IB DP Math AI: Topic: SL 4.10: Pearson’s product moment correlation: IB style Questions HL Paper 2


 The scores of the eight highest scoring countries in the 2019 Eurovision song contest are
shown in the following table.

(a) For this data, find
(i) the upper quartile.
(ii) the interquartile range.
(b) Determine if the Netherlands’ score is an outlier for this data. Justify your answer.
Chester is investigating the relationship between the highest-scoring countries’ Eurovision
score and their population size to determine whether population size can reasonably be
used to predict a country’s score.
The populations of the countries, to the nearest million, are shown in the table.

Chester finds that, for this data, the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient
is r = 0.249.
(c) State whether it would be appropriate for Chester to use the equation of a regression
line for y on x to predict a country’s Eurovision score. Justify your answer.
Chester then decides to find the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for this data,
and creates a table of ranks.

(d) Write down the value of:
(i) a ,
(ii) b ,
(iii) c .
(e) Find the value of the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient \(r_s\).
(ii) Interpret the value obtained for \(r_S\).
(f) When calculating the ranks, Chester incorrectly read the Netherlands’ score as 478. Explain why the value of the Spearman’s rank correlation \(r_S\) does not change despite this error.



(a) (i) \(\frac{370+472}{2}\)
\(Q_3 = 421\)
(ii) their part (a)(i) – their \(Q_1\) (clearly stated)
IQR = (421 – 318=) 103
(b) \((Q_3 + 1.5(IQR)=) 421 + (1.5 \(\times 103)\)
= 575.5
since 498 < 575.5
Netherlands is not an outlier
(c) not apptopriate (“no” no sufficient)
as r is too close to zero / too weak a correlation
(d) (i) 6
(ii) 4.5
(e) (i) \(r_s = 0.683 (0.682646…)\)
there is a (positive) association between the population size and the score
there is a (positive) linear correlation between the ranks of the population size
and the ranks of the scores (when compared with the PMCC of 0.249)
(f) lowering the top score by 20 does not change its rank so \(r_S\) is unchanged.


When Geraldine travels to work she can travel either by car (C), bus (B) or train (T). She travels by car on one day in five. She uses the bus 50 % of the time. The probabilities of her being late (L) when travelling by car, bus or train are 0.05, 0.12 and 0.08 respectively.

It is not necessary to use graph paper for this question.

Copy the tree diagram below and fill in all the probabilities, where NL represents not late, to represent this information.



Find the probability that Geraldine travels by bus and is late.[1]


Find the probability that Geraldine is late.[3]


Find the probability that Geraldine travelled by train, given that she is late.[3]


Sketch the curve of the function \(f (x) = x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 3\) for values of \(x\) from −2 to 4, giving the intercepts with both axes.[3]


On the same diagram, sketch the line \(y = 7 − 2x\) and find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the line with the curve.[3]


Find the value of the gradient of the curve where \(x = 1.7\) .[2]



Award (A1) for 0.5 at B, (A1) for 0.3 at T, then (A1) for each correct pair. Accept fractions or percentages.     (A5)[5 marks]


0.06 (accept \(0.5 \times 0.12\) or 6%)     (A1)(ft)[1 mark]


for a relevant two-factor product, either \(C \times L\) or \(T \times L\)     (M1)

for summing three two-factor products     (M1)

\((0.2 \times 0.05 + 0.06 + 0.3 \times 0.08)\)

0.094     (A1)(ft)(G2)[3 marks]


\(\frac{{0.3 \times 0.08}}{{0.094}}\)     (M1)(A1)(ft)

award (M1) for substituted conditional probability formula seen, (A1)(ft) for correct substitution

= 0.255     (A1)(ft)(G2)[3 marks]


     (G3)[3 marks]


line drawn with –ve gradient and +ve y-intercept     (G1)

(2.45, 2.11)     (G1)(G1)[3 marks]


\(f ‘ (1.7) = 3(1.7)^2 – 4(1.7) + 1\)     (M1)

award (M1) for substituting in their \(f’ (x)\)

2.87     (A1)(G2)[2 marks]



Consider the functions \(f(x) = \frac{{2x + 3}}{{x + 4}}\) and \(g(x) = x + 0.5\) .

a.Sketch the graph of the function \(f(x)\), for \( – 10 \leqslant x \leqslant 10\) . Indicating clearly the axis intercepts and any asymptotes.[6]

b.Write down the equation of the vertical asymptote.[2]

c.On the same diagram as part (a) sketch the graph of \(g(x) = x + 0.5\) .[2]

d.Using your graphical display calculator write down the coordinates of one of the points of intersection on the graphs of \(f\) and \(g\), giving your answer correct to five decimal places.[3]

e.Write down the gradient of the line \(g(x) = x + 0.5\) .[1]

f.The line \(L\) passes through the point with coordinates \(( – 2{\text{, }} – 3)\) and is perpendicular to the line \(g(x)\) . Find the equation of \(L\).[3]




