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IB DP Biology HL C3.1 Integration of body systems Flashcards

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[h] IB DP Biology HL C3.1 Integration of body systems Flashcards


[q] (C3.1.1) Define system integration.

[a] Groups of specialized cells (tissues) → groups of specialized tissues (organs) → groups of organs (body systems) – specialized for nutrition, respiration, excretion, reproduction, coordination → organism

* coordination is needed for component parts of a system to collectively perform an overall function.


[q] (C3.1.2) Define tissue, organ and organ systems.

[a] – hierarchy of organization (animal / plant) –

1. cell: smooth muscle cell // guard cell

2. tissue: muscular wall // stoma

3. organ: bladder // leaf

4. organ system: nervous, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, excretory, muscular, skeletal, integumentary, reproductive, endocrine // vascular

5. organism: white-tailed deer // magnolia tree


[q] (C3.1.2) Define emergent property.

[a] The whole is greater than the sum of the parts; arise due to integration of subsystems


[q] (C3.1.2) State an example of an emergent property for each level of biological organization within a multicellular organism.

[a] Cheetah: integration of nervous, skeletal and muscular system

– large heart and lungs 

– flexible spine that acts as a spring while running and increases stride length

– lean body with long legs

– longer and heavier hind limb bones enable longer strides

– long muscular tail acts as a stabilizer while running at high speeds


[q] (C3.1.3) State the two primary mechanisms by which animals integrate organ systems.

[a] Hormonal (endocrine system) and nervous signalling:

– autonomic nervous system (ANS): communication without conscious knowledge

e.g. regulation of heart rate, blood glucose level

– adrenal (endocrine) glands secrete hormones into bloodstream to help communication between organs (target tissue)

e.g. release of epinephrine from adrenal glands:

– sensory organs transmit info to nervous system that indicate epinephrine is needed as part of response

– ANS send impulses to adrenal glands to release epinephrine

– increased heart rate, increased blood flow to muscles to prepare body for immediate increased activity


[q] (C3.1.3) Compare the type of signal, transmission of signal, effector response, speed and duration of response between hormonal and nervous signals.

[a] Similarities:

– both used for communication between cells/tissues/organs

– hormones and neurotransmitters are both chemicals (bind to receptors)

– both can stimulate / inhibit processes in target cells

– both can work over long distances

– both under control of the brain

– both use negative feedback

differences: (hormonal VS nervous)

– type: chemical messenger VS electrical nerve impulses

– duration: long term VS short term

– response speed: slower VS faster 

– transmit through: bloodstream VS neurons

– carried throughout body VS carried to specific cell

– wide range of tissues affected VS only muscles / glands receive signals

– control involuntary VS control both

– examples: epinephrine, insulin VS dopamine, acetylcholine


[q] (C3.1.4) State the function of the brain.

[a] Central information integration organs:

– regulate and monitors unconscious body processes 

e.g. blood pressure, heart rate, breathing

– process information combined from several inputs, and respond by controlling balance, muscle coordination and most voluntary movements

– speech, emotions, problem solving

– learning and memory


[q] (C3.1.4) List the receptors which send information to the brains.

[a] Receptors (conscious level):

1. photoreceptors: located within retina of eyes for visual information, travels to occipital lobe

2. chemoreceptors: located within tongue for tasting, travels to parietal lobe

3. thermoreceptors: located in skin to provide information on temp changes

4. mechanoreceptors: located in inner ear, sensitive to sound vibrations, travels to temporal lobe

receptors (subconscious level):

1. osmoreceptors: located in carotid arteries and hypothalamus of brain, sense solute and water content of blood

2. baroreceptors: located in carotid arteries and aorta, sense blood pressure based on how much a blood vessel is stretched by internal pressure

3. proprioceptors: located in muscles and joints, provide brain with sense of balance and coordination


[q] (C3.1.4)  List the three main areas in the brain. ​

[a] 1. cerebrum: responsible for conscious activities

– divided into right and left cerebral hemispheres

– each hemisphere consists of 4 lobes: frontal (learning and memory activities mainly in), temporalparietaloccipital (順時針 Flower POT)

2. cerebellum: coordinates voluntary movements, controls balance and equilibrium

3. brainstem: responsible for subconscious functions /associated with ANS

– medulla oblongata in brainstem regulates breathing and heart rate


[q] (C3.1.5) List organs of the central nervous system.

[a] spinal cord (內灰外白) + brain (內白外灰)

– SC contains unconscious reflexes associated with balance and skeletal muscles (= can only coordinate unconscious processes) 

– 31 pairs of spinal nerves bring sensory information into CNS from body, allowing motor information to be sent out


[q] (C3.1.5) Outline the two main tissue types of the central nervous system.

[a] In spinal cord (內灰外白):

– white matter (composed of axons of neurons, carries neural impulses to and from brain)

– grey matter (contains neurons and synapses)

when sensory info enters grey matter of spinal cord, motor info is immediately sent back out, this pathway of impulse = reflex arc (involuntary)


[q] (C3.1.6) Outline the function of sensory neurons sensory receptors and sensory neurons.

