Question 1:
(a) Fig. 1.1 is a diagram of the male reproductive system in humans.
(i) State the letter from Fig. 1.1 that identifies the part that:
carries urine and semen ………………………………
produces sperm ………………………………
transfers sperm to the urethra. ………………………………
(ii) Draw an X on Fig. 1.1 to identify the position of the prostate gland.
(b) Sperm cells are the male gametes in humans.
Sperm cells are 0.05mm in length.
Female gametes are 0.1mm in length.
(i) State the name of the female gametes in humans.
(ii) Calculate how many times longer female gametes are than male gametes.
(c) Sperm cells have a high rate of respiration.
(i) State the word equation for aerobic respiration.
(ii) Complete the sentence about respiration.
Respiration releases the ……………………………… needed for cell division and movement.
(d) Sperm cells are involved in fertilisation.
Describe the process of fertilisation in humans.
Include the site of fertilisation in your answer.
Ans : 1(a)(i) B ;
D ;
A ;
1(a)(ii) X drawn on prostate gland ;
1(b)(i) egg / ova / ovum ;
1(b)(ii) (0.1 / 0.05 =) 2 ;
1(c)(i) glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
1 mark for reactants ;
1 mark for products ;
1(c)(ii) energy ;
1(d) fusion of the, sperm / male gamete, and, egg / female gamete ;
ref to nuclei ;
fertilisation takes place in the oviduct ;
Question 2:
(a) Choose from the following substances to answer the questions.
Each substance may be used once, more than once or not at all.
(i) Used as a chemical test for water.
(ii) Used as a solvent.
(iii) Used in aircraft parts.
(iv) Used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.
(v) Used in the treatment of the water supply.
(vi) Used in the treatment of acidic soil.
(b) Sulfuric acid has the formula H$_{2}$SO$_{4}$.
(i) State the total number of atoms in one molecule of sulfuric acid.
(ii) State the total number of different elements found in one molecule of sulfuric acid.
(c) A student reacts magnesium with dilute sulfuric acid.
The equation for the reaction is shown.
Mg(s) + H$_{2}$SO$_{4}$(aq)→MgSO$_{4}$(aq) + H$_{2}$(g)
(i) State the names of the two products of the reaction.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) State the separation technique used by the student to remove any unreacted solid magnesium from the reaction mixture.
Ans : 2(a)(i) copper sulfate ;
2(a)(ii) ethanol ;
2(a)(iii) aluminium ;
2(a)(iv) sulfur ;
2(a)(v) chlorine ;
2(a)(vi) limestone ;
2(b)(i) 7 ;
2(b)(ii) 3 ;
2(c)(i) magnesium sulfate ;
hydrogen ;
2(c)(ii) filtration ;
Question 3:
A person climbs a mountain.
(a) The person is exposed to infrared and ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
Infrared and ultraviolet radiation are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
(i) Fig. 3.1 shows an incomplete electromagnetic spectrum.
On Fig. 3.1, write infrared and ultraviolet in their correct places.
(ii) Ultraviolet waves travel at 300000000m/ s in a vacuum.
State the speed of infrared waves in a vacuum.
speed = ………………………………………….. m/s
(b) The person makes a loud sound and then hears an echo.
State what is meant by an echo.
(c) The person takes a photograph with a camera.
The camera contains a thin converging lens.
Fig. 3.2 shows an incomplete ray diagram for a thin converging lens forming an image.
(i) State the name of the points labelled F on Fig. 3.2.
(ii) On Fig. 3.2:
• draw a line to complete the path of ray 2
• draw the image formed
• label the image.
(d) The person drops the camera from the top of the mountain. The camera falls down the mountain.
Fig. 3.3 shows the distance–time graph for the motion of the camera over the first 6.0s.
Use Fig. 3.3 to determine the average speed of the camera over 6.0s.
speed = …………………………………………. m/s
Ans : 3(a)(i)
infrared correct ;
ultraviolet correct ;
3(a)(ii) 300 000 000 (m / s) ;
3(b) the reflection of sound ;
3(c)(i) principal focus / focal point ;
3(c)(ii) horizontal line drawn from lens to intersect with ray ;
inverted (labelled) arrow for image ;
3(d) total distance 180m ;
evidence of speed = distance ÷ time / 180 ÷ 6.0 ;
30 (m/ s) ;
Question 4:
(a) Fig. 4.1 is a photomicrograph of a cross-section through a root.
