Digital SAT Overview - Practice Tests and More -2024-2025
Explore the redesigned Digital SAT at IITian Academy . Get insights into the reading, writing, and math sections, calculator policy, and more. Prepare for your future with the latest SAT information.
Learn about the new Digital SAT, including test format, question types, and preparation tips. Get ready to ace your SAT with the latest information from IITian Academy
Exam Style Practice Question
Digital SAT Maths and R&W online practice tests to ace exams
These Digital SAT 5 sets each of module 1 and module 2 for both DSAT Maths and R&W are time bound online practice tests , similar to Actual Tests questions. Each time you run these tests , you will get many different questions from thousands of Questions bank.
Digital SAT Maths Online Practice Tests
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 1 Module 1
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 1 Module 2
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 2 Module 1
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 2 Module 2
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 3 Module 1
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 3 Module 2
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 4 Module 1
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 4 Module 2
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 5 Module 1
- Digital SAT Maths Practice Test 5 Module 2
Digital SAT R&W Online Practice Tests
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 1 Module 1
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 1 Module 2
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 2 Module 1
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 2 Module 2
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 3 Module 1
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 3 Module 2
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 4 Module 1
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 4 Module 2
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 5 Module 1
- Digital SAT R&W Practice Test 5 Module 2
It is important to know DSAT Test structure well to crack it. The Digital SAT is 2 hours and 14 minutes long. It comprises of Maths and Reading and Writing papers as listed in table below.
- Reading and Writing
- Reading and Writing
- Break
- Math
- Math
- Module 1
- Module 2
- N/A
- Module 1
- Module 2
- 32 Minutes
- 32 Minutes
- 10 Minutes
- 32 Minutes
- 32 Minutes
- 27 Questions
- 27 Questions
- N/A
- 22 Questions
- 22 Questions
This section assesses the ability to revise and enhance written material for its intended purpose. Instead of. rewriting passages, students will address grammatical and vocabulary issues through multiple-choice questions. For instance, students may need to choose the best edit to make a passage more persuasive or informative based on the provided rhetorical (persuasive writing) goals.
This section evaluates skills in understanding advanced academic vocabulary words from the context they are used in, analyzing an author’s rhetorical (persuasive writing) techniques and purpose, and synthesizing key ideas by making connections between multiple related texts on a topic
This section evaluates students’ ability to identify main ideas in a passage and the ability to make inferences about what the text implies, not just stating the obvious facts. Interpreting, evaluating, and combining different pieces of information from multiple sources is tested.
This section measures revision skills and knowledge to conform to core conventions of Standard English sentence structure, usage, and punctuation
Linear equations and functions in 1 or 2 variables, systems of 2 linear equations, and linear inequalities in 1 or 2 variables
Equivalent expressions, non-linear equations in 1 variable and systems of equations in 2 variables
Ratios, rates, proportional relationships, percentages, 1 and 2 variable data, probability and statistics
This section measures revision skills and knowledge to conform to core conventions of Standard English sentence structure, usage, and punctuation
50 Minutes
- What's Changing
- The digital SAT is shorter than its paper and pencil test—lasting 2 hours and 14 minutes instead of almost 3 hours.
- You’ll have more time, on average, to answer each question, meaning that the digital SAT measures your skills and knowledge, not test-taking speed.
- There will be shorter readings that have just one question each.
- You will type your essay.
- You can use a calculator on the entire exam.
- Bluebook (a testing application from College Board used to take the digital SAT) has several tools for students to use during the exam.
- Mark for review: You can flag and return to any question within a given test module that you want to come back
- Testing timer: A clock counts down the time remaining in each module. You can hide the timer, and you get an alert when 5 minutes remain in the module. When there are only 5 minutes remaining, the clock can no longer be hidden.
- Calculator: A built-in Desmos graphing calculator is available for the entire Math section. The calculator is provided in the practice test on Bluebook to allow you to practice using the calculator before the test. (You can also bring your own acceptable calculator; please see SAT Calculator Policy for a full list.
- Reference sheet: On the Math section, you have access to a list of common formulas.
