words for year 6
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[h] Year 6 English Easy Words Vocabulary Flashcards
[a] accommodate
Provide room or lodging for somebody or by providing something.
[a] accurate
Correct or exact.
[q] acquaintance
[a] acquaintance
A person you know
[q] advantageous
[a] advantageous
Giving an advantage; beneficial
[q] adversary
[a] adversary
Someone you compete against or fight with
[q] aggregate
[a] aggregate
The total of sum of single things
[q] aisle
[a] aisle
A clear path between seats in a hall, aircraft, and so on
[q] amateur
[a] amateur
Someone who does something for enjoyment and not to earn money from it
[q] ambidextrous
[a] ambidextrous
Able to use both hands equally well
[q] ambiguous
[a] ambiguous
Unclear, due to having more than one meaning
[q] anxiety
[a] anxiety
Feelings of worry or fear
[q] artificial
[a] artificial
Not occurring naturally but made by humans
[q] artillery
[a] artillery
Large guns on wheels
[q] asparagus
[a] asparagus
A plant with long green shoots, used as a vegetable
[q] asphalt
[a] asphalt
A black, sticky substance, mixed with crushed rock and used for making roads
[q] assimilate
[a] assimilate
Understand the meaning of something
[q] atrocious
[a] atrocious
Very bad or unpleasant
[q] beneficial
[a] beneficial
[q] bitumen
A sticky, black mixture, like tar or asphalt, used to make roads.
[q] boutique
A small shop, especially one that sells expensive or fashionable clothes.
[q] broccoli
A vegetable with thick stems and many small, green flower-like heads.
[q] burglary
The crime of breaking into a building to steal things
[q] campaign
Any planned series of actions with a particular purpose
[q] capricious
Suddenly changing your mind without apparent reason
[q] catalyst
Someone or something that causes a change or a reaction
[q] cauliflower
A vegetable with a large round head of white flowers
[q] celery
A vegetable with long, pale green stems.
[q] cemetery
A burial ground.
[q] ceremony
An event to mark an important occasion.
[q] civilian
[a] civilian
Someone who is not a member of the armed forces.
[q] cocoa
A drink made from the brown powder which is also used to make chocolate.
[q] colonel
An important officer in the army.
[q] colossal
Very great in size.
[q] commission
A group of people who have been given particular official duties.
[q] competent
Able or skillful.
[q] compliment
Words or actions expressing praise and admiration.
[q] compressor
A machine used to supply air or other gas at increased pressure.
[q] condescend
Do something even though you think you are too important for it.
[q] convalesce
[a] convalesce
Grow stronger after an illness.
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