Home / 0654_w24_qp_31

Question 1 :

(a) Euglena are single-celled organisms that have features of both animal and plant cells.

Fig. 1.1 is a labelled diagram of a Euglena.

(i) The parts labelled in Fig. 1.1 are responsible for different characteristics of living organisms.

Identify the part responsible for:

excretion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
movement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
nutrition ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
sensitivity. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) State the name of one other characteristic of living organisms.

(iii) State one part from Fig. 1.1 that Euglena have in common with plant cells but not with animal cells.

(b) Euglena and animal cells do not have cell walls.
State the function of the cell wall.

(c) Cell walls are made from a type of carbohydrate called cellulose.
Cellulose is made up of smaller molecules of glucose.
(i) List the chemical elements in all carbohydrates.
(ii) Circle two other larger carbohydrate molecules made from glucose.
                       fat               glycerol             glycogen

                      oil                protein              starch 


Ans :   1(a)(i) contractile vacuole ;
                          flagellum ;
                          chloroplast ;
                           eyespot ;

               1(a)(ii) respiration / growth / reproduction ; 1
               1(a)(iii) chloroplast ; 
               1(b) strengthen cell / AW ; 
               1(c)(i) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen ; 
               1(c)(ii) glycogen circled ;
                            starch circled ;

Question 2:

(a) A list of formulae is shown.
           CH $_{4}$         Cl $_{2}$         MgCl $_{2}$            N$_{2}$           NaCl             NH $_{3}$           O$_{2}$
Identify the formula from the list which represents:
(i) a compound that is the main constituent of natural gas
(ii) an element that bleaches damp litmus paper
(iii) an element that makes up 21% of clean air
(iv) a compound containing an ion with a 1+ charge
(v) a gas made by displacement from an ammonium salt.
(b) A student investigates the rate of reaction between excess dilute hydrochloric acid and powdered magnesium carbonate.
Carbon dioxide gas is produced in this reaction.
Fig. 2.1 shows the apparatus the student uses.

The student measures the mass of the conical flask and its contents during the reaction.
(i) Explain why the mass of the conical flask and its contents decreases during the reaction.
(ii) The student wants to increase the rate of reaction. They do not change the particle size of the magnesium carbonate.
State two changes to the reaction conditions that the student makes to increase the rate of reaction.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

iii) Complete the word equation for the reaction

c) Magnesium chloride is soluble in water.
State the separation technique used to obtain solid magnesium chloride from a solution of magnesium chloride.


Ans : 2(a)(i) CH4 ; 
           2(a)(ii) Cl2 ; 
           2(a)(iii) O2 ; 
           2(a)(iv) NaCl ; 
           2(a)(v) NH3 ; 
           2(b)(i) carbon dioxide is lost ; 
           2(b)(ii) increase temperature (of acid) ;
                         increase concentration (of acid) ; 

          2(b)(iii) carbon dioxide ;
                         water ;                   

          2(c) crystallisation ;

Question 3 :

(a) A rock that travels through space and hits the Earth’s surface is called a meteorite.
Fig. 3.1 shows a speed–time graph for a meteorite as it:
• travels through space
• slows down through the Earth’s atmosphere
• hits the Earth’s surface.

i) State the maximum speed of the meteorite.
                                                     maximum speed = …………………………………………. m / s 
(ii) State the time at which the meteorite hits the surface of the Earth.
                                                     time = ……………………………………………… s 
(iii) State the name of the force that causes the meteorite to slow down through the Earth’s atmosphere.
(b) (i) The weight of the meteorite is 3.3 × 10$^{8}$ N.

The gravitational force on unit mass, g, is 10 N/kg.
Calculate the mass of the meteorite.
                                                    mass = ……………………………………………. kg 

(ii) The volume of the meteorite is 4200 m$^{3}$ .

Use your answer to (b)(i) to calculate the density of the meteorite.
State the units of your answer.
                                                    density = ……………………….. units ……………… 
(c) The meteorite contains large amounts of iron.
Magnets are made from iron. A piece of iron can be magnetised by stroking it with a magnet.
Describe one other method of magnetisation.
(d) The nuclide notations for two iron isotopes are shown.

(i) Complete the sentence to define the term isotope.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element which have the same ………………………………….
number but a different …………………………………. number. 
(ii) State the number of neutrons in an atom of isotope A and in an atom of isotope B.
isotope A ……………………………
isotope B …………………………..