Notes: (A1) for labels and some idea of scale.
(A1) for \(x\)-intercept seen, (A1) for \(y\)-intercept seen in roughly the correct places (coordinates not required).
(A1) for vertical asymptote seen, (A1) for horizontal asymptote seen in roughly the correct places (equations of the lines not required).
(A1) for correct general shape.[6 marks]


\(x = – 4\)     (A1)(A1)(ft)

Note: (A1) for \(x =\), (A1)(ft) for \( – 4\).[2 marks]



Note: (A1) for correct axis intercepts, (A1) for straight line[2 marks]


\(( – 2.85078{\text{, }} – 2.35078)\) OR \((0.35078{\text{, }}0.85078)\)     (G1)(G1)(A1)(ft)

Notes: (A1) for \(x\)-coordinate, (A1) for \(y\)-coordinate, (A1)(ft) for correct accuracy. Brackets required. If brackets not used award (G1)(G0)(A1)(ft).
Accept \(x = – 2.85078\), \(y = – 2.35078\) or \(x = 0.35078\), \(y = 0.85078\).[3 marks]


\({\text{gradient}} = 1\)     (A1)[1 mark]


\({\text{gradient of perpendicular}} = – 1\)     (A1)(ft)

(can be implied in the next step)

\(y = mx + c\)

\( – 3 = – 1 \times – 2 + c\)     (M1)

\(c = – 5\)

\(y = – x – 5\)     (A1)(ft)(G2)


\(y + 3 = – (x + 2)\)     (M1)(A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: Award (G2) for correct answer with no working at all but (A1)(G1) if the gradient is mentioned as \( – 1\) then correct answer with no further working.[3 marks]



Mal is shopping for a school trip. He buys \(50\) tins of beans and \(20\) packets of cereal. The total cost is \(260\) Australian dollars (\({\text{AUD}}\)).

The triangular faces of a square based pyramid, \({\text{ABCDE}}\), are all inclined at \({70^ \circ }\) to the base. The edges of the base \({\text{ABCD}}\) are all \(10{\text{ cm}}\) and \({\text{M}}\) is the centre. \({\text{G}}\) is the mid-point of \({\text{CD}}\).

i.a.Write down an equation showing this information, taking \(b\) to be the cost of one tin of beans and \(c\) to be the cost of one packet of cereal in \({\text{AUD}}\).[1]

i.b.Stephen thinks that Mal has not bought enough so he buys \(12\) more tins of beans and \(6\) more packets of cereal. He pays \(66{\text{ AUD}}\).

Write down another equation to represent this information.[1]

i.c.Stephen thinks that Mal has not bought enough so he buys \(12\) more tins of beans and \(6\) more packets of cereal. He pays \(66{\text{ AUD}}\).

Find the cost of one tin of beans.[2]

i.d.(i)     Sketch the graphs of the two equations from parts (a) and (b).

(ii)    Write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the two graphs.[4]

ii.a.Using the letters on the diagram draw a triangle showing the position of a \({70^ \circ }\) angle.[1]

ii.b.Show that the height of the pyramid is \(13.7{\text{ cm}}\), to 3 significant figures.[2]


(i)     the length of \({\text{EG}}\);

(ii)    the size of angle \({\text{DEC}}\).[4]

ii.d.Find the total surface area of the pyramid.[2]

ii.e.Find the volume of the pyramid.[2]



\(50b + 20c = 260\)     (A1)[1 mark]


\(12b + 6c = 66\)     (A1)[1 mark]


Solve to get \(b = 4\)     (M1)(A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: (M1) for attempting to solve the equations simultaneously.[2 marks]




Notes: Award (A1) for labels and some idea of scale, (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft) for each line.
The axis can be reversed.

(ii)    \((4,3)\) or \((3,4)\)     (A1)(ft)

Note: Accept \(b = 4\), \(c = 3\)[4 marks]


     (A1)[1 mark]


\(\tan 70 = \frac{h}{5}\)     (M1)

\(h = 5\tan 70 = 13.74\)     (A1)

\(h = 13.7{\text{ cm}}\)     (AG)[2 marks]


Unit penalty (UP) is applicable in this part of the question where indicated in the left hand column.

(i)     \({\text{E}}{{\text{G}}^2} = {5^2} + {13.7^2}\) OR \({5^2} + {(5\tan 70)^2}\)     (M1)

(UP)     \({\text{EG}} = 14.6{\text{ cm}}\)     (A1)(G2)

(ii)    \({\text{DEC}} = 2 \times {\tan ^{ – 1}}\left( {\frac{5}{{14.6}}} \right)\)     (M1)

\( = {37.8^ \circ }\)     (A1)(ft)(G2)[4 marks]


Unit penalty (UP) is applicable in this part of the question where indicated in the left hand column.

