Fig. 2.1 shows a section through a blood vessel.
(a) Identify the type of blood vessel shown in Fig. 2.1.
(b) Red blood cells are different to white blood cells.
State three ways in which a red blood cell is different to a white blood cell.
(c) (i) State the name of the liquid component of blood.
(ii) State three substances that are transported in the liquid component of blood.
2 (a) capillary / capillaries ;
(b) no nucleus ;
smaller ;
contain, haemoglobin / Hb ;
(bi)concave disc shape / described ;
carries oxygen ;
does not produce antibodies / not involved in immunity ;
does not carry out phagocytosis ;
AVP ;; e.g. transports carbon dioxide / more RBC’s
(c) (i) plasma ;
(ii) glucose ;
amino acids ;
(plasma) proteins ;
fats / glycerol / fatty acids ;
vitamins / one named vitamin ;
mineral (ions) / one named mineral ion ;
hormones ;
urea ;
carbon dioxide ;
water ;