Home / 0610_w24_qp_21

Question 1

Topic: 11.1

A living organism, X, can make its own food, get rid of toxic materials and detect and respond to
What other four processes must organism X carry out to stay alive?

A excretion, growth, movement, sensitivity
B excretion, growth, nutrition, respiration
C growth, movement, reproduction, respiration
D movement, reproduction, respiration, sensitivity


Ans: C

Question 2

Topic:  1.2

The diagram shows an animal.

Using the key, which genus does the animal belong to?


Ans: C

Question 3

Topic:  1.2

Which statement is true for all species of organisms?

A A species is a group of organisms that are genetically identical.
B A species is a group of organisms that produce fertile offspring.                                                                                                                                                C A species is a group of organisms that reproduce both asexually and sexually.                                                                                                                          D A species is a group of organisms that reproduce by sexual means only.


Ans: B

Question 4

Topic: 1.3

Which group of living organisms includes the myriapods?
A arthropods
B prokaryotes
C protoctists
D vertebrates


Ans: A

Question 5

Topic: 2.1

The diagram shows a liver cell.

Which features are present in this cell and also in most plant cells?
A cell membrane and cytoplasm
B cell membrane and sap vacuole
C cell wall and cytoplasm
D cell wall and sap vacuole


Ans: A

Question 6

Topic: 1.3

A tick is a type of arachnid.
The length of an adult tick is 2.3 mm.
What is the length of the tick in micrometres?

A 0.23 μm
B 23 μm
C 230 μm
D 2300 μm


Ans: D

Question 7

Topic: 3.2

Cylinders of potato tissue were left in different concentrations of sucrose solution for one hour.
The graph shows the percentage change in the length of the potato cylinders after one hour.

What can be concluded about the cells of the potato cylinders that were left in 0.2 mol dm–3
sucrose solution?
A The cells in the potato cylinders became flaccid.
B The cells in the potato cylinders became plasmolysed.
C The net movement of water into the potato cells was equal to the net movement of water out of the potato cells.
D The water potential of the potato cells was zero.


Ans: C

Question 8

Topic: 4.1

Which statement about biological molecules is correct?
A DNA molecules contain pairs of bases: A pairs with G and C pairs with T.
B Fatty acids and glycerol molecules can be joined together to form proteins.
C Glucose molecules can be joined together to make cellulose and glycogen.
D Starch molecules are made of maltase.


Ans: C

Question 9

Topic: 5.1

The graph shows how temperature affects an enzyme-controlled reaction.
Where on the graph do the enzyme and substrate molecules have the most kinetic energy?


Ans: D

Question 10

Topic:  6.1

Which substance is an energy store that is made in plant cells from the products of
A cellulose
B glycogen
C nectar
D starch


Ans: D

Question 11

Topic:  7.1

Which nutrient is lacking when a person has scurvy?
A calcium
B iron
C vitamin C
D vitamin D


Ans: C

Question 12

Topic:  7.2

The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal.

Which row correctly identifies the structures labelled J to M?


Ans: A

Question 13

Topic:  7.4

Which statement about enzymes in digestion is correct?

A Amylase catalyses the breakdown of fats to fatty acids and glycerol.
B Amylase catalyses the breakdown of oils to fatty acids and glucose.
C Lipase catalyses the breakdown of fats to fatty acids and glycerol.
D Lipase catalyses the breakdown of oils to fatty acids and glucose.


Ans: C

Question 14

Topic:  7.5

The diagram shows a villus.

Which statement about absorption is correct?
A Amino acids move into X.
B Fatty acids move into X.
C Cellulose moves into Y.
D Maltose moves into Y.


Ans: B

Question 15

Topic:  8.1

Which substance strengthens the walls of xylem vessels?
A glycerol
B glycogen
C lignin
D starch  


Ans: C

Question 16

Topic:  3.2

Which row explains why a plant wilts?


Ans: C

Question 17

Topic:  8.4

Scientists investigated the movement of sucrose through a plant.
They used carbon dioxide containing radioactive carbon, 14C.
They covered one leaf on a plant with a clear plastic bag containing 14CO2.
After 24 hours, the plant was placed onto photographic film. The photographic film went black
where the radioactive carbon was present.
Diagram 1 shows the plant at the start of the experiment, and diagram 2 shows the photographic
film at the end of the experiment.

Which conclusions can be made from the experiment?

1 Translocation occurs in upwards and downwards directions.
2 The leaf and shoot tip are sources.
3 The roots and flowers are sinks.

A 1, 2 and 3
B 1 and 2 only
C 1 and 3 only
D 2 and 3 only


Ans: C

Question 18

Topic:  9.2

The diagram shows a section through the human heart.
Which valve is the right atrioventricular valve?


Ans: A

Question 19

Topic:  9.3

Which row shows the features of a blood vessel that transports blood at low pressure?


Ans: D

Question 20

Topic:  9.4

The diagram shows a component of blood.