\({\text{Area}} = 10 \times 10 + 4 \times 0.5 \times 10 \times 14.619\)     (M1)

(UP)     \( = 392{\text{ c}}{{\text{m}}^2}\)     (A1)(ft)(G2)[2 marks]


Unit penalty (UP) is applicable in this part of the question where indicated in the left hand column.

\({\text{Volume}} = \frac{1}{3} \times 10 \times 10 \times 13.7\)     (M1)

(UP)     \( = 457{\text{ c}}{{\text{m}}^3}\) (\(458{\text{ c}}{{\text{m}}^3}\))     (A1)(G2)[2 marks]



Consider the function \(f:x \mapsto \frac{{kx}}{{{2^x}}}\).

The cost per person, in euros, when \(x\) people are invited to a party can be determined by the function

\(C(x) = x + \frac{{100}}{x}\)

i.a.Given that \(f(1) = 2\), show that \(k = 4\).[2]

i.b.Write down the values of \(q\) and \(r\) for the following table.


i.c.As \(x\) increases from \( – 1\), the graph of \(y = f(x)\) reaches a maximum value and then decreases, behaving asymptotically.

Draw the graph of \(y = f(x)\) for \( – 1 \leqslant x \leqslant 8\). Use a scale of \({\text{1 cm}}\) to represent 1 unit on both axes. The position of the maximum, \({\text{M}}\), the \(y\)-intercept and the asymptotic behaviour should be clearly shown.[4]

i.d.Using your graphic display calculator, find the coordinates of \({\text{M}}\), the maximum point on the graph of \(y = f(x)\).[2]

i.e.Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote to the graph of \(y = f(x)\).[2]

ii.a.(i) Draw and label the line \( y = 1\) on your graph.

(ii) The equation \(f(x) = 1\) has two solutions. One of the solutions is \(x = 4\). Use your graph to find the other solution.[4]


Find \(C'(x)\).[3]

ii.b.Show that the cost per person is a minimum when \(10\) people are invited to the party.[2]

ii.c.Calculate the minimum cost per person.[2]



\(f(1) = \frac{k}{{{2^1}}}\)     (M1)

Note: (M1)
for substituting \(x = 1\) into the formula.

\(\frac{k}{2} = 2\)     (M1)

Note: (M1)
for equating to 2.

\(k = 4\)     (AG)[2 marks]


\(q = 2\), \(r = 0.125\)     (A1)(A1)[2 marks]



Notes: (A1) for scales and labels.
(A1) for accurate smooth curve passing through \((0, 0)\) drawn at least in the given domain.
(A1) for asymptotic behaviour (curve must not go up or cross the \(x\)-axis).
(A1) for indicating the position of the maximum point.[4 marks]


\({\text{M}}\) (\(1.44\), \(2.12\))     (G1)(G1)

Note: Brackets required, if missing award (G1)(G0). Accept \(x = 1.44\) and \(y = 2.12\).[2 marks]


\(y = 0\)     (A1)(A1)

Note: (A1) for ‘\(y = \)’ provided the right hand side is a constant. (A1) for 0.[2 marks]


(i) See graph     (A1)(A1)

Note: (A1)
for correct line, (A1) for label.

(ii) \(x = 0.3\) (ft) from candidate’s graph.     (A2)(ft)

Notes: Accept \( \pm 0.1\) from their x. For \(0.310\) award (G1)(G0). For other answers taken from the GDC and not given correct to 3 significant figures award (G0)(AP)(G0) or (G1)(G0) if (AP) already applied.[4 marks]


\(C'(x) = 1 – \frac{{100}}{{{x^2}}}\)     (A1)(A1)(A1)

Note: (A1) for 1, (A1) for \( – 100\) , (A1) for \({x^2}\) as denominator or \({{x^{ – 2}}}\) as numerator. Award a maximum of (A2) if an extra term is seen.[3 marks]


For studying signs of the derivative at either side of \(x = 10\)     (M1)

For saying there is a change of sign of the derivative     (M1)(AG)


For putting \(x = 10\) into \(C’\) and getting zero     (M1)

For clear sketch of the function or for mentioning that the function changes from decreasing to increasing at \(x = 10\)     (M1)(AG)


For solving \(C'(x) = 0\) and getting \(10\)     (M1)

For clear sketch of the function or for mentioning that the function changes from decreasing to increasing at \(x = 10\)     (M1)(AG)

Note: For a sketch with a clear indication of the minimum or for a table with values of \(x\) at either side of \(x = 10\) award (M1)(M0).[2 marks]


\(C(10) = 10 + \frac{{100}}{{10}}\)     (M1)

\(C(10) = 20\)     (A1)(G2)[2 marks]

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