Year 6 Maths Measurement Study Flashcards

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[h] Year 6 Maths Measurement Study Flashcards


[q] Different Measures and their Units

Different objects are measured in many different units. Some units (in blue) are not often used these days. They were part of an imperial system. Today we use a metric system for most measures.



[q] Converting Measures

You can use your skills in multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to convert all metric measures.

[a] Example 1 : Length
There are 10 mm in 1 cm; 100 cm in 1 m; and 1000 m in 1 km:
• 3.456 km = 3456 m (× 1000)
6543 m = 6.543 km (÷ 1000)
• 3 m = 300 cm (× 100)
345 cm = 3.45 m (÷ 100)
• 34 cm = 340 mm (× 10)
65 mm = 6.5 cm (÷ 10)


[q] Imperial Measures

We stopped using most imperial measures many years ago, but you may still come across them, e.g. in a recipe book and on road signs. It can help to know roughly what their values are in the metric system.

[a] Length
1 inch = around 2.5 cm
1 foot = around 30 cm
1 mile = around 1.6 km

1 ounce (oz) = around 30 g
1 pound (lb) = around 0.5 kg
1 stone = around 6.5 kg

1 pint = around 0.5 litre
1 gallon = around 4.5 litres


[q] Calculating the Perimeter of Regular Shapes

The perimeter of a shape is the distance around the outside of a shape. If you know the length of one side, you can use your knowledge of regular shapes to calculate the perimeter.



[q] Calculating the Perimeter of a Rectangle

The perimeter of this rectangle can be calculated as:


It can be shown by a formula:


[q] Calculating the Perimeter of Composite Shapes

To calculate the perimeter of a composite shape, you need to calculate the lengths of all the sides.



[q] Calculating the Area of a Rectangle

The area of a shape is the size of the flat surface it takes up. Area is recorded as square units or units². The simplest way to calculate area is to count squares.


You can also calculate the area of a rectangle by multiplying the length by the width.
Area = length × width
A = l × w
The area of the rectangle above can be calculated as
A = 4 × 3 = 12 m²


[q] Area of Other Shapes

You can use your knowledge of squares and rectangles to calculate the area of other shapes.

[a] Example
To calculate the area of a triangle, you can put two triangles together to make a rectangle as shown opposite. You can use A = l × w to calculate the area of the rectangle, then divide by 2 to find the area of the triangle.
Area of triangle = (5 × 3) ÷ 2 = 7.5 cm²
You can reorganise this parallelogram to make a rectangle.

Area of parallelogram = 8 × 6 = 48 cm²

[q] Calculating Volume

The volume is the amount of space an object takes up. Volume is measured as units³.

[a] Example
Imagine this cuboid is made from 1 cm cubes. You can calculate the volume by counting the 1 cm cubes. There are 12 × 1 cm cubes.
V = 12 cm³
You can also use the formula:
Volume = length × width × height
V = l × w × h

[q] Money

Money is either measured in pounds (£) or pence (p). There are 100p in £1. Amounts of money are written as £00.00.
• Convert £ to p by × 100, so £5.67 = 567p
• Convert p to £ by ÷ 100, so 306p = £3.06

[a] To order, add or subtract money convert it all to the same unit, all in £ or all in p.

Example 2
£36.70 largest
Add these amounts of money: £45.55 + 324p
1. First, change all the amounts to £:
£45.55 + £3.24
2. Then, add the amounts together:
= £48.79


[q] Analogue and Digital Time

Clocks with hands are called analogue clocks. The clock face is split into 12 hours and 60 minutes. The minute hand (the longer one) tells you how many minutes past or to the hour it is and the hour hand (the shorter one) tells you what hour it is near.

[a] Digital clocks have no hands. They use digits past the hour. If it was 20 to 9, the digital time would be recorded as 8:40. You use a.m. to show that it’s the morning and p.m. to show that it’s the afternoon or evening. Any time after 12 midnight is a.m. and any time after 12 noon (midday) is p.m.


[q] 12- and 24-Hour Clocks

Because a clock face only has 12 hours on it, you need to use a.m. and p.m. to tell if it is morning or afternoon. 24-hour clocks don’t start at 1 o’clock again after lunch. They continue counting up to 24. 24-hour time is recorded as four digits with the hours and minutes separated by a colon (:).



[q] Weeks, Months and Years

There are 60 seconds in one minute and 60 minutes in one hour. There are 24 hours in one day.

[a] There are seven days in a week and 14 days in a fortnight. In a year there are 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days. Once every four years there is a leap year and there is an extra day (29 February).


[q] Time Problems

You can use number lines to help solve time problems.


Sometimes you need to work out the time interval.


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