[a] – receptor: a modified neuron capable of transduction

– transductionconversion of a physical stimulus into an electrical signal called action potential that is carried along a neuron

– receptors are specialized to transduce one type of physical stimulus

e.g. photoreceptors transduce light, thermoreceptors transduce heat / lack of heat, baroreceptors transduce pressure

– sensory neurons carry action potential from receptors to CNS


[q] (C3.1.7) Outline the function of motor neurons.

[a] – cerebrum uses sensory info to make decisions concerning movements

– motor cortex in cerebrum: sends action potential, located in the most posterior portion of frontal lobe of cerebrum 

– motor neurons: carry action potential from CNS to muscles (effectors), form synapses called motor end plate / neuromuscular junctions with muscle fibres

– when AP arrived at motor end plate, acetylcholine is released (NT that initiates contraction of sarcomere, leading to shortening of the muscle and movement of a bone


[q] (C3.1.8) Define nerve and neuron, give examples of neurons.

[a] neuron: cell of nervous system

– sensory, motor, interneuron

nerve: group of myelinated or unmyelinated neurons 

– contain either or both sensory and motor neurons 

– myelinated: Schwann cells wrapped around axon, intervening areas: nodes of Ranvier

– action potential of myelinated axon can skip from one NOR to next → faster transmission speed


[q] (C3.1.9) Outline the input, processing and output of the pain reflex arc, including the role of receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons and effectors.

[a] pain reflex arc: involuntary

1. nociceptor located in skin of finger initiates afferent (sensory) action potential

2. action potential travel through hand and join a spinal nerve

3. afferent neuron synapses with a short interneuron located entirely within grey matter of spinal cord

4. afferent neuron synapses with a motor neuron

5. action potential goes to arm muscle (effector)

6. hand withdrawal

significance: limit damage to body tissue by generating a quick reaction involving 3 neurons only 

withdrawal action occurs faster than pain sensation:

– needs to travel to cerebrum to be integrated by many neural syanpses before a sensation is felt


[q] (C3.1.10) State the function of the cerebellum.

[a] Coordinating skeletal muscle contraction and balance

1. motor cortex initiates muscle contraction

2. cerebellum receives feedback impulses 

3. cerebellum send out impulses to coordinate movement

4. smooth and balanced muscular activity, coordinated movements


[q] (C3.1.11) Define circadian rhythm.

[a] pattern or physiology based on a 24-hour cycle e.g. wake and sleep cycle
– diurnal, nocturnal


[q] (C3.1.11) State how circadian rhythm is controlled.

[a] Controlled by secretion of melatonin by pineal gland (located between cerebrum and brainstem) in preparation sleep – higher levels during night for diurnal animals


[q] (C3.1.12) Outline the mechanism of action of epinephrine as a signaling molecule.

[a] 1. epinephrine is secreted by adrenal glands in preparation for vigorous exercise / fight or flight response (muscle contraction)

2. epinephrine is hydrophilic, cannot pass through plasma membrane

3. epinephrine binds to binding site on GPCR protein → GPCR change shape → G protein release GDP (replaced by GTP) → activate G protein – alpha subunit dissociates from beta and gamma → alpha activate adenylyl cyclase → AC converts ATP to cyclic AMP (cAMP)

4. cAMP is a secondary messenger: triggers cascade of reactions → change in metabolism

– cAMP binds to / activates kinase A (PKA)

– activation of PKA further continue the signalling cascade, including multiple phosphorylation

one of the final cellular responses for epinephrine: breakdown of glycogen → more glucose available for energy during fight-or-flight response


[q] (C3.1.12) Outline the effects of epinephrine on the body.

[a] – contraction of skeletal muscles

– accelerated heart rate with higher stroke volume / blood pressure 

– vessel dilation: increased blood supply to muscles

– increased blood sugar levels by stimulating glycogen conversion to glucose in liver

– pupil dilation 

– increased ventilation rate + dilation of air passages – more air received by lungs to supply O2 and CO2


[q] (C3.1.13) Outline the role of the hypothalamus as a link between nervous and endocrine systems.

[a] Hypothalamus links nervous system to endocrine system via the pituitary gland:

– hypothalamus contains specialized areas called nuclei

1. operates one or more control systems using info from various sources

2. some have sensors for blood temp, blood glucose conc, osmolarity, conc of hormones

3. many receives signals from sense organs directly or indirectly via cerebral hemispheres / medulla oblongata / hippocampus / amygdala

2 parts of pituitary gland: anterior lobe and posterior lobe – both secrete hormones into blood capillaries 

– anterior: make and store its own hormones

e.g. HGH (human growth hormone), TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), prolactin, LH (luteinizing hormone)

– posterior: stores hormones made by hypothalamus 

e.g. ADH (antidiuretic hormone), oxytocin


[q] (C3.1.13) List body processes that are monitored by the hypothalamus.