Ans :   3(a)(i) 30 000 (m/ s) ; 
              3(a)(ii) 20 (s) ; 
              3(a)(iii) friction / air resistance ; 
              3(b)(i) evidence of mass = weight / g or 3.3  10$^{8}$/10 ;

               mass = 3.3×10$^{7}$(kg) ;

             3(b)(ii) evidence of density = mass / volume (in any form) or 3.3×10$^{7}$ ÷ 4200 ;

                          7900 ;

             3(c) place in solenoid / coil and pass (d.c.) electric current through solenoid / coil or
                     place in direction of Earth’s magnetic field and hammer it (gently) ;

             3(d)(i) proton / atomic and
                          nucleon / mass ;

             3(d)(ii) isotope A = 28 neutrons and isotope B = 30 neutrons ;

Question 4:

(a) The number of new infections of HIV in one country was estimated in 2000 and 2018.
Table 4.1 shows the results.

(i) Calculate the percentage decrease in the number of new infections of HIV between 2000 and 2018 in Table 4.1.

                                             percentage decrease = …………………………………………….. % 
(ii) Suggest three reasons for this decrease.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(iii) State the type of organism that causes the HIV disease.

(b) Fig. 4.1 is a photomicrograph of human blood.

i) Table 4.2 shows some information about the components of blood shown in Fig. 4.1.
Complete Table 4.2.

(ii) A student knows the actual size of the component labelled A in Fig. 4.1.
Describe how the student determines the magnification of the image of the component labelled A.



4(a)(i) 280 – 170 / 110 ;

  ((110 / 280) × 100) = 39(.3) (%) ;

4(a)(ii) any three from:

ref to education / campaigns ;
increased, monitoring / testing ;
use of condoms / barrier contraception ;
increased abstinence ;
screening of blood transfusions ;
provision of clean needles / needle banks ;
reduction in sharing needles ;
reduced breast feeding by infected mothers

4(a)(iii) virus ;


one mark for each row

4(b)(ii) measure (with a ruler the image length of one of the red blood cells) ;
         divide this length by the actual size / magnification = image size / actual size ;

Question 5:

(a) Table 5.1 shows the observations for the reactions of four metals with water

(i) Place the four metals in order of reactivity from the most reactive to the least reactive.

(ii) Name one metal from Table 5.1 that is found in Group I of the Periodic Table.
(iii) Name one metal from Table 5.1 that is a transition element.
(b) Copper is extracted from its ore. Copper(II) oxide is made and then copper.
(i) The extraction of copper involves an endothermic reaction.
State what is meant by an endothermic reaction.
(ii) Explain why copper(II) oxide is described as a basic oxide.

(c) Copper is also extracted from its ore by electrolysis.
Define electrolysis by completing the sentence.
Electrolysis is the breakdown of an ionic compound when ……………………………
or in aqueous solution by the passage of …………………………… .
(d) Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
(i) Apart from cost, suggest why brass is used to make keys but pure copper is not used to
make keys.
(ii) Copper has a melting point of 1084 °C.
Zinc has a melting point of 420 °C.
The brass alloy has a range of melting points from 905 °C to 932 °C.
Explain why brass does not have a single melting point.


Ans : 5(a)(i) potassium
potassium and copper correct ;
lithium and calcium correct ;

5(a)(ii) lithium / potassium ; 
5(a)(iii) copper ; 
5(b)(i) temperature decreases / thermal energy is absorbed (from the surroundings) ; 
5(b)(ii) is a metal oxide ; 
5(c) molten / liquid ;
electricity ;

5(d)(i) brass is more hardwearing / stronger ; 
5(d)(ii) brass is a mixture ;

Question 6 :

(a) Fig. 6.1 shows two horizontal forces acting on a truck as it moves forwards along a flat, level road.

(i) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant horizontal force on the truck.
Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the direction of the resultant force.

                                                       magnitude = …………………………………………….. N 
(ii) Describe the motion of the truck as the resultant force is applied.

(b) The truck has two identical headlamps.
The lamps are connected in parallel across a 12V battery. One switch turns on both lamps. A fuse protects the circuit.
(i) Fig. 6.2 shows an incomplete circuit diagram for this circuit

        Fig. 6.2

Complete Fig. 6.2 using standard electrical symbols.

