bag of effects on the foxes population.


2c .Use your answer to part (b) to describe how the deer population would then be affected.(3 marks)


Ans: With the housing development on their habitat, the deer may have limited access to natural food sources. As a result, they may rely more on human trash for sustenance, which could lead to changes in their diet and potentially impact their overall health and population dynamics. It’s important to consider the long-term effects of such disruptions on wildlife.


Investigation skills
This task (questions 3 to 7 ) addresses the key concept of change and focuses on criterion \(\mathbf{B}\) (Inquiring and designing) and criterion \(\mathbf{C}\) (Processing and evaluating).
Environmental change impacts survival.

Aquatic plants are useful for many types of experiments.
The graph below shows the results from an investigation into how different plants affect the ability of small aquatic animals to hide from their predators. The experiment was done in a water tank with controlled numbers of plants, prey and predators.

3a .Identify the plant that resulted in the highest percentage average survival for the prey.(1 mark)


Ans: The native plants resulted in the highest percentage average survival for the prey.

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