[a] 1. osmoregulation

– osmoreceptors in hypothalamus monitor solute concentration of blood

– this input influences the amount of ADH produced by neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus 

– axons of neurosecretory cells transport the ADH to pituitary gland, where it is secreted into blood capillaries

2. puberty:

– hypothalamus stimulates puberty by secreting GnRH (a hormone that stimulates secretion of LH and FSH by pituitary gland)

– LH and FSH stimulates secretion of testosterone in males and oestradiol and progesterone in females, leading to changes associated with puberty


[q] (C3.1.14) Described the structures and functions of nervous tissue that can regulate heart rate, including the role of the medulla oblongata, sympathetic nerve, vagus nerve, baroreceptors and chemoreceptors.

[a] Myogenic heart rate can be adjusted by neural and endocrine feedback mechanisms:

1. cardiovascular centre receives sensory inputs from:

(a) baroreceptors in walls of aorta and carotid arteries → allows control of blood pressure by negative feedback (low bp, ↑ heart rate)

(b) chemoreceptors in aorta and carotid arteries → allows control of blood O2 conc and pH by negative feedback (low oxygen conc + low pH, ↑ heart rate)

2. pacemaker / sinoatrial node receives signals from cardiovascular centre in medulla oblongata via:

– sympathetic nerve: causes the pacemaker to ↑ heart rate

– vagus nerve: decrease heart rate

3. SA node sets heart rate by initiating each beat

4. SA node also increases heart rate in respond to epinephrine in blood: 

– amygdala sends distress signals to hypothalamus

– hypothalamus sends signals directly via nerve fibres to cells in adrenal glands that secrete epinephrine


[q] (C3.1.15) Outline the feedback loop that regulates the ventilation rate, including the role of chemoreceptors, brainstem, diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

[a] Ventilation rate: number of times air is inhaled and exhaled per minute, regulated by respiratory center in brainstem

1. chemoreceptors in the respiratory centre of the medulla oblongata + walls of aorta and carotid arteries detect a fall in blood pH resulting from a rise in [CO2] in blood; 

2. respiratory center sends more nerve impulses to the external intercostal muscles and diaphragm muscle, causing them to contract more frequently and more forcefully, expanding the lungs

3. increased rate and depth of breathing, CO2 can be removed from the body at a faster rate


[q] (C3.1.16) Outline the role of the central and enteric nervous systems in movement of material into, through and out of the gut.

[a] into: swallowing (CNS, voluntary)

– striated muscle in tongue is under voluntary control by brain

– to initiate swallowing, tongue pushes food to the back of the mouth cavity

– food stimulates touch receptors in the pharynx

– signals from receptors pass to brainstem, which stimulates muscle contractions that push food into esophagus through: peristalsis (ENS, involuntary)

– peristalsis: the wave of contraction and relaxation in the wall of the gut that moves food from mouth, stomach, intestines to the anus

– circular (內) and longitudinal (外) muscles relax in front of a bolus, contract behind to shorten and make the lumen narrower, pushing the food along the gut out: defecation (involuntary → voluntary)

defecation: removal of feces from rectum via anus

– anus contains a ring of smooth muscle (sphincter)

– wall of rectum contains layers of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle


[q] (C3.1.17) Contrast positive and negative tropism.

[a] tropism: differential growth to directional stimuli

positive tropism: growth towards the stimulus

negative tropism: growth away from stimulus


[q] (C3.1.17) Outline phototropism and gravitropism in roots and stems.

[a] shoot: positively phototropism (grow towards light) + negatively gravitropic (grow upwards in darkness)

roots: positively gravitropic (grow downward to absorb water and minerals + anchor the plant, same direction as gravity)


[q] (C3.1.18) Outline the cause and consequence of positive phototropism in a plant shoot.​

[a] cause: shoot tip detects it is not growing towards brightest light
consequence: differential growth
benefit: increases the amount of light absorbed by a shoot’s leaves for use in photosynthesis


[q] (C3.1.19) Define phytohormone.

[a] plant hormones which are signalling chemicals that control growthdevelopment and response to stimuli in plants


[q] (C3.1.20) State two roles of the hormone auxin.

[a] 1. maintain concentration gradients of phytohormones
2. promotes stem growth and causes differential growth response of phototropism


[q] (C3.1.19) List examples of chemicals that function as phytohormones.

[a] 1. promote or inhibit growth by affecting rates of cell division + cell enlargement

auxin: cell elongation; produced by shoot tips and are transported to roots

cytokinincell differentiation (increase rate of cell division)

gibberellinstem elongation and seed germination

2. promote or inhibit development e.g. produce side shoot

Ethelene: promotes fruit ripening (growth)

3. response to stimuli e.g. communication using electrical signals

jasmonic acid: triggers secretion of enzymes to digest the fly caught by Venus flytrap plant


[q] (C3.1.20) Describe the mechanism of movement of auxin into and between plant cells. ​

[a] 1. auxins enter cells by passive diffusion if its carboxyl group is uncharged

2. trapped inside because cytoplasm is slightly alkaline and carboxyl group of auxin dissociates by losing a proton

3. plant cells produce auxin efflux carriers to pump auxin with negative charge (COO-) across the plasma membrane into the cellulose cell wall (slightly acidic due to presence of H+ ions which loosens connections between cellulose fibres)

4. auxin reverts to uncharged state, diffuse into adjacent cell (from lighter side to darker side)

5. plants cell coordinate the production of auxin efflux carriers on the same side, so auxin can be actively transported until there is a high concentration 


[q] (C3.1.21) Explain how auxin concentrations allow for phototropism.

