Practice Questions
- Year-5 Addition And Subtraction: Multistep addition and subtraction problems
- Year 5 Maths: Add and subtract whole numbers with up to 6 digits using efficient methods
- Year 5 Math: Use estimation and inverse operations to check answers
- Year 5 Math: Adding whole hundreds (missing addends)
- Year 5 Math: Adding three 3-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting from 3-digit numbers(missing number)
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting – borrowing across two zeros
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting 2-digit numbers
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting from whole hundred
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting 2-digit numbers (missing number)
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting whole tens (missing number)
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting whole tens
- Year 5 Math: Adding numbers
- Year 5 Math: Missing numbers
Paid Section (Quiz and More Practice Questions)
- Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Practice Questions – Full Syllabus 🔒
- Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Values Online Quiz 🔒
Practice Questions
- Year 5 Math: Solve addition and subtraction problems, including missing number problems
- Year 5 Math: Adding 5 & 6 digit numbers in columns (4 addends)
- Year 5 Math: Adding 5 & 6 digit numbers in columns (3 addends)
- Year 5 Math: Adding 5 & 6 digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Adding four 4-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Adding 3-digit numbers in columns (with regrouping)
- Year 5 Math: Adding three 4-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Mental math: subtracting whole hundreds
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting from whole thousands
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting from 1,000
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting – borrowing across three zeros
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting whole tens from 3-digit numbers
Paid Section(Quiz and More Practice Questions)
- Year-5 Addition And Subtraction Practice Questions – Full Syllabus 🔒
- Year-5 Addition And Subtraction Online Quiz 🔒
Practice Questions
- Year 5 Math: Adding 5 & 6 digit numbers in columns (4 addends)
- Year 5 Math: Adding five 4-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Adding five 3-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Adding 4-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Adding four 3-digit numbers in columns
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting 5 & 6 digit number
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting 4-digit numbers, with regrouping
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting 3-digit numbers, with regrouping
- Year 5 Math: Subtracting whole hundreds from 4-digit numbers
- Year 5 Math: Addition and subtraction word problems
Paid Section (Quiz and More Practice Questions)
- Year 5 Math Addition and Subtraction Practice Questions – Full Syllabus 🔒
- Year 5 Math Addition and Subtraction Online Quiz 🔒
The Year 5 math curriculum is designed to build upon the mathematical knowledge and skills developed in previous years. It covers a wide range of topics and concepts, including number sense, arithmetic operations, geometry, measurement, and data handling. Here’s a detailed overview of the Year 5 math national curriculum:
- Number and Place Value:
- Read, write, order, and compare numbers up to 1,000,000.
- Recognize the value of each digit in a six-digit number.
- Round any number to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, or 100,000.
- Solve number and place value problems.
- Addition and Subtraction:
- Add and subtract whole numbers with up to 6 digits using efficient methods.
- Use estimation and inverse operations to check answers.
- Solve addition and subtraction problems, including missing number problems.
- Multiplication and Division:
- Multiply and divide numbers mentally, including decimals and large numbers.
- Use efficient written methods for multiplication and division.
- Solve multiplication and division problems, including scaling problems and finding factors and multiples.
- Fractions:
- Recognize and name fractions and mixed numbers.
- Compare and order fractions with different denominators.
- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
- Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.
- Solve fraction problems, including finding fractions of amounts and solving problems involving fractions, decimals, and percentages.
- Decimals and Percentages:
- Recognize and understand the relationship between decimals and fractions.
- Convert between decimals and percentages.
- Add, subtract, and compare decimals up to three decimal places.
- Solve decimal and percentage problems, including finding percentages of amounts and solving problems involving discounts and interest.
- Measurement:
- Convert between different units of measurement (e.g., kilometers to meters, liters to milliliters).
- Solve problems involving perimeter, area, and volume.
- Estimate and measure angles using a protractor.
- Tell and write the time using the 12-hour and 24-hour clock.
- Solve time problems, including timetables and solving problems involving duration.
- Geometry:
- Identify, describe, and classify shapes, including quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons.
- Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.
- Recognize and describe the properties of 3D shapes.
- Identify and describe angles, including right angles, acute angles, and obtuse angles.
- Statistics and Data Handling:
- Interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms, and tables.
- Solve problems involving line graphs and interpret timetables.
- Calculate and interpret the mean as an average.
- Solve statistical and data handling problems, including finding the mode and range.
In addition to these topics, the Year 5 math curriculum also emphasizes problem-solving skills, mathematical reasoning, and the ability to apply mathematical knowledge to real-life situations. It encourages students to develop fluency, accuracy, and efficiency in their mathematical calculations and to use mathematical language and notation correctly.