Home / AP Biology : 4.7 Regulation of Cell Cycle – Exam Style questions with Answer- MCQ

AP Biology : 4.7 Regulation of Cell Cycle – Exam Style questions with Answer- MCQ


The epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR is a cell surface receptor. When a growth factor binds to EGFR, the receptor is activated. The activated EGFR triggers a signal transduction pathway, which leads to increased frequency of cell division.

Which of the following best predicts the effect of a mutation that causes EGFR to be active in the absence of a growth factor?

A. Increased apoptosis will lead to abnormal growth of the tissue.

B. Increased cell division will lead to the formation of a tumor.

C. Cells will exit the cell cycle, entering a non-dividing \(G_0\) phase.

D. Fewer cells will be in any of the stages of mitosis.


Ans: B
Growth factors are important signaling molecules that trigger cells to divide at the correct rate and correct time. An EGFR that is active when a growth factor is absent would lead to increased cell division. Uncontrolled cell growth will likely result in a tumor.


The tumor suppressor protein p53 binds to DNA and activates target genes, which results in the synthesis of p21, CD95, and other proteins. The p21 protein promotes cell-cycle arrest, whereas the CD95 protein promotes apoptosis.

Which of the following will most likely result from a loss of p53 function?

A. Rapid cell growth without cell division

B. Immediate activation of apoptosis pathways

C. Uncontrolled cell proliferation

D. Increased expression of p53 target genes


Ans: C
A loss of p53 function will result in unregulated cell proliferation because the p21 protein will not be synthesized. In the absence of the p21 protein, a cell will continue to progress through the cell cycle without stopping.


Figure 1 represents the relative time and sequence of the phases of the cell cycle.

The figure presents a pie chart divided into 5 sectors to represent the cell cycle, and a checkpoint is indicated at a point between 2 sectors. The data represented in the pie chart are as follows. Starting at the top and moving clockwise, the first sector represents G 1 phase and is approximately 30% of the cycle. The second sector represents S phase and is approximately 30% of the cycle. A checkpoint is indicated between G 1 phase and S phase. The third sector represents G 2 phase and is approximately 20% of the cycle. The fourth sector represents M phase and is approximately 15% of the cycle. The fifth sector represents Cytokinesis and is approximately 5% of the cycle.

Figure 1. Representation of the cell cycle and identification of the \(G_1/S\)


Which statement best predicts why a cell’s progression through the cell cycle might be halted at the \(G_1/S\) checkpoint?

A. Spindle fibers have not correctly attached to chromosomes.

B. There are not enough nucleotides available to construct new DNA.

C. Damage occurred to DNA when it was being copied in \(G_1\).

D. Proteins necessary for M phase of the cell cycle have not been produced.


Ans: B
DNA replication, which occurs during S phase, requires free nucleotides. If nucleotides are unavailable, the G1/S checkpoint halts the cell cycle to conserve energy.


Glycogen synthetase kinase 3 beta is a protein kinase that has been implicated in many types of cancer. Depending on the cell type, the gene for glycogen synthetase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) can act either as an oncogene or as a tumor suppressor.

Which of the following best predicts how GSK3β mutations can lead to the development of cancer?

A. Cells with inactive GSK3β fail to trigger apoptosis.
B. Cells with inactive GSK3β fail to proceed past the \(G_2\)/M checkpoint.
C. Cells with overactive GSK3β are more likely to repair DNA damage.
D. Cells with overactive GSK3β have longer cell cycles.


Ans: A
If apoptosis cannot be initiated in cells with GSK3β mutations, those cells are more likely to proliferate, which could lead to cancer.

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