(C3.1.21) Describe the mechanism of action of auxin in the phototropic response, including the role of H+ ions and cellulose crosslinks. ​

[a] 1. auxin promotes synthesis of proton pumps and their insertion into plasma membrane

2. proton pumps transport H+ ions from inside of cell/protoplast to cell wall outside/apoplast, acidifying the apoplast

3. cellulose microfibrils are inelastic, main structural component of plant cell wall

4. microfibrils are crosslinked by other carbohydrates e.g. pectin

5. decrease in pH weaken the links, allowing the wall to extend

6. conc gradient of auxin cause gradients of apoplastic pH and differences in cell growth in phototropism


[q] (C3.1.22) Outline the source and transport of auxin and cytokinin in plants.

[a] auxin: cell elongation; produced in shoot tips, transported in phloem down stems and into roots; inhibits growth of axillary buds 

cytokinin: cell differentiation; produced in root tips, transported in xylem uproots and into stems 


[q] (C3.1.22) Explain how root and shoot growth are regulated by the interaction of auxin and cytokinin. ​

[a] 多auxin多cytokinin:

– cell division + cell growth in root and shoot tip meristems 


– development of new roots + branching of roots


– growth of axillary buds (新苗) to replace lost main shoot

– produce auxin: stimulates root growth, inhibits development of axillary buds


[q] (C3.1.23) List changes that occur to a fruit as it ripens.

[a] Stimulated by ethylene in many plant species:

1. color of fruit changes from green

2. cell wall are partly digested, softening the flesh

3. acids and starch are converted to sugar, making the fruit palatable

4. volatile substances are synthesized to give the fruit a distinctive scent


[q] (C3.1.23) Describe the positive feedback mechanism of fruit ripening.

[a] 1. ethylene stimulates ripening

2. ripening fruits release ethylene as a volatile vapour which diffuses to other fruits and initiates their ripening

3. rapid and synchronized ripening of fruits

e.g. peach tree → increase attractiveness of plant with fruits to animals, encourage dispersal of seeds 


[q] Phototropism

[a] The growth of plants towards a source of light
– This is a positive tropic response, because the plants grow towards the stimulus


[q] Why is phototropism necessary?

[a] Plants compete for light, and they must be able to obtain as much light as possible


[q] How do plants respond to environmental cues?

[a] By producing hormones called phytohormones
e.g. Auxin (results in cell elongation), cytokinin (increases rate of cell division), ethylene (promotes fruit ripening)


[q] Where auxin is produced and where does it move to?

[a] – Produced in the growing regions such as the tips of the shoots, roots and buds
– It can enter phloem tissue and be moved throughout the plant within the phloem sap


[q] How is auxin concentrated?

[a] – Concentration gradient of the auxin is set up by auxin efflux carriers, allowing auxin to diffuse into plant cells
– If needed, plants can distribute efflux carriers predominantly on one side of a series of adjoining cells, encouraging one-way movement of auxin through that series of cells
– This is a form of active transport due to ATP requirements


[q] How dose auxin work?

[a] – Auxins loosens cellulose in the cell wall causing cells to elongate
– Auxin activates proton pumps in the plasma membrane which causes the secretion of H+ ions into the apoplast in the cell wall
– H+ ions activate expansins (a protein) which are already present in the cell wall
– Expansins loosens the hydrogen bonds between cellulose fibres, causing cell wall to become flexible
– With the cell wall now flexible, an influx of water (into the vacuole) causes increase in turgor pressure, pushing the wall outwards, causing elongation in the cell wall, hence cell growth


[q] Which side of the shoot are auxin efflux pumps placed?

[a] Shaded side.
– If light changes, the efflux pumps can be moved and new growth will turn towards the light


[q] Where auxin are and cytokinin produced?

[a] – Auxin are produced by the shoot tip (travels tip to root)
– Cytokinin are produced in the root tips (travels root to tip)


[q] What happens during fruit ripening?

[a] – Fruits produce a gas called ethylene
– This gas affects nearby fruits
– When one fruit begins to ripen, the gas released will spread to adjacent fruits, causing them to start to ripen at the same time
– This is a positive feedback mechanism as more ethylene causes more fruits to ripen, which in turn causes more ethylene gas to be produced


[q] What is the advantage of ethylene production?

