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Question 1

Topic: 9.3

(a) Topic-9.3 (blood vessels)

(b) Topic- 9.3 (blood vessels)

(c) Topic- 9.3 (blood vessels)

(d) Topic- 9.1 (circulatory system)

(e) Topic- 9.3 (blood vessels)

(f) Topic- 9.4 (blood)

(a) Fig. 1.1 is a photomicrograph showing a cross‑section of an artery

On Fig. 1.1, identify and label the:
• artery wall
• lumen.

(b) Complete the table by circling the correct words to show the differences between arteries and veins.

(c) State the name of the structures in veins that ensure one‑way flow of blood.

(d) Fig. 1.2 is a simplified diagram of the circulatory system in humans.

(i) State the names of the organs represented by the letters A, B and C in Fig. 1.2.
A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
B ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
C ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) Draw two arrows on Fig. 1.2 to show the direction of blood flow in the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery.

(e) State the name of the blood vessels that transfer substances to and from cells.

(f) Circle the names of two waste substances that are transferred from cells to blood.
amino acids     carbon dioxide     fatty acids     glucose     oxygen     urea


artery / wall, labelled ;
lumen labelled ;


1(c) valves ;

(i) A lungs ;
B heart ;
C kidney ;
(ii) arrow drawn from organ B to organ A for the pulmonary artery and arrow drawn from organ A to organ B for the pulmonary vein ;

1(e) capillaries ;

carbon dioxide circled ;
urea circled ;

Question 2

Topic: 7.4

(a) Topic-5.1 (enzymes)

(b) Topic- 7.4 (chemical digestion)

(c) Topic-7.4 (chemical digestion)

(d) Topic- 5.1 (enzymes)

(a) Tick (✓) all the boxes that describe enzymes.

(b) Fig. 2.1 shows the effect of pH on the activity of three different digestive enzymes, X, Y and Z.

Using the information in Fig. 2.1:
(i) State the optimum pH of enzyme Z.
(ii) State a pH value at which both enzymes X and Y are active.
(iii) State a pH value at which enzyme Y is completely denatured.
(iv) Enzyme X is a protease.
Describe its location and action in the digestive system.
location ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
action …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(v) Enzyme Y is produced by the salivary glands.
State the substrate and product of enzyme Y.
substrate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
product ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(c) State the type of digestion that uses enzymes.

(d) State one factor, other than pH, that affects enzyme activity.


box 2: they are involved in all metabolic reactions ticked ;
box 3: they are proteins ticked ;

(i) 9 ; 
(ii) any value within the range 4 to 7 inclusive ; 1
(iii) any value within the range 0 to 4 or 10 to 12 inclusive ; 1
(iv) location: stomach ;
action: (catalyses the) breakdown of proteins (to amino acids);
(v) substrate: starch ;
product: (reducing or simple) sugar ;

2(c) chemical ;

2(d) temperature / AVP ;

Question 3

Topic: 19.3

(a) Topic- 19.3 (nutrient cycle)

(b) Topic- 20.3 (pollution)

(c) Topic-20.3 (pollution)

(d) Topic-7.4 (chemical digestion)

(e) Topic- 19.2 (food chains and food webs)

(a) Fig. 3.1 is a diagram of part of the carbon cycle.
Three processes that occur in the carbon cycle are labelled Q, R and S.

(i) Complete the table by stating the names of processes Q, R and S in Fig. 3.1.

(ii) Draw one arrow on Fig. 3.1 to represent the transfer of carbon by respiration in herbivores.

(b) Carbon dioxide is one gas that causes climate change.
State the name of one other gas that causes climate change.

(c) Suggest one way that humans can increase the rate of removal of carbon dioxide from the

(d) Proteins contain carbon.
State two other chemical elements all proteins contain.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(e) Describe what is meant by the term carnivore.



(ii) arrow drawn in the correct direction from ‘carbon in herbivores’ box to ‘carbon in the atmosphere’ box ;

3(b) methane / AVP ;

3(c) any one from:
plant (more) trees / plants ;

3(d) any two from:
oxygen ;
hydrogen ;
nitrogen ;

3(e) an animal that gets it energy by eating other animals ;

Question 4

Topic: 20.4

(a) Topic- 20.4 (conservation)

(b) Topic- 1.3 (features of organisms)

(c) Topic-20.4 (conservation)

A population of a species of fish was accidentally introduced into a lake.

(a) State two features that can be used to classify this introduced species as a fish.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(b) Describe what is meant by the term population.
(c) Fig. 4.1 shows the changes in the population size of the introduced fish species in the lake between 2004 and 2010.

(i) The boxes on the left show the letters identifying the sections of the graph in Fig. 4.1.
The boxes on the right show the phases of population growth.
Draw lines to link each letter with the correct phase.
Draw three lines.

(ii) Describe possible reasons for the change in population size between 2009 and 2010 in Fig. 4.1.


4(a) any two from:
scales ;
gills ;
swim bladder ;
fins ;
lateral line ;

4(b) (a group of organisms of) one / same, species ; living in the same area, at the same time ;


(ii) any one from:
more fish died than were born / AW ;
(because of:) disease ; pollution ;
competition for / lack of, (named) resources or described ;;
predation / hunting / (over)fishing ;
introduction of new species ;

Question 5

Topic: 8.3 

(a) Topic- 8.3 (transpiration)

(b) Topic- 8.2 (transpiration)

(c) Topic- 6.2 (transpiration)

(a) A student investigated the effect of windspeed on the rate of transpiration.
The student placed a fan at different distances from a plant shoot and measured the distance the air bubble moved in three minutes.
The distance the air bubble moved can be used to calculate the rate of water uptake, which is equivalent to the rate of transpiration.
Fig. 5.1 shows the apparatus the student used.

