IB myp 4-5 MATHEMATICS – Practice Questions- All Topics
Topic :Static and Probability–Data processing: quartiles and percentiles
Topic :Static and Probability- Weightage : 21 %
All Questions for Topic : Sampling techniques,Data manipulation and misinterpretation,Graphical representations (including: bivariate graphs, scatter graphs, box plots, cumulative frequency graphs)
,Lines of best fit,Data processing: quartiles and percentiles,Measures of dispersion: interquartile range,Correlation, qualitative handling,Relative frequency,Response rates,Sets, including notation and operations up to three sets,Probability with Venn diagrams, tree diagrams and sample spaces,Mutually exclusive events,Combined events
Question (14 marks)
In this question, you will make calculations for changes that individuals can make to save water on a daily basis.
Question (a) : 1 marks
Write down the missing percentage for drinking and cooking on the pie chart.
Sum of all percentage is equal to $100$
$=39 \%$
Question (b) : 2 marks
It is estimated that the daily water usage per person is 120 litres.
Determine the amount of water used for showering.
To determine the amount of water used for showering, we need to calculate $40\%$ of the daily water usage per person, which is $\rm{120~ litres}$.
To find $40\%$ of a quantity, we can multiply that quantity by $0.40$ (or $40\%$).
Water used for showering $= 120 \text{ liters} \times 0.40 = 48 \text{ liters}$.
Therefore, the amount of water used for showering is 48 liters.