[a] Animals are attracted to the ripe fruit, eat the fruit and deposit the seeds away from the plant


[q] Outline the extension of the stem in plants

[a] – Plants elongate due to the cell division occuring in the apical meristem
– Apical meristem produces auxin
– Auxin stimulates the elongation of plant cells


[q] Outline how the hormone auxin controls phototropism in plant shoots

[a] – Phototropism is the growth towards light
– Auxin is moved to the shadier side of the plant stem
– Moved by auxin efflux pump
– Auxin promotes cell wall acidification
– Causes more growth on the shadier side
– Protons activate expansions, which breaks the hydrogen bonds between microfibers. Water enters, causing cell to expand


[q] Outline the growth of plant shoot apex

[a] – Growth is indeterminate
– Shoot apex can produce stem and leaves
– New cells in the meristem is due to production of new cells
– Shoot apex produces auxin, which promotes cell elongation
– Shoot apex grows towards light


[q] Describe the roles of the shoot apex in the growth of plants

[a] – Site of mitosis because it contains stem cells
– Cell elongation also occurs in the shoot apex
– Produces auxin
– Cell differentiation also occurs in the shoot apex.

Cell differentiation produces flowers

[q] C3.1.1—System integration 
This is a necessary process in living systems. Coordination is needed for component parts of a system to collectively perform an overall function. 
[a]  Multiple organ systems function within each organism to sustain its life.
System integration is the effective collaboration, coordination, and communication of different components of the organism, which depends on molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and the systems that arise from them.
[q] C3.1.2—Cells, tissues, organs and body systems as a hierarchy of subsystems that are integrated in a multicellular living organism 
Students should appreciate that this integration is responsible for emergent properties.
For example, a cheetah becomes an effective predator by integration of its body systems.
[a]  Emergent properties are “properties that are not evident in the individual components of a system, but show up when combining those components”.
In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
For example, one cardiomyocyte (heart cell) cannot pump blood to the body, and neither can just one chamber of the heart or the heart alone in its entirety, but combining the heart with the vascular system achieves the property of pumping and carrying blood to all the body.
This property only emerges when different organs are integrated.
[q] C3.1.3—Integration of organs in animal bodies by hormonal and nervous signaling and by transport of materials and energy
Distinguish between the roles of the nervous system and endocrine system in sending messages.
Using examples, emphasize the role of the blood system in transporting materials between organs.
[a]  Recall that system integration is a result of effective collaboration and communication. There are two main methods of communication within the body – the nervous and endocrine systems.
Each system achieves a certain type of communication, and when integrated together allow for effective internal communication.
Note that the bloodstream not only helps in the integration of organs in animal bodies but it also transports materials and energy to and from organs in order to facilitate functions other than homeostasis like nutrition and excretion.
[q] C3.1.4—The brain as a central information integration organ 
Limit to the role of the brain in processing information combined from several inputs and in learning and memory.
Students are not required to know details such as the role of slow-acting neurotransmitters.
The brain is the central information integration organ and plays a significant role in processing information from several inputs.
The Processing Theory explains how the brain processes information (illustrated above).
sensory information (from receptors of various types) enters the STM, and – along with information from the LTM – is processed in the working memory to generate a response.
Analogy: your working memory is the desk you use to study on, the stationary on your desk are your STM, and the books in the shelves across the room are your LTM.
When you learn a new concept, it enters your STM.
Encoding is the process of moving information from the STM into the LTM, which can occur through repeating the same information multiple times – signaling its importance to your brain and moving it to the LTM for later recall.
[q] C3.1.5—The spinal cord as an integrating centre for unconscious processes 
Students should understand the difference between conscious and unconscious processes. 
[a]  Conscious processes are voluntary, occur only when awake, and are carried out by the brain (specifically the cerebral hemisphere).
Unconscious processes are involuntary, occur both when awake and asleep, and are carried out by both the brain and the spinal cord.
The Central Nervous System (CNS) is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is every other nervous tissue (i.e. nerves).
Neurons are the functional unit of the nervous system, and are divided into three classes:
Sensory neurons: receive information about the internal and external environments, transmitting them to the CNS (via interneurons).
They receive signals.
Interneurons: are the most abundant class of neurons, and work to receive information from sensory neurons or other interneurons and transmit this information to either motor neurons or other interneurons.
They integrate incoming signals.
Motor neurons: receive signals from other neurons and convey commands to organs, glands, or muscles.
They communicate signals to target cells.
The spinal cord is the extension of nervous tissue within the vertebral column.
When observing the spinal cord and brain (in a dissection), two distinct regions appear: white and grey matter.
White matter is the region with many axons (it is called ‘white’ because axons are covered with lipid-rich myelin, which appears white).
Grey matter is the region with many cell bodies and dendrites.
Note that grey matter does not always appear ‘grey,’ it could be pink (due to blood) – it is just always a darker shade compared to white matter.
