Home / AP® Exam / AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism / Circuits with Resistors and Inductors (LR Circuits) MCQ

AP® Physics C: E&M Circuits with Resistors and Inductors (LR Circuits) MCQ | Exam Style Question

AP® Physics C: E&M - Circuits with Resistors and Inductors (LR Circuits) - MCQs


The circuit shown above consists of a battery of emf \(\varepsilon \) and internal resistance r, a resistor R, an inductor L, and a switch S, initially in position 1. After the current i in the inductor reaches its maximum value \(I_{\circ }\), S is switched instantaneously from position 1 to position 2 at time t = 0. Subsequent variation of i with t is best represented by which of the following graphs?


Ans: B


An inductor and two resistors are connected to an ideal battery, as shown in the figure above. What is the time constant for the circuit?
(A) 0.22 μs
(B) 0.33 μs
(C) 0.67 μs
(D) 1.0 μs
(E) 72 μs




After the switch is closed in the circuit above, the current in the circuit is given by \(i=I(1-e^{-t/\varsigma })\) where Iand \(\varsigma \)are constants.

What is the value of I ?
(A) 0
(B) 0.001 A
(C) 0.80 A
(D) 1.0 A
(E) 4.0 A



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