What is the name of this component?
A lymphocyte
B phagocyte
C platelet
D red blood cell


Ans: B

Question 21

Topic:  10.1

Which statement about immunity is correct?
A Antibodies are present on the surface of pathogens.
B Antibodies are produced by lymphocytes.
C Antigens are produced by memory cells.
D Antigens are produced by phagocytes.


Ans: B

Question 22

Topic:  11.1

The intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract and relax during ventilation.
Which row shows the actions of muscles that result in the largest volume inside the thorax?


Ans: A

Question 23

Topic:  12.2

How many molecules of carbon dioxide, glucose, oxygen and water are there in the balanced
chemical equation for aerobic respiration?


Ans: C

Question 24

Topic:  13.1

Where is urea formed and excreted?


Ans: D

Question 25

Topic:  14.5

A growing seedling was pinned sideways onto a wooden board that was covered in wet blotting
The seedling was kept in a dark box.
The diagram shows the seedling after 24 hours. Auxin had become concentrated on the lower
side of the shoot and the root. 

What can be concluded from this experiment about the effect of auxin on the seedling?
A A high concentration of auxin stimulates cell elongation on the lower side of the root.
B A high concentration of auxin stimulates cell elongation on the lower side of the shoot.
C A low concentration of auxin stimulates cell elongation on the upper side of the shoot.
D A low concentration of auxin stimulates cell elongation on the upper sides of the shoot and the root.


Ans: B

Question 26

Topic:  15.1

Which statement describes a drug?
A a substance that is produced in the body and alters the activity of target organs
B a substance that is produced in the body and increases the rate of chemical reactions in the body
C any substance taken into the body that modifies or affects chemical reactions in the body
D any substance that helps the body maintain a constant internal environment


Ans: C

Question 27

Topic:  16.3

The diagram shows a plant that is producing small plantlets.

Which statement about the plantlets is correct?
A They are genetically different from the parent plant.
B They are genetically identical to the parent plant.
C They are produced as a result of the fusion of nuclei.
D They are produced by fertilising the flowers.


Ans: B

Question 28

Topic:  6.1

Which substance is an energy store that is made in plant cells from the products of
A cellulose
B glycogen
C nectar
D starch


Ans: D

Question 29

Topic:  16.6

The table shows the number of new HIV infections in 1990 and 2021 in one country.

Which statement could explain the change in the number of new HIV infections between 1990
and 2021?
A Condoms, which prevent the transmission of STIs, increased in price between 1990 and 2021.
B People in 2021 had more sexual partners.
C Testing of donated blood for pathogens was introduced in 1990.
D There was an increase in drug abuse between 1990 and 2021.


Ans: C

Question 30

Topic:  17.1

Where are amino acids assembled into protein molecules?
A the DNA
B the genes
C the nucleus
D the ribosomes


Ans: D

Question 31

Topic:  17.2

The diagram shows the changes in the mass of DNA in one cell before, during and after mitosis.

What is happening at X in the graph?

A the cell is changing from haploid to diploid
B the cell is dividing
C DNA replication
D reduction division


Ans: C

Question 32

Topic:  17.4

A woman who has blood group AB has a child with a man who has blood group B and is
What is the chance of the child having blood group B?
A 0%
B 25%
C 50%
D 100%


Ans: C

Question 33

Topic:  18.2

Plants are adapted to survive in different environments.
What are features of xerophytes?


Ans: A

Question 34

Topic:  19.1

Which diagram correctly shows the flow of energy?


Ans: A

Question 35


The diagram shows a food chain.

What is the correct pyramid of numbers for this food chain?


Ans: A

Question 36

Topic:  19.3

Acidic soils encourage the increase of anaerobic bacteria that cause denitrification.
How do acidic conditions affect the nitrogen cycle?
A Ammonia will not enter the nitrogen cycle.
B More nitrogen gas will be released from the soil.
C The concentration of nitrates in the soil will increase.
D The plants growing in the soil will produce more proteins.


Ans: B

Question 37

Topic:  12.2

The graph shows the population of yeast over a period of time.
Which phase shows when the number of yeast cells dying is equal to the number of new yeast
cells being produced?


Ans: C

Question 38

Topic:  20.1

Wheat plants are often grown in large areas as a monoculture.
What is a negative environmental impact of this method of farming?

A The variety of species in the area is reduced.
B Fewer types of pesticide are needed.
C Larger harvests can be produced.
D Specialist machinery can be used.


Ans: A

Question 39

Topic:  20.2

How will these natural processes be affected by deforestation?


Ans: D

Question 40

Topic:  21.3

The stages describe how genetic modification can be used to produce human insulin from
1 Cut bacterial plasmid DNA with restriction enzymes.
2 Extract the gene for insulin from human DNA with restriction enzymes.
3 Insert the recombinant plasmids into bacteria.
4 Join human DNA to bacterial plasmid DNA using DNA ligase.
5 Replicate bacteria containing recombinant plasmids.
Which sequence will lead to the production of human insulin by bacteria?


Ans: A

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