The boxes on the left show the letters of the parts labelled X and Y in Fig. 4.1.
The boxes on the right show some functions.
Draw lines to link each part with its main function(s).
Draw three lines.
(b) State the function of phloem.
(c) Mineral ions are necessary for plant health.
(i) Explain why nitrate ions are required for growth.
(ii) Magnesium ions are used to make a substance required for photosynthesis.
State the name of this substance.
(d) Table 4.1 shows some of the requirements for the processes of germination and photosynthesis.
Place ticks (✓) in the boxes to show the requirements for each process.
Ans : 4(a)
one mark for each correct line
4(b) transport of, dissolved sugars / sucrose / amino acids ;
4(c)(i) (nitrate ions) are needed to, synthesise / make, amino acids ;
amino acids make up proteins (which are required for growth) ;
4(c)(ii) chlorophyll ;
1 mark for each correct row ;;
Question 5:
(a) Chlorine reacts with hydrogen to make hydrogen chloride.
(i) Construct the word equation for this reaction.
……………………….. + ……………………….. → ………………………..
(ii) Hydrogen chloride gas is a covalent compound.
Explain why hydrogen chloride gas is a covalent compound and not an ionic compound.
(iii) Fig. 5.1 shows the electronic structure in atoms of hydrogen and chlorine.
Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show the arrangement of outer-shell electrons in a molecule of hydrogen chloride gas.
(iv) Hydrogen chloride dissolves in water to make dilute hydrochloric acid.
The pH of the hydrochloric acid is found using a pH probe.
Describe one other way of finding the pH of dilute hydrochloric acid.
(v) Suggest the pH of the dilute hydrochloric acid.
pH ……………..
(b) Table 5.1 shows information about three Group VII elements.
(i) Complete Table 5.1.
(ii) State the name given to Group VII of the Periodic Table.
(iii) Explain why chlorine, bromine and iodine are all in Group VII of the Periodic Table.
Use ideas about electrons in your answer.
Ans : 5(a)(i) hydrogen + chlorine → hydrogen chloride ;
5(a)(ii) two non-metals bonding ;
5(a)(iii) one pair of bonding electrons ;
all else correct ;
5(a)(iv) use universal indicator ;
colour indicates the pH ;
5(a)(v) any value between 1 and 3 ;
5(b)(ii) halogens ;
5(b)(iii) all have 7 electrons in their outer shell ;
Question 6:
(a) α-particles, β-particles and γ-rays are all used in hospitals to treat cancer.
Table 6.1 gives information about the nature and charge of these three radiations.
(i) Complete Table 6.1.
(ii) Place the three radiations in order of their ionising ability, from most ionising to least ionising.
most ionising ………………..
least ionising ………………..
(iii) State which radiation is the most penetrating.
(b) X-rays and ultrasound waves are also used in hospitals.
(i) State one use of X-rays in hospitals.
(ii) Ultrasound waves have a frequency that is too high for a human to hear.
Use your knowledge of the range of audible frequencies for a human to suggest the frequency of ultrasound waves.
frequency = ……………………………………………. Hz
(c) A doctor in the hospital uses some sanitising hand liquid. The liquid contains ethanol, which evaporates from the skin of the doctor and cools the doctor’s hands.
Explain why the evaporation of the ethanol causes the doctor’s skin to cool.
Use ideas about molecules in your answer.
Ans :
one mark for each correct row
6(a)(ii) (in order)
β (-particles)
$\gamma$ (-rays)
6(a)(iii) \gamma$-rays ;
6(b)(i) scanning / imaging (tissues) inside the body ;
6(b)(ii) any value above 20 000 (Hz) ;
6(c) most energetic molecules escape ;
from surface of liquid ;
lowering the temperature of the remaining ethanol molecules ;
Question 7:
(a) Table 7.1 shows some information about five different enzymes.
(i) Identify the enzyme(s) from Table 7.1 that:
• have the widest pH range of activity …………………….. and ……………………..