Distinguishing these two regions within the spinal cord enables us to explain how it functions – white matter mainly transmits information while grey matter receives and processes information.
Thus, integrating their two functions within the spinal cord allows for effective response to stimuli.
[q] C3.1.6—Input to the spinal cord and cerebral hemispheres through sensory neurons 
Students should understand that sensory neurons convey messages from receptor cells to the central nervous system.
[a]  Sensory neurons, from their name, ‘sense’ changes in the internal and external environments and transmit (input) them to the spinal cord and cerebral hemispheres within the brain (CNS).
The structure of sensory neurons depends on the stimulus they are sensing; those sensing visual stimuli differ from those sensing smell or taste.
[q] C3.1.7—Output from the cerebral hemispheres to muscles through motor neurons 
Students should understand that muscles are stimulated to contract. 
One of the functions of the cerebrum is controlling muscle movement. It outputs a signal to motor neurons, which stimulates muscles to contract; the nervous and musculoskeletal systems are integrated such that the body is able to physically respond to stimuli.
[q] C3.1.8—Nerves as bundles of nerve fibres of both sensory and motor neurons 
Use a transverse section of a nerve to show the protective sheath, and myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibres.
Figure 3: Cross-sectional anatomy of the nerve. Inset at left shows an unmyelinated fiber. Inset at bottom
shows a myelinated fiber (Lundborg G).
Nerves are bundles of nerve fibers (axons), containing both sensory and motor neurons (which can be myelinated or not).
They are like electrical cables that encapsulate (differing) metal wires within an insulation; nerves encapsulate neurons.
Just like cables connect (integrate) electrical signals across cities, nerves connect/integrate the nervous system to itself and to other organs.
[q] C3.1.9—Pain reflex arcs as an example of involuntary responses with skeletal muscle as the effector
Use the example of a reflex arc with a single interneuron in the grey matter of the spinal cord and a free sensory nerve ending in a sensory neuron as a pain receptor in the hand.
Imagine you are testing the temperature of the water in the shower:
(1) “The sensory neuron has endings in the skin that sense a stimulus such as water temperature.
The strength of the signal that starts here is dependent on the strength of the stimulus.
(2) The graded potential from the sensory endings, if strong enough, will initiate an action potential at the initial segment of the axon (which is immediately adjacent to the sensory endings in the skin).
(3) The axon of the peripheral sensory neuron enters the spinal cord and contacts another neuron in the gray matter.
The contact is a synapse where another graded potential is caused by the release of a chemical signal from the axon terminals.
(4) An action potential is initiated at the initial segment of this neuron and travels up the sensory pathway to a region of the brain.
Another synapse passes the information along to the next neuron.
(5) The sensory pathway ends when the signal reaches the cerebral cortex.
(6) After integration with neurons in other parts of the cerebral cortex, a motor command is sent from the frontal cortex.
(7) The upper motor neuron sends an action potential down to the spinal cord.
The target of the upper motor neuron is the dendrites of the lower motor neuron in the gray matter of the spinal cord.
(8) The axon of the lower motor neuron emerges from the spinal cord in a nerve and connects to a muscle through a neuromuscular junction to cause contraction of the target muscle.”
[q] C3.1.10—Role of the cerebellum in coordinating skeletal muscle contraction and balance 
Limit to a general understanding of the role of the cerebellum in the overall control of movements of the body.
[a]  “The cerebellum is a vital component in the human brain as it plays a role in motor movement regulation and balance control.
The cerebellum coordinates gait and maintains posture, controls muscle tone and voluntary muscle activity but is unable to initiate muscle contraction.
Damage to this area in humans results in a loss in the ability to control fine movements, maintain posture, and motor learning.”
[q] C3.1.11—Modulation of sleep patterns by melatonin secretion as a part of circadian rhythms 
Students should understand the diurnal pattern of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland and how it helps to establish a cycle of sleeping and waking.
[a]  Melatonin is the only hormone produced by the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is located outside the blood brain barrier, losing its connection to the CNS. This allows for:
• Large intake of tryptophan, the chemical the pineal gland uses to synthesize melatonin, thus allowing for high melatonin production
• Relative protection from premature degradation by enzymes (which would otherwise lead to a 10- 20-fold decrease in melatonin levels)
“The rate of melatonin production is affected by the photoperiod (length of time during which a person is exposed to light).
During the day photoperiod, little melatonin is produced; however, melatonin production increases during the dark photoperiod (night)”; its production is stimulated by darkness (Masters).
“In some mammals, melatonin has an inhibitory effect on reproductive functions by decreasing production and maturation of sperm, oocytes, and reproductive organs” (Masters).
“Although melatonin has effects on various cells in the human body, its sleep-promoting actions are mostly caused by its feedback to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), located in the anterior part of the hypothalamus.
By working on the SCN, melatonin helps to synchronize the circadian rhythm by affecting both the phase (the timing of the rhythm’s trough and peak within 24 hours) and amplitude (the difference between the trough and peak) of the rhythm” (Masters).
[q] C3.1.11—Modulation of sleep patterns by melatonin secretion as a part of circadian rhythms 
Students should understand the diurnal pattern of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland and how it helps to establish a cycle of sleeping and waking.
