Home / 0610_w24_qp_23

Question 1

Topic: 1.1 Characteristics of living organisms

What is a description of excretion?

A) a chemical reaction that releases energy
B) a permanent increase in size and dry mass
C) removal of waste products of metabolism
D) taking in materials for energy, growth and development


Ans: C

Question 2

Topic: 1.2 Concept and uses of classification systems

The scientific name for a domestic horse is Equus caballus.
Which row shows the two parts of the name using the binomial system?


Ans: D

Question 3

Topic: 2.1 Cell structure

The diagram shows a type of plant cell.

Where does this type of cell come from?
A) root
B) cuticle
C) palisade mesophyll
D) spongy mesophyll


Ans: A

Question 4

Topic: 2.2 Size of specimens

What is the formula for calculating magnification?

A) \( \frac{actual size}{image size}\)
B) actual size × image size
C) \(\frac{imaze size}{actual size}\)
D) image size × actual size


Ans: C

Question 5

Topic: 3.1 Diffusion

The diagram represents a substance moving across a cell membrane, using energy from respiration.

Which method of transport does the diagram represent?
A) active transport
B) diffusion
C) evaporation
D) osmosis


Ans: A

Question 6

Topic: 4.1 Biological molecules

Which food-testing reagent shows a positive result when it turns from blue to purple?

A) Benedict’s solution
B) biuret
C) ethanol
D) iodine solution


Ans: B

Question 7

Topic: 5.1 Enzymes

What are the characteristics of an enzyme?


Ans: A

Question 8

Topic: 5.1 Enzymes

An enzyme in potato cells causes oxygen to be produced from the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.
Cubes of potato tissue were placed in a hydrogen peroxide solution at different temperatures.
The number of bubbles of oxygen released per minute was counted at each temperature.
The table shows the results.

The results suggest the optimum temperature for the enzyme is between which two values?
A) 15 °C and 35 °C
B) 35 °C and 45 °C
C) 35 °C and 55 °C
D) 45 °C and 55 °C


Ans: A 

Question 9

Topic: 13.1 Excretion in humans

Which molecules contain nitrogen?

A) amino acids
B) fats
C) glucose
D) starch


Ans: A

Question 10

Topic: 6.2 Leaf structure

The photomicrograph shows the lower surface of a leaf.

Which part of the leaf is labelled X?
A) guard cell
B) palisade cell
C) stoma
D) xylem vessel


Ans: A

Question 11

Topic: 7.4 Chemical digestion

Which row shows the correct enzyme, its substrate and the site of enzyme action in the alimentary canal?


Ans: C

Question 12

Topic: 8.3 Transpiration

A student set up the experiment shown in the diagram on a hot and dry day. The air bubble moved towards the leafy shoot by 30 mm in 1 hour.

The student was asked to predict and explain the result that would have been obtained on a hot and humid day.
Which row is correct?


Ans: B

Question 13

Topic: 8.4 Translocation

Which statement describes the process of translocation?

A) the movement of sucrose and amino acids in the xylem from the source to the sink
B) the movement of sucrose and water in the phloem from the sink to the source
C) the movement of sucrose and amino acids in the phloem from the source to the sink
D) the movement of water and amino acids in the xylem from the source to the sink


Ans: C

Question 14

Topic: 9.2 Heart

The diagram shows the human heart.

What are the semilunar valves?
A) W and X
B) W and Z
C) X and Y
D) Y and Z


Ans: A

Question 15

Topic: 9.4 Blood

Which component of the blood transports hormones?

A) plasma
B) platelets
C) red blood cells
D) white blood cells


Ans: A

Question 16

Topic: 10.1 Diseases and immunity

During the process of vaccination, what stimulates an immune response?

A) antibodies
B) antigens
C) lymphocytes
D) phagocytes


Ans: B

Question 17

Topic: 11.1 Gas exchange in humans

Muscles are responsible for the ventilation of the lungs during breathing.
Which row describes their action during the inspiration of air?


Ans: A

Question 18

Topic: 12.3 Anaerobic respiration

Which molecule is a product of anaerobic respiration in yeast?

A) \(C_{2}H_{5}OH\)
B) \(C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}\)
C) \(H_{2}O\)
D) \(O_{2}\)


Ans: A

Question 19

Topic: 13.1 Excretion in humans

In a kidney nephron, which substances are filtered out of the blood in the glomerulus?

