IB myp 4-5 MATHEMATICS – Practice Questions- All Topics
Topic :Static and Probability-Measures of dispersion: interquartile range
Topic :Static and Probability- Weightage : 21 %
All Questions for Topic : Sampling techniques,Data manipulation and misinterpretation,Graphical representations (including: bivariate graphs, scatter graphs, box plots, cumulative frequency graphs)
,Lines of best fit,Data processing: quartiles and percentiles,Measures of dispersion: interquartile range,Correlation, qualitative handling,Relative frequency,Response rates,Sets, including notation and operations up to three sets,Probability with Venn diagrams, tree diagrams and sample spaces,Mutually exclusive events,Combined events
Question ( 4 marks)
A manufacturer makes shoes to sell internationally. The manufacturer is contracted to make shoes for Egypt and Brazil
Question (a) : 2 marks
Compare the sizes of shoes sold in the two countries.
$\bullet$ 1st mark for two from the points below
$\bullet$ $2^{\text {nd }}$ mark for four from the points below
correct comment comparing median or LQ or UQ or min or max
correct comment comparing IQR or range
correct values of median or LQ or UQ or min or max
correct values of IQR or range
Question (b) : 2 marks
Determine the range of shoe sizes required for manufacture.
$\begin{aligned} & \bullet 145-37 \text { (or } 37 \text { to } 45 \text { ) } \\ & \bullet8\end{aligned}$