IB DP Math MAA SL : IB Style Mock Exams – Set 4 Paper 2


An arithmetic sequence has $\mathrm{u}_1=30, \mathrm{u}_2=35, \mathrm{u}_3=40$.

(a) Find the common difference, $d$.

(b) Find $u_8$.

(c) Find $\mathrm{S}_8$.



(a) Let the common difference of the arithmetic sequence be $d$. Then we have:

\mathrm{u}_2 – \mathrm{u}_1 &= d = 35 – 30 = 5 \\
\mathrm{u}_3 – \mathrm{u}_2 &= d = 40 – 35 = 5

Since both expressions are equal to $d$, we can conclude that the common difference of the sequence is $d = 5$.

(b) To find $\mathrm{u}_8$, we can use the formula for the $n$th term of an arithmetic sequence:

$$\mathrm{u}_n = \mathrm{u}_1 + (n-1)d$$

Setting $n=8$, $\mathrm{u}_1=30$, and $d=5$, we get:

$$\mathrm{u}_8 = 30 + (8-1)5 = 65$$

Therefore, $\mathrm{u}_8=65$.

(c) To find $\mathrm{S}_8$, the sum of the first 8 terms of the sequence, we can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series:

$$\mathrm{S}_n = \frac{n}{2}(\mathrm{u}_1 + \mathrm{u}_n)$$

Setting $n=8$, $\mathrm{u}_1=30$, $\mathrm{u}_8=65$, and $d=5$, we get:

\mathrm{S}_8 &= \frac{8}{2}(30 + 65) \\
&= 4 \times 95 \\
&= 380

Therefore, $\mathrm{S}_8 = 380$.


Consider the expansion of \({\left( {2x + \frac{k}{x}} \right)^9}\), where k > 0 . The coefficient of the term in x3 is equal to the coefficient of the term in  x5. Find k.



valid approach to find one of the required terms (must have correct substitution for parameters but accept ${ }^” r^{\prime \prime}$ or an incorrect value for $r$ )
eg $\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ r\end{array}\right)(2 x)^{9-r}\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^r,\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 6\end{array}\right)(2 x)^6\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^3,\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 0\end{array}\right)(2 x)^0\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^9+\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 1\end{array}\right)(2 x)^1\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^8+\ldots$, Pascal’s triangle to
9th row

identifying correct terms (must be clearly indicated if only seen in expansion)

eg for $x^3$ term: $r=3, r=6,7$ th term, $\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 6\end{array}\right),\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 3\end{array}\right),(2 x)^6\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^3, 5376 k^3$
for $x^5$ term: $r=2, r=7,8$ th term, $\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 7\end{array}\right),\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 2\end{array}\right),(2 x)^7\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^2, 4608 k^2$
correct equation (may include powers of $x$ )
eg $\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 3\end{array}\right)(2 x)^6\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^3=\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 2\end{array}\right)(2 x)^7\left(\frac{k}{x}\right)^2$
valid attempt to solve their equation in terms of $k$ only
eg sketch, $84 \times 64 k^3-36 \times 128 k^2=0,5376 k-4608=0,\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 3\end{array}\right) 2^6 k^3=\left(\begin{array}{l}9 \\ 2\end{array}\right) 2^7 k^2$
$k=\frac{4608}{5376}\left(=\frac{6}{7}\right)($ exact) 0.857

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