A) glucose, protein, ions and water
B) glucose, protein, urea and water
C) glucose, ions, urea and water
D) ions, urea and water only


Ans: C

Question 20

Topic: 14.2 Sense organs

How many types of cone cells are there in the human eye?
A)  1
B)  2
C)  3
D) 4


Ans: C

Question 21

Topic: 14.5 Tropic responses

The diagram shows a plant shoot growing towards the light.

Which row describes where auxin is produced, and which side of the shoot has the lowest concentration of auxin?


Ans: B

Question 22

Topic – 15.1 Drugs

Which statement about antibiotics is correct?

A) Antibiotics are produced by memory cells.
B) Antibiotics are used to treat rickets.
C) Antibiotics are used to treat viral infections.
D) Antibiotics should only be used when essential.


Ans: D

Question 23

Topic: 16.1 Asexual reproduction

The diagram shows a strawberry plant.
Which labelled part of the plant can only be produced by asexual reproduction?


Ans: D

Question 24

Topic: 16.3 Sexual reproduction in plants

Which part of a flower can contain a pollen tube?

A) anther
B) filament
C) stamen
D) style


Ans: D

Question 25

Topic: 20.4 Conservation

To avoid extinction of rare plant species, a botanical garden keeps a collection of seeds known as a seed bank.
Which condition will prevent these seeds germinating while they are in storage?

A) high humidity
B) high oxygen levels
C) low light intensity
D) low temperature


Ans: D

Question 26

Topic: 16.5 Sex hormones in humans

The graph shows the changes to the thickness of the lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle.

Which hormone is responsible for the change to the thickness of the lining of the uterus shown between days 5 and 16?

C) Estrogen
D) progesterone


Ans: C

Question 27

Topic: 16.5 Sex hormones in humans

Which hormone concentrations are high during pregnancy?


Ans: C

Question 28

Topic: 16.6 Sexually transmitted infections

By which route would an HIV infection not be transmissible?

A) blood
B) saliva
C) sharing needles for injections
D) semen


Ans: B

Question 29

Topic: 16.2 Sexual reproduction

Which description of a human gamete is correct?

A) a diploid cell with 23 chromosomes
B) a diploid cell with 46 chromosomes
C) a haploid cell with 23 chromosomes
D) a haploid cell with 46 chromosomes


Ans: C

Question 30

Topic: 17.3 Meiosis

Which statements about meiosis are correct?


Ans: C

Question 31

Topic: 17.4 Monohybrid inheritance

A female parent who is heterozygous for red-green colour blindness has a female child with a red-green colour-blind male parent.
What is the chance of the female child being colour-blind?

A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 100%


Ans: C

Question 32

Topic: 17.4 Monohybrid inheritance

A pure-breeding plant with smooth stems was crossed with a heterozygous plant with hairy stems.
What will be the ratio of hairy to smooth stems in the resulting plants?

A) 1 hairy : 1 smooth
B) 1 hairy : 3 smooth
C) 3 hairy : 1 smooth
D) all hairy


Ans: A

Question 33

Topic: 18.2 Adaptive features

Which row shows the adaptive features of a xerophyte?


Ans: A

Question 34

Topic: 19.2 Food chains and food webs

The diagram shows a marine food web.

At which trophic levels is the cod found?

A) primary consumer and secondary consumer
B) secondary consumer and tertiary consumer
C) secondary consumer only
D) tertiary consumer only


Ans: B

Question 35

Topic: 19.3 Nutrient cycles

The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle.

Which labelled arrow would have the balanced chemical equation
\(6CO_{2}\)+ \(6H_{2}O\) \(C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}\) + \(6O_{2}\)?


Ans: B

Question 36

Topic: 19.4 Populations

Which statement explains why there is a lag phase in a population graph?

A) The build-up of waste products limits population growth.
B) The low population size limits the birth rate.
C) The number of births is equal to the number of deaths.
D) The number of deaths is greater than the number of births.


Ans: B

Question 37

Topic: 20.3 Pollution

The flow chart describes the process of eutrophication.

What should be at step X and step Y in the flow chart?


Ans: B

Quesstion 38

Topic: 20.4 Conservation

How can fish stocks be conserved?

A) closed seasons
B) decreased mesh size
C) increased quotas
D) reduction in protected areas


Ans: A

Question 39

Topic: 21.2 Biotechnology

Penicillin is produced in a fermenter by growing the fungus Penicillium. The graph shows how the mass of living Penicillium fungus and the concentration of penicillin change over time.

When is the best time to collect the penicillin?

A) at 1.5 days
B) at 3.0 days
C) at 3.5 days
D) at 5.0 days


Ans: D

Question 40

Topic: 21.3 Genetic modification

Which enzymes are required to produce human proteins, using genetic modification?


Ans: C

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