iGCSE Mathematics (0580) : C1.15 Calculate using money and convert from one currency to another. iGCSE Style Questions Paper 1


The train fare from Bangkok to Chiang Mai is 768 baht.
The exchange rate is £1 = 48 baht.
Calculate the train fare in pounds (£).


To calculate the train fare from Bangkok to Chiang Mai in pounds (£), we need to divide the fare in baht by the exchange rate of £1 = 48 baht.
Train fare in baht: 768 baht
Exchange rate: £1 = 48 baht
Train fare in pounds (£) = 768 baht / 48 baht per £1 = £16
Therefore, the train fare from Bangkok to Chiang Mai is £16.


One bracelet costs 85 cents and one necklace costs $7.50 .
Write down an expression, in dollars, for the total cost of b bracelets and n necklaces.


The expression, in dollars, for the total cost of b bracelets and n necklaces can be written as:
Total cost \(= (85 cents\times b) + ($7.50\times n)\)
To convert the cost to dollars, we need to divide the total cost by 100 cents per dollar:
Total cost in dollars\( =\frac{85b+$7.50n}{100}\)
Therefore, the expression for the total cost of b bracelets and n necklaces, in dollars, is:
Total cost in dollars\( =\frac{0.85b+7.50n}{100}\)
This can be simplified as:
Total cost in dollars\(=\frac{85b+750n}{100}\)



Gregor changes \($700\) into euros  when the rate is \(1 euro= $1.4131 .\)
Calculate the amount he receives.


Given that 1 euro is equal to $1.4131, we can use this exchange rate to convert $700 to euros:
Amount in euros = Amount in dollars × Exchange rate
Amount in euros\( = $700 \times1 euro/$1.4131\)
Amount in euros ≈\( $495.36\)
Therefore, Gregor would receive approximately €495.36 when he exchanges\( $700\) at the given exchange rate.


Martina Changed 200 Swiss francs (CHF) into euros (€).
The exchange rate was €1 = 1.14 CHF.
Calculate how much Martina received.
Give your answer correct to the nearest euro.


Given that €1 is equal to 1.14 CHF, we can use this exchange rate to convert 200 CHF to euros:
Amount in euros = Amount in CHF / Exchange rate
Amount in euros\(=\frac{200}{1.14}\)
Amount in euros ≈ 175.44 euros
Therefore, Martina received approximately €175.44 when she exchanged 200 Swiss francs at the given exchange rate. Rounded to the nearest euro, she received €175.


On a ship, the price of a gift is 24 euros  or \($30.\)
What is the difference in the price on a day when the exchange rate is \(1 euro = $1.2378?\)
Give your answer in dollars, correct to the nearest cent.


Given that the price of the gift is 24 euros, we can use the exchange rate to convert it to dollars:
Price in dollars = Price in euros × Exchange rate
Price in dollars = \(24 euros \times $1.2378/euro\)
Price in dollars =\( $29.7072\)
Rounded to the nearest cent, the price in dollars is approximately \($29.71.\)
Difference in price =\( $30 – $29.71\)
Difference in price ≈ \($0.29\)
Therefore, the difference in price between euros and dollars, when the exchange rate is 1 euro = \($1.2378\), is approximately \($0.29.\)

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