• is active at pH 5.5 …………………………………………
• is most active in alkaline conditions. …………………………………………
(ii) State one other factor, apart from pH, that affects the activity of enzymes.
(b) Circle two words that are used to describe enzymes.
carbohydrates catalysts fats
hormones proteins solvents
(c) The list shows some parts of the alimentary canal and associated organs.
anus gall bladder mouth
oesophagus pancreas small intestine
Choose words from the list to identify where each process occurs
Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.
mechanical digestion …………………………………………
egestion …………………………………………
ingestion …………………………………………
(d) Describe one similarity between absorption and assimilation.
Ans : 7(a)(i) A AND C ;
A ;
C ;
7(a)(ii) temperature / AVP ;
7(b) proteins circled ;
catalysts circled ;
7(c) mouth ;
anus ;
mouth ;
7(d) both involve the movement of, digested food / molecules / soluble nutrients ;
Question 8:
(a) Copper is a metal in high demand that is now often recycled.
To recycle copper, it must be melted down into a liquid.
(i) Suggest one reason other than cost why copper and other metals are recycled.
(ii) Describe two differences between the arrangement and motion of atoms in molten
copper and the arrangement and motion of atoms in solid copper.
(b) A metal coin is covered with a layer of copper by electroplating.
(i) The coin is used as one of the electrodes.
State for which electrode the coin is used.
(ii) Suggest a suitable solution to be used as the electrolyte for electroplating the coin.
(iii) Electroplating uses the process of electrolysis; a definition is provided.
Electrolysis is the breakdown of a covalent compound when solid or in aqueous
solution by the passage of electricity.
This definition of electrolysis is not correct.
Circle the two words in the definition that are not correct.
Ans : 8(a)(i) copper (ore) is a finite resource ;
8(a)(ii) arrangement – solid regular and liquid irregular ;
motion – solid vibrate (about fixed point) only / do not move AND liquid are able to move about ;
8(b)(i) cathode ;
8(b)(ii) copper sulfate / copper chloride ;
8(b)(iii) covalent ;
solid ;
Question 9:
(a) The two boxes on the left each contain the name of an energy resource.
The four boxes on the right contain advantages or disadvantages of the energy resources.
Draw two lines from each energy resource to the advantages or disadvantages of the energy resource.
(b) The statements, A to E, describe processes in a coal-burning power station.
They are not in the correct order.
A Coal burns to produce thermal energy.
B A turbine drives a generator.
C Steam is produced.
D Steam turns a turbine.
E Thermal energy boils water.
(i) Use the letters B to E to complete the sequence to describe how the power station generates electricity.
(ii) State the boiling point of water.
……………………………………………… °C
(c) When coal is burned in a power station, the energy in the coal is transferred to the energy outputs shown in Table 9.1.
The energy outputs are shown as percentages of the total energy from the coal.
(i) Explain why Table 9.1 shows that energy is conserved in the processes in the power station.
(ii) The power station in Table 9.1 produces a lot of thermal energy.
Explain why the power station is not efficient.
(d) The electricity generated from the power station is supplied to a house to power the lighting circuit.
Lamps for lighting in the house are connected in a parallel circuit and not in a series circuit.
(i) Complete the circuit diagrams to show the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
Use two lamps in each circuit.
(ii) State one advantage of connecting lamps in parallel in a lighting circuit.
Ans : 9(a) coal to non-renewable and polluting ;
geothermal to renewable and non-polluting ;
9(b)(i) A → E → C → D → B
E and C correct ;
D and B correct ;
9(b)(ii) 100(°C) ;
9(c)(i) numbers add up to a hundred ;
9(c)(ii) thermal energy is not useful / useful energy output is only 25% ;
9(d)(i) correct symbol for lamp ;
series circuit correct ;
parallel circuit correct ;
9(d)(ii) any one from :
all the lamps can be switched on independently
all lamps get full mains voltage
if one lamp fails the others can still work
Question 10:
(a) Scientists record the mass of each baby at birth in one country.
The results are shown in Fig. 10.1
(i) Complete the sentences about the mass of babies at birth as shown in Fig. 10.1.
