iGCSE Biology (0610)-21.2 Biotechnology – iGCSE Style Questions Paper 1


Why are bacteria useful in biotechnology and genetic engineering?

A They can reproduce rapidly.
B They live in soil.
C They may be pathogens.
D They need complex nutrients.



They can reproduce rapidly.

Bacteria are incredibly useful in biotechnology and genetic engineering for several reasons, and one of the key reasons is their rapid reproduction rate. Bacteria can replicate quickly, with some species dividing every 20 minutes under optimal conditions. This rapid reproduction allows scientists to quickly generate large populations of bacteria that have been genetically modified or engineered for specific purposes. This is crucial for producing large quantities of bioengineered products such as proteins, enzymes, and other bioproducts.

In addition to their rapid reproduction, bacteria offer other advantages in biotechnology and genetic engineering, such as their ability to express foreign genes, relatively simple genetic structures, and well-characterized regulatory mechanisms. These traits make bacteria excellent candidates for the manipulation of genes and the production of valuable compounds through genetic engineering techniques.


Why are bacteria useful in biotechnology and genetic engineering?

A They can reproduce rapidly.
B They live in soil.
C They may be pathogens.
D They need complex nutrients.



They can reproduce rapidly.

Bacteria are incredibly useful in biotechnology and genetic engineering for several reasons, and one of the key reasons is their rapid reproduction rate. Bacteria can replicate quickly, with some species dividing every 20 minutes under optimal conditions. This rapid reproduction allows scientists to quickly generate large populations of bacteria that have been genetically modified or engineered for specific purposes. This is crucial for producing large quantities of bioengineered products such as proteins, enzymes, and other bioproducts.

In addition to their rapid reproduction, bacteria offer other advantages in biotechnology and genetic engineering, such as their ability to express foreign genes, relatively simple genetic structures, and well-characterized regulatory mechanisms. These traits make bacteria excellent candidates for the manipulation of genes and the production of valuable compounds through genetic engineering techniques.


Which feature of bacteria makes them especially useful in biotechnology?
       A  They are often pathogens.
       B  They have a unique genetic code.
       C  They have cell walls.
       D  They reproduce rapidly.


The correct answer is D: They reproduce rapidly.

Bacteria are especially useful in biotechnology because of their rapid reproduction rates. They can multiply quickly, allowing for the efficient production of various products such as enzymes, antibiotics, and other biotechnological products. This rapid reproduction makes it easier to scale up production processes and obtain high yields of desired substances. Additionally, bacteria can be genetically modified and engineered to produce specific proteins or molecules of interest, further enhancing their utility in biotechnology applications.

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