[q] C3.1.12—Epinephrine (adrenaline) secretion by the adrenal glands to prepare the body for vigorous activity
Consider the widespread effects of epinephrine in the body and how these effects facilitate intense muscle contraction.
[a]  Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline or the ‘fight or flight hormone/neurotransmitter’ is produced by the adrenal glands and has several functions:
• Increasing contraction of vascular smooth muscle, pupillary dilator muscle (in the iris), and intestinal sphincter muscle
• Increasing rate of glycogen breakdown in liver (thus increases blood sugar levels)
• Increasing heart rate (it overrides normal homeostatic mechanisms)
• Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle
Exercise is a physiological stimulus to epinephrine secretion
[q] C3.1.13—Control of the endocrine system by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Students should have a general understanding, but are not required to know differences between mechanisms used in the anterior and posterior pituitary.
[a]  The endocrine system is responsible for internal chemical signaling within the body through the bloodstream (not to be confused with the exocrine system, which secretes into ducts).
It is controlled by the hypothalamus (which links the nervous and endocrine systems together) and pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland has an anterior lobe, which secretes Growth Hormone (GH), Prolactin, FSH, and LH (among others), and a posterior lobe, which secretes ADH and Oxytocin.
[q] C3.1.14—Feedback control of heart rate following sensory input from baroreceptors and chemoreceptors 
Include the location of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors.
Baroreceptors monitor blood pressure. Chemoreceptors monitor blood pH and concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Students should understand the role of the medulla in coordinating responses and sending nerve impulses to the heart to change the heart’s stroke volume and heart rate.
[a]  The Medulla Oblongata is a region within the human brain that contains a cardiovascular center which regulates cardiac output and activity.
It is an element of the autonomic nervous system, which is part of the PNS and composed of the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric nervous systems.
Sympathetic stimulation increases heart rate, whilst parasympathetic stimulation (via the Vagus nerve) decreases it.
Baroreceptors are a type of mechanoreceptors (sensory neurons that sense mechanical changes in the environment) that aid in regulating blood pressure (Armstrong).
“The cardiovascular center monitors baroreceptor firing to maintain cardiac homeostasis, a mechanism called the baroreceptor reflex.
With increased pressure and stretch, the rate of baroreceptor firing increases, and the cardiac center decreases sympathetic stimulation and increases parasympathetic stimulation.
As pressure and stretch decrease, the rate of baroreceptor firing decreases, and the cardiac center increases sympathetic stimulation and decreases parasympathetic stimulation” (Gordon Betts).
Chemoreceptors are also sensory neurons that sense changes in metabolic byproducts such as carbon dioxide, pH, lactic acid, and oxygen levels.
“These chemoreceptors provide feedback to the cardiovascular centers about the need for increased or decreased blood flow, based on the relative levels of these substances.”
[q] C3.1.15—Feedback control of ventilation rate following sensory input from chemoreceptors 
Students should understand the causes of pH changes in the blood.
These changes are monitored by chemoreceptors in the brainstem and lead to the control of ventilation rate using signals to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
[a]  Ventilation rate is the number of breaths per unit time.
Chemoreceptors in the brainstem detect pH and oxygen levels, and regulate ventilation rate accordingly.
Since carbon dioxide dissociates into acid in blood,
High CO2 = low pH = higher ventilation rate to excrete more CO2 and lower acidity.
Low CO2 = high pH = slower ventilation rate to increase blood acidity
[q] C3.1.16—Control of peristalsis in the digestive system by the central nervous system and enteric nervous system
Limit to initiation of swallowing of food and egestion of faeces being under voluntary control by the central nervous system (CNS) but peristalsis between these points in the digestive system being under involuntary control by the enteric nervous system (ENS). The action of the ENS ensures passage of material through the gut is coordinated.
[a]  Peristalsis is the antagonistic contraction of longitudinal and circular smooth muscles to push food in a unidirectional manner throughout the alimentary canal.
Initiation of swallowing food and egestion of faeces is under the control of the (CNS); it is a voluntary and conscious process.
Peristalsis between these points (through the esophagus, stomach, and intestines) is under the control of the enteric nervous system (ENS); an involuntary and unconscious process.
[q] C3.1.19—Phytohormones as signaling chemicals controlling growth, development and response to stimuli in plants
Students should appreciate that a variety of chemicals are used as phytohormones in plants. 
[a]  Phytohormones are a large variety of signaling chemicals that control the growth, development, and stimulus response in plants. Examples include indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) – the major type of auxin in plants, cytokinin, and ethene.
[q] C3.1.20—Auxin efflux carriers as an example of maintaining concentration gradients of phytohormones 
Auxin can diffuse freely into plant cells but not out of them. Auxin efflux carriers can be positioned in a cell membrane on one side of the cell.
If all cells coordinate to concentrate these carriers on the same side, auxin is actively transported from cell to cell through the plant tissue and becomes concentrated in part of the plant.
[a]  Auxin transport helps us understand how this hormone integrates different parts of the plant and allows it to react to external stimuli.
It occurs through two mechanisms:
• Mechanism 1: (directional) polar transport
“In contrast to the other major plant hormones, auxins can be transported in a specific direction (polar transport) through parenchyma (plant tissue) cells.