The lowest mass at birth was ……………………………………….. g.
The most frequent mass at birth was ……………………………………….. g.
Fig. 10.1 shows that mass of babies at birth is an example of continuous variation.
This is because there is a ……………………………………….. of phenotypes between two
A phenotype is defined as the ……………………………………….. features of an organism.
(ii) State one other example of continuous variation in humans.
(b) The statements A–E describe stages of natural selection.
They are not in the correct order.
A There is competition for resources.
B Those with adaptations best suited to their environment survive and reproduce.
C This process is repeated over several generations.
D There is variation in a population.
E Alleles are passed on to the next generation.
Complete the answer spaces to show the correct order.
One has been done for you.
(c) Alleles are made of DNA.
(i) Define the term allele.
(ii) State where alleles are found in a cell.
Ans : 10(a)(i) 800 (g) ;
2400 (g) ;
range / AW ;
observable / AW ;
10(a)(ii) height / AVP ;
10(b) D in first box ;
B, E, C ;
10(c)(i) a version of a gene ;
10(c)(ii) nucleus ;
Question 11:
(a) The proton numbers and nucleon numbers of carbon and hydrogen are shown in Table 11.1.
(i) State the number of neutrons in a carbon atom and the number of neutrons in a hydrogen atom.
carbon …………………..
hydrogen …………………..
(ii) State the number of electrons in a carbon atom.
(b) (i) State the difference between a saturated hydrocarbon and an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
(ii) Aqueous bromine is used to show the difference between a saturated hydrocarbon and an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Describe the result of the test with a saturated hydrocarbon.
(c) Fig. 11.1 shows the apparatus used for the catalytic cracking of a saturated hydrocarbon
(i) State the purpose of the catalyst in the cracking of a saturated hydrocarbon.
(ii) Cracking is an endothermic reaction.
State what is meant by an endothermic reaction.
(d) The complete combustion of hydrocarbons produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
(i) Name one other greenhouse gas.
(ii) Identify the gas in the air that reacts with hydrocarbons during combustion.
(iii) Carbon dioxide is one of the gases found in clean air.
State the name of the two gases found in clean air in the greatest proportions.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ans : 11(a)(i) carbon = 6 ;
hydrogen = 0 ;
11(a)(ii) 6 ;
11(b)(i) unsaturated has a C=C double bond ;
11(b)(ii) aqueous bromine remains orange ;
11(c)(i) speed up the reaction ;
11(c)(ii) temperature decreases / thermal energy is absorbed (from the surroundings) ;
11(d)(i) methane ;
11(d)(ii) oxygen ;
11(d)(iii) oxygen ;
nitrogen ;
Question 12:
(a) Fig. 12.1 shows an electric heater used in a classroom in a school.
The air around the heater is warmed.
(i) On Fig. 12.1 draw three more arrows to show how the warmed air moves around the classroom.
One arrow has been drawn for you.
(ii) State the name of the method of thermal energy transfer you have drawn in (a)(i).
(b) The teacher in the classroom measures the temperature in the room with a thermometer.
Fig. 12.2 shows the thermometer.
(i) State the name of the temperature scale used on the thermometer.
(ii) State the name of a liquid that is used in thermometers.
(iii) State the physical property of the liquid that varies with temperature.
(c) (i) In the school an electric bell rings to show that the lesson has ended.
The bell makes sound waves that travel through the air.
Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.
Explain why sound cannot travel through a vacuum.
(ii) Inside the electric bell there is a solenoid.
The solenoid coil is shown in Fig. 12.3.
Fig. 12.3
On Fig. 12.3, draw the pattern of the magnetic field that is produced when an electric current passes through the solenoid as shown.
Ans : 12(a)(i) arrow
across the top
then dropping down
then left to right along floor
1 mark for any one correct arrow ;
1 mark for all three arrows correct ;
12(a)(ii) convection ;
12(b)(i) celsius ;
12(b)(ii) alcohol or mercury ;
12(b)(iii) volume / density ;
12(c)(i) There is no medium (for the propagation of the sound wave) ;
12(c)(ii) at least two lines going all the way through coil ;
line curving upwards and line curving downwards ;