IB myp 4-5 MATHEMATICS – Practice Questions- All Topics
Topic :Statistics & Probability-Correlation,quantitative handling, using technology
Topic :Statistics & Probability- Weightage : 21 %
All Questions for Topic : Measure of dispersion: standard deviation,Correlation, quantitative handling, using technology,Histograms for continuous fixed interval groups,Addition and multiplication rule-conditional probability,Probability calculations,Dependent and independent events
Question (a)
Groups of sprinters with different sleeping habits take the same test. The graph below shows the mean reaction time of each group.
Draw a line of best fit.
Question (b)
Using your line of best fit from (c), write down the value of $r$ for $h=4$ hours and $h=7.5$ hours.
value of their $r$ for $h=4$ value of their $r$ for $h=7.5$