IB Mathematics AA HL Flashcards SL 5.1 Concept of a limit

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[h] SL 5.1 Concept of a limit

[q] Limits


We have seen limits a couple of times in this course, in functions. We saw graphs that approached an asymptote: This is the limit of f(x). We also saw the limit of the sum of a geometric sequence, if |r| < 1. In both of these cases, we never actually reach the limit, we just get infinitely close and never go beyond it. Limits will be very important in calculus.


Slopes of Curves
What is the slope of this curve? Well, it varies. We could maybe ask what the slope is at x₁, but that is still quite complicated. Previously, we needed two points if we wanted to calculate the slope. So maybe we could choose another point [x₁ + h] and find a slope from there. It still doesn’t seem very accurate, and it looks like if we move x₁ + h closer to x, this straight line becomes more appropriate.

In fact, if we just consider the limit of this slope as h tends to 0, that line has the correct slope. [The slope/gradient function] = \(\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x + h) – f(x)}{h}\)
Now, actually evaluating limits requires some more advanced math, but we will actually just learn rules for various types of functions.
As h → 0, the straight line that is used to find the slope is called a tangent: a line that only touches the curve once, at x₁.

When that formula is evaluated, the result is a function for the gradient of the tangent, which will vary depending on the x-value considered.

Given a function, its gradient function is called: the derivative.
Function: f(x) = _____
Derivative: f'(x) = _____
You can see the rise/run connection here.


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IB Mathematics AA HL Flashcards SL 5.1 Concept of a limit

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