Table 5.1 shows their results.

(i) Calculate the rate of water uptake when the fan is 0.6 m from the plant shoot.
Give your answer to two decimal places.
Space for working.
………………………….. mm per second

(ii) Using the information in Fig. 5.1 and Table 5.1, complete the sentences by writing a word or phrase in the spaces to describe the results.
As the fan is moved further away from the shoot, the windspeed …………………………………… and the …………………………………… moved by the air bubble decreased.
During transpiration water evaporates from the surfaces of the …………………………………… cells into the air spaces inside the leaf. The water vapour diffuses out of the leaf through the …………………………………… . This causes water to move through the capillary tube causing the air bubble to move towards …………………………………… .

(iii) State one other factor that affects the rate of transpiration.

(b) State two uses of water in a plant.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(c) Explain why the leaf can be described as an organ.


(i) 0.11 ;
(ii) decreased ; distance ;
mesophyll ; stomata ;
shoot / plant / left / leaf / AW ;
(iii) temperature / AVP ;

5(b) any two from:
photosynthesis ;
solvent ;
transport ;
support ;
germination ;

5(c) (a leaf is) a group of tissues ;
performing / AW,(specific) function(s) ;

Question 6

Topic: 20.1

(a) Topic- 20.1 (food supply)

(b) Topic- 20.1 (food supply)

(c) Topic – 20.1 (food supply)

(d) Topic- 20.1 (food supply)

Fig. 6.1 is a photograph of intensive egg production on a chicken farm.

(a) In 1905, each chicken produced a mean of 120 eggs per year. In 2021, each chicken produced a mean of 300 eggs per year.
Calculate the percentage increase in mean egg production per year.

(b) Egg production has increased due to selective breeding and intensive farming.
Describe the disadvantages of intensive livestock farming.

(c) Complete the flowchart to describe how egg production in chickens is increased by selective breeding.

(d) Selective breeding is also used to increase crop plant production.
State two other ways to increase crop plant production.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


6(a) 150(%) ;

6(b) any three from:
ref. to pollution / greenhouse gas emissions ;
waste disposal / sewage / slurry / eutrophication (described) / AW ;
animal welfare concerns / AW ;
increased use / overuse, of antibiotics ;
increased risk of disease / disease spreads more quickly ;

6(c) lay the most eggs / AW ;
breed / cross / reproduce / mate / produce offspring / AW ;
generations ;

6(d) any two from:
insecticides / pesticides ;
herbicides ;
fertilisers ;
agricultural machinery ;
genetic modification ;

Question 7

Topic: 21.1

(a) Topic-21.2 (biotechnology)

(b) Topic- 7.1 (diet)

(c) Topic- 21.1 (biotechnology and genetic modification)

(d) Topic- 21.1 9biotechnology and genetic modification)

(a) A scientist investigated the effect of the enzyme pectinase on the volume of fruit juice produced by the same mass of two different fruits.

Fig. 7.1 shows the results.

Describe the results shown in Fig. 7.1.

(b) State two components of a balanced diet that are provided by fruits such as blackcurrants
and plums.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(c) State two reasons why bacteria are useful in biotechnology and genetic modification.
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(d) The box on the left contains the beginning of a sentence.
The boxes on the right show some sentence endings.
Draw two lines to make two correct sentences.


7(a) any three from:
1) with pectinase (overall) more (fruit) juice produced / without pectinase less juice produced ;
2) with pectinase yellow plum has a more juice than blackcurrants / with pectinase blackcurrants have less juice than plums ;
3) without pectinase blackcurrants have more juice thanplums / without pectinase plums have less juice than blackcurrants ;
4) greatest increase in juice with pectinase in plums (thanblackcurrants) / smallest increase in juice with pectinase inblackcurrants (than plums) ;
5) comparative / manipulative, data quote ;

7(b) any two from:
(named) vitamins ;
(named) mineral / ions ;
water ;
fibre ;
(named) carbohydrate ;
proteins ;

7(c) any two from:
rapid reproduction rate ;
ability to make complex molecules ;

7(d) genetic modification linked to:
changes the genetic material of an organism ;
inserts, change or removes genes ;

Question 8

Topic: 11.1

(a) Topic- 11.1 (gaseous exchange in humans)

(b) Topic- 11.1 (gaseous exchange in humans)

(c) Topic- 12.2 (aerobic respiration)

(d) Topic- 12.3 (anaerobic respiration)

(a) Alveoli are the gas exchange surfaces in humans.

(i) State two features of gas exchange surfaces in humans.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) State the name of the organ system alveoli belong to.

(b) State the word equation for aerobic respiration.

(c) Explain why muscle cells have a high rate of respiration.


(i) any two from:
large surface area ;
thin (surface) ;
good blood supply ;
good ventilation ;
moist ;
(ii) breathing system / gas exchange system / respiratory system ;

8(b) glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water 

8(c) (respiration releases) energy needed for movement / needed for muscle contraction ;

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