(ii) State one advantage of connecting the lamps in parallel.
(iii) Complete the sentences about the fuse.
The purpose of a fuse is to ………………………………………………… the circuit. A large
……………………………….. in the circuit causes the fuse to get hot and melt, breaking the circuit.


Ans :   6(a)(i) 500 (N) ;
              arrow to the left / forwards ;

6(a)(ii) accelerates (forwards) / owtte ; 
6(b)(i) lamp symbol correct ;
            all other symbols correct ;
           lamps connected in parallel ;
           all else correct ;

6(b)(ii) both lamps get full voltage / if one lamp stops working, the other still works ; 
6(b)(iii) protect ;
              current ;

Question 7 :

(a) Tick (√) the correct definition of inheritance.
Inheritance is the transmission of genetic information from the environment.                     
Inheritance is the transmission of physical information from the nervous system.               
Inheritance is the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation.       
Inheritance is the transmission of verbal information from the environment.                         
(b) The shape of peas is an inherited characteristic controlled by a single gene.
The allele for smooth peas is dominant R.
The allele for wrinkled peas is recessive r.
Fig. 7.1 is a photograph of two peas with different shapes.

(i) The boxes on the left show some examples used to show inheritance of shape in peas.
The boxes on the right show descriptive terms.
Draw lines to link each box on the left to its descriptive term on the right.
One has been done for you.

ii) Complete the genetic diagram in Fig. 7.2 to calculate the likelihood of the offspring having a wrinkled shape

percentage likelihood of offspring
              having a wrinkled shape = ………………………………………………….. %

(c) The list shows some structures involved in inheritance.

                  cell              chromosome                gene                nucleus

Put these in order from smallest to largest.
One has been done for you.


Ans : 7(a) inheritance is the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation ✓ ;




(percentage likelihood of offspring having a wrinkled shape =) 25 (%) ;

7(c) (gene), chromosome, nucleus, cell ;
          1  mark for any one in the correct order
          2  marks for the rest in the correct order

Question 8 :

(a) (i) Fig. 8.1 shows the changes of state of water

Identify the changes of state represented by X and Y.
X ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Y ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) State if boiling is a chemical change or a physical change.
Give a reason for your answer.
change ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
reason ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(b) (i) Complete the dot-and-cross diagram to show the electron arrangement in a molecule of water.
Show outer shell electrons only.

(ii) State the type of chemical bonds in a water molecule.

(c) Filtration and chlorination are both used in the treatment of the water supply.
State the purpose of each process.
filtration …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
chlorination ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(d) Water is made when hydrogen reacts with oxygen.
Balance the symbol equation for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
………….. H$_{2}$ + O$_{2}$ → ………….. H$_{2}$O 


Ans :   8(a)(i) X = condensation ;
Y = solidification or freezing ;

8(a)(ii) physical (no mark) ;

no new substance formed / can be reversed ;



one pair of bonding electrons ;
all else correct ;

8(b)(ii) covalent ; 
8(c) filtration – remove solid matter OWTTE ;
chlorination – kill bacteria / microorganisms ;

8(d) 2 H$_{2}$ + O$_{2}$ → 2 H$_{2}$O
2H$_{2}$ ;
2H$_{2}$O ;

Question 9 :
 Fig. 9.1 shows a moth(a) A student forms an image of the moth on a screen using a thin converging lens.

A ray of light has been drawn from each of the moth’s wings to the screen on the ray diagram in Fig. 9.2.
The start of another ray of light has been drawn from the moth’s body

(i) On Fig. 9.2, complete the ray of light from the moth’s body to show where it appears on the screen. 
(ii) Draw a double headed arrow (↕) on Fig. 9.2 to show the size and position of the image of the moth on the screen. 
(iii) State the name of the point labelled F on Fig. 9.2.
(b) Moths are able to hear the highest frequency of any animal. The greater wax moth can hear frequencies up to 300 000 Hz.
(i) State the maximum audible frequency for a healthy human ear in Hz.
frequency = ……………………………………………. Hz 
(ii) State what is meant by the frequency of a wave.
(c) Fig. 9.3 shows an electric insect trap that uses an ultraviolet lamp to attract insects

(i) There is a potential difference (p.d.) of 240 V across the ultraviolet lamp.
There is a current of 0.75 A in the ultraviolet lamp.
Calculate the resistance of the ultraviolet lamp.
resistance = …………………………………………….. Ω
(ii) State one danger of ultraviolet radiation to humans.