The cytoplasm of parenchyma cells are neutral (pH = 7), but the region outside the plasma membranes of adjacent cells (the apoplast) is acidic (pH = 5).
When auxin is in the cytoplasm, it releases a proton and becomes an anion (IAA-).
It cannot pass through hydrophobic portion of the plasma membrane as an anion, but it does pass through special auxin efflux transporters called PIN proteins.
When IAA- enters the acidic environment of the apoplast, it is protonated, becoming IAAH.
This uncharged molecule can then pass through the plasma membrane of adjacent cells through diffusion or via influx transporters, but not out of the cells.
PIN proteins can be unevenly distributed around the cell (for example, only occurring on the bottom of the cell), which directs the flow of auxin” (Melissa Ha).
• Mechanism 2: (non-directional) non-polar transport
Auxin can also pass through the sap, or phloem, of the plant as nutrients are translocated.
[q] C3.1.20—Auxin efflux carriers as an example of maintaining concentration gradients of phytohormones 
Auxin can diffuse freely into plant cells but not out of them.
Auxin efflux carriers can be positioned in a cell membrane on one side of the cell. If all cells coordinate to concentrate these carriers on the same side, auxin is actively transported from cell to cell through the plant tissue and becomes concentrated in part of the plant.
 [q] C3.1.18—Positive phototropism as a directional growth response to lateral light in plant shoots 
Students are not required to know specific examples of other tropisms. 
[a]  Positive phototropism is the directional movement/growth of plant towards light (negative phototropism is movement away from light, i.e. in roots).
 [q] C3.1.21—Promotion of cell growth by auxin 
Include auxin’s promotion of hydrogen ion secretion into the apoplast, acidifying the cell wall and thus loosening cross links between cellulose molecules and facilitating cell elongation.
Concentration gradients of auxin cause the differences in growth rate needed for phototropism.
[a]  Mechanism of positive phototropism:
• Phototropins in one side of the plant sense more light than the other side
• This promotes the efflux of auxin from the lighter side to the darker, shaded side
• A high concentration of auxin causes the release of H+ ions in the cell walls of shaded cells
• Lower pH disrupts bonding of cellulose molecules in cell walls, causing a loss of rigidity and elasticity
• Auxin also upregulates the production of expansins (proteins), which further disrupt the cell wall
• Auxin also increases elongation rate of darker side compared to brighter side
• This results in the swelling of the cell and increases the weight of the shaded side
• As a result, the stem begins bending towards the side exposed to more light
 [q] C3.1.22—Interactions between auxin and cytokinin as a means of regulating root and shoot growth
Students should understand that root tips produce cytokinin, which is transported to shoots, and shoot tips produce auxin, which is transported to roots.
Interactions between these phytohormones help to ensure that root and shoot growth are integrated. 
[a]  Auxin is produced in shoot tips and transported to roots, promoting meristematic differentiation, cell elongation, leaf development, apical dominance, and tropisms whilst inhibiting lateral growth.
Cytokinin is produced in root tips and transported to shoots, promoting growth/cell division (cytokinesis) whilst inhibiting leaf and root development.
The concentrations of both phytohormones regulate shoot and root growth, as seen below.
High levels of auxin and low levels of cytokinin induce shoot formation, whereas low levels of auxin and high levels of cytokinin induce root formation.
Relatively equal amounts result in callus formation, which is just filler plant tissue.
Thus, antagonistic and cooperative interactions can occur between the two hormones.
Figure 10: diagrammatic visualization of interactions between auxin and cytokinin (Melnyk).
[q] C3.1.23—Positive feedback in fruit ripening and ethylene production
Ethylene (IUPAC name: ethene) stimulates the changes in fruits that occur during ripening, and ripening also stimulates increased production of ethylene.
Students should understand the benefit of this positive feedback mechanism in ensuring that fruit ripening is rapid and synchronized.
[a]  Once a plant reaches the seed dispersal stage during reproduction, a positive feedback mechanism is initiated between ethene and the ripening fruits.
The more ripening occurs, the more ethene produced, and vice versa.
[q] C3.1.17—Observations of tropic responses in seedlings
Application of skills: Students should gather qualitative data, using diagrams to record their observations of seedlings illustrating tropic responses.
They could also collect quantitative data by measuring the angle of curvature of seedlings.
The diagram above shows how scientists investigated the effects of auxin on phototropism;
since auxin is produced in the shoot, separating the shoot from the rest of the stem by a physical barrier prevents its efflux to the shaded/darker regions, thus inhibiting phototropism.
You can investigate the effect of light intensity on the degree of phototropism exhibited by seedlings by measuring the angle of curvature (using a protractor), among others.
[q] NOS: Students should be able to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative observations and understand factors that limit the precision of measurements and their accuracy.
Strategies for increasing the precision, accuracy and reliability of measurements in tropism experiments could be considered.
Non-numerical data (words)Numerical data
Used to support quantitative evidenceMain evidence in hypothesis testing

Accuracy is how close an experimental result is to the true (literature) value.
Precision is the degree of certainty in measured data or how close trial values are to each other

Reliable data = accuracy + precision 

For example, when measuring the angle of curvature of seedlings when investigating phototropism, one can use a protractor with at least 2 decimal places for precision, and conduct at least 3-5 trials for reliability.

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IB DP Biology HL C3.1 Integration of body systems Flashcards

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