IGCSE Physics (0625) Unit 5. Atomic physics-5.2.5 Safety precautions – Paper 2 IGCSE Physics 0625 Solved Questions Paper 2 - All Chapters QuestionThe diagram shows a radioactivity experiment. When a piece of paper is used as the absorber, the count rate drops to the background count rate.Which radiation is the source emitting?A -radiation only B -radiation only C -radiation onlyD -radiation, -radiation and -radiationAnswer/ExplanationAns: A QuestionFour students are discussing ideas about radioactive decay. Answer/Explanation Ans: B QuestionThe diagram shows a box used for storing radioactive sources.Which material is best for lining the box to prevent the escape of most radioactive emissions?A. aluminiumB. copperC. leadD. steelAnswer/ExplanationAns: C ...MORE IGCSE PHY Paper 2 Questions