Ans :

9(a)(i) horizontal ray continued to lens axis ;
diagonal straight line from lens through F to screen ;

9(a)(ii) position of image correctly indicated ; 
9(a)(iii) principal focus / focal point ; 
9(b)(i) 20 000 (Hz) ; 
9(b)(ii) number of waves that pass a fixed point per unit time / owtte ; 
9(c)(i) evidence of resistance = potential difference ÷ current / 240 ÷ 0.75 ; 

        320 (Ω) ;

9(c)(ii) skin cancer / cataracts and eye damage / immune system depression / premature aging and other skin damage ;

Question 10 :

(a) A student investigates responses in seeds.
They place germinating seeds in a Petri dish.
The Petri dish is left on its side in a dark room.
After two days the student observes the direction of root growth.

Fig. 10.1 shows the investigation.

i) Complete the sentences to describe and explain the results in Fig. 10.1.
After 2 days the roots have grown downwards.
This is a tropic response called ………………………………………………… .
The roots are growing downwards towards ………………………………………………… to receive more water from the soil.
(ii) State two uses of water in a plant.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(iii) State the name of the plant cell that absorbs water from the soil.
(iv) State the name of the vessels that transport water from the roots to the leaves in a plant.

b) Mineral ions are also absorbed by plants.
Circle the main mineral ion required for the synthesis of chlorophyll.
calcium iron magnesium phosphate

(c) The boxes show some statements about plants.

Tick (√) three correct statement
Plants are producers in a food chain.                         
Plants can be selectively bred.                                     
Plants do not respire.                                                    
Plants form the main part of a carnivore’s diet.        
Plants manufacture carbohydrates.                            
Plants only reproduce asexually.                                 


Ans :  10(a)(i) gravitropism ;
gravity ;

10(a)(ii) any two from:
photosynthesis ;
support ;
solvent ;
germination ;

10(a)(iii) root hair cell ; 
10(a)(iv) xylem ; 
10(b) magnesium circled ;


Question 11 :

(a) Fig. 11.1 shows the molecular structure of ethene.

i) State the total number of atoms in a molecule of ethene.
(ii) State the formula of ethene.
(iii) Use Fig. 11.1 to explain why an ethene molecule is described as unsaturated.
(iv) State the chemical test for an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Give the observations for a positive result.
test ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
observations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(b) (i) State the two products of the complete combustion of ethene.
     1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
     2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) Ethene is made from the breakdown of larger molecules in petroleum.
State the name of this process.

(iii) Polymerisation of ethene produces poly(ethene).
Describe what happens to ethene molecules during polymerisation.


Ans : 11(a)(i) 6 ; 
11(a)(ii) C2H4 ; 
11(a)(iii) C=C double bond ; 
11(a)(iv) aqueous bromine ;
           orange to colourless ;

11(b)(i) carbon dioxide ;
              water ;

11(b)(ii) cracking ; 
11(b)(iii) join together / make a long chain ;

Question 12 :

Visible light travels 1.5 × 10$^{8}$ km from the Sun to the Earth.
(a) The speed of light is 3.0 × 10$^{8}$ m / s.
Calculate the time taken for visible light to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
                                                             time = ……………………………………………… s 
(b) Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Fig. 12.1 shows an incomplete electromagnetic spectrum.

Identify regions J, K and L shown in Fig. 12.1.
J .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
K ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
L ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(c) Explain why energy is transferred through space from the Sun to the Earth by radiation and not by conduction or convection.

(d) Solar energy is a renewable source of energy.
The list shows some renewable energy sources and some non-renewable energy sources.
                        coal           geothermal            hydroelectric
                        natural          gas                     waves              wind
(i) Identify two renewable energy sources from the list.
       1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
       2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) Identify two non-renewable energy sources from the list.
      1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
      2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Ans : 12(a) evidence of, unit conversion km to m ;
            evidence of, time = distance ÷ speed / 1.5 × 10$^{11}$ ÷ 3.0 × 10$^{8}$;

            500 (s) ;

12(b) J = microwaves ;
          K = infrared (radiation) ;
         L = X-rays ;

12(c) space is a vacuum ;
         radiation does not need a medium to pass through / conduction and convection need a medium to pass through ;

12(d)(i) any two from:

12(d)(ii) coal AND natural gas ;

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