IB myp 4-5 Biology – Practice Questions- All Topics
Topic :Organsims-Habitat
Topic :Organisms– Weightage : 21 %
All Questions for Topic : Habitat,Ecosystem,Inter dependency,Unity and diversity in life forms,Energy transfer and cycles,Classification
For each of the following case studies of habitats, identify biotic and abiotic factors, using information from the text and the accompanying images.
Ans: • Sea otter biotic factors: kelp providing shelter; coral reefs providing shelter; availability of prey/sea urchins/ molluscs/crustaceans; humans hunting for fur (in the past).
• Sea otter abiotic factors: salinity; wave action/storms; temperature of the water; beaches providing shelter; stones uses as tools; depth of water affecting kelp growth.
• Lagoon jellyfish biotic factors: zooplankton for food; algae to take into its tissues; mangrove trees for shelter/habitat.
• Lagoon jellyfish abiotic factors: sunlight; salinity; temperature of water; water depth/tides; water current.
• Spotted owl biotic factors: nest holes in large trees; smaller trees for cover; availability of prey/small mammals/squirrels/voles; predators/eagles.
• Spotted owl abiotic factors: darkness to support nocturnal hunting; sunlight to support biomass of habitat.
• Elfcup fungus biotic factors: availability of deadwood/fallen trees; availability of poplar/aspen/oak/ash trees.
• Elfcup fungus abiotic factors: water for saprotrophic nutrition; sufficient warmth for decomposition.
Identify a habitat in your local area where a specific living organism can be found. Take a photo of the organism. Attempt to capture as many features of its habitat as you can in the photo. Annotate the image with descriptions of biotic and abiotic factors that have impacts on the organism.
Ans: Answers will depend on the chosen organism and habitat.