- Annotation: You can highlight any part of a passage and leave yourself a note. This tool is only available for Reading and Writing questions.
- Option eliminator: If you think an answer option is wrong, you can cross it out
- Computer Adaptive Assessment
- The digital SAT is computer-adaptive which means the questions are tailored to the student’s level. The difficulty of the next questions adjusts based on whether the previous question was answered correctly or incorrectly.
- Each section has two modules. Module 1 has questions of varying difficulty. Stronger Module 1 performance leads to more challenging questions in Module 2.
- Getting your past, current and future scores
- If students already have an established college board account account, they can login and review the details in their account. Go to to sign in.
- If you don’t have an account, click Create an Account.
- You will see, “What type of account do you want to create?” Go to “student”.
- Complete the General Information section
- Use your school email to set up an account.
- After setting up your account, you can see your previous test scores. In the white box to the right.
- Typical Minimum College Admission Test Score Benchmarks
- PSAT 8/9
- PSAT 10
- 450
- 480
- 530
- Importance of Digital SAT
- Most colleges of USA and Canada including those that are test optional—accept SAT scores, to shows off your qualifications to colleges and helps you stand out.
- Together with high school grades, the SAT can show your potential to succeed in college or career.
- Since March 2024 and beyond, All US and international SAT exams are administered in the new digital format.
- The Digital SAT is administered on a digital device (laptop or tablet) through an application called Bluebook.
- Both sections of the digital SAT are divided into two modules: Module 1 and Module 2. You need to complete Module 1 before you can move on to Module 2 on both exam sections.
- You won’t be able to skip back and forth between modules during the exam.
- Your performance on Module 1 on both SAT Reading and Writing and SAT Math is used to generate the questions you receive in Module 2. Every test taker’s exam will be different.
- Students have access to a digital countdown clock, a way to flag exam questions and come back to them, a built-in graphing calculator, and a digital reference sheet for SAT Math. Also, students may use the graphing calculator for the entire Math section.
- New Digital SAT v/s Old SAT
- Measuring the knowledge and skills that matter most for college and career.
- Scoring the test on a 1600-point scale.
- Test in schools or test centers with a proctor present, not at home. Test centers will continue to be open to all students, not just those enrolled in that school.
- Digital SAT on a laptop or tablet
- Shorter test, about 2 hours instead of 3
- Shorter reading passages instead of a few long texts.
- Allowed to use your calculator on the entire Math section
- Digital SAT Reading and Writing Test
The Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT is designed to test students on reading comprehension, rhetoric, and language use by having them engage with academic and literary texts. Skills on the Reading and Writing test can be split into the following four categories:
- Information and Ideas: Use, locate, interpret, and evaluate information from various texts and infographics.
- Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of high-utility academic words and phrases in context, evaluate texts rhetorically, and make supportable connections between multiple related texts.
- Expression of Ideas: Use revision skills and knowledge to improve the effectiveness of written expression to accomplish specified rhetorical goals.
- Standard English Conventions: Use editing skills and knowledge to make texts conform to core conventions of Standard English sentence structure, usage, and punctuation.
Reading & Writing passages are no longer than 150 words. Each passage has just one question accompanying it.
- Changes in Digital SAT Reading and Writing test
- One test for Reading and Writing: While the pencil-and-paper SAT tested Reading and Writing in separate test sections, the digital SAT combines these topics.
- Shorter passages (and more of them): Instead of reading long passages and answering multiple questions on each passage, students taking the digital SAT will encounter shorter passages, each with just one follow-up question.
- New question types: With its greater number and variety of passages, the digital SAT includes new types of questions, with new prompts requiring new strategies
- Changes in Digital SAT Maths
- A shorter test, lasting just over 2 hours compared to 3 hours for the paper and pencil test.
- Calculators are allowed on the entire Math section, including the option to use the built-in graphing calculator.
- A unique version of the test for every student, making it practically impossible to share answers and ensuring a fair testing environment.
- Measuring the knowledge and skills students are learning in high school and that matter most for college and career readiness.