NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science (Updated for 2021 – 22)
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science SST History : India and the Contemporary World – I, Geography : Contemporary India – I, Civics (Political Science) : Democratic Politics – I, Economics : Understanding Economic Development – I Pdf free download are the part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9. Here we have given CBSE Class 9 Social Science NCERT Solutions. We can also find Extra Questions for Class 9 Social Science and CBSE Class 9 Social Science Map Work here.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science
Class 9 Social Science NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography | NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History |
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Civics | NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Economics |
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography – Contemporary India I
- NCERT Solutions of India Size and Location
- NCERT Solutions of Physical Features of India
- NCERT Solutions of Drainage
- NCERT Solutions of Climate
- NCERT Solutions of Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
- NCERT Solutions of Population
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Civics – Democratic Politics I
- Chapter 1 Democracy in the Contemporary World NCERT Solutions (Not Included in CBSE Syllabus)
- Chapter 2 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- Chapter 3 Constitutional Design
- Chapter 4 Electoral Politics
- Chapter 5 Working of Institutions
- Chapter 6 Democratic Rights
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Economics
- Chapter 1 The Story of Village Palampur
- Chapter 2 People as Resource
- Chapter 3 Poverty as a Challenge
- Chapter 4 Food Security in India
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History – India and the Contemporary World I
- Chapter 1- The French Revolution
- Chapter 2- Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
- Chapter 3- Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
- Chapter 4- Forest Society and Colonialism
- Chapter 5- Pastoralists in the Modern World
- Chapter 6- Peasants and Farmers
- Chapter 7- History and Sport: The Story of Cricket (Not included in the CBSE Syllabus)
- Chapter 8- Clothing: A Social History (Not included in the CBSE Syllabus)
Extra Questions for Class 9 Social Science Civics
- Chapter 1 Extra Questions for Democracy in the Contemporary World
- Chapter 3 Extra Questions for Constitutional Design
- Chapter 4 Extra Questions for Electoral Politics
Extra Questions for Class 9 Social Science History
- Extra Questions for Class 9 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
- Extra Questions for Class 9 Forest Society and Colonialism
- Extra Questions for Class 9 Pastoralists in the Modern World
- Extra Questions for Class 9 Peasants and Farmers
- Extra Questions for Class 9 History and Sport: The Story of Cricket
- Extra Questions for Class 9 Clothing: A Social History
NCERT Solutions of Geography – Class 9th (Social Science) Contemporary India I – Free PDF
Chapter 1 – India – Size and Location
This chapter contains four questions. The first question has five choose the one correct option questions. The second question has four short answer questions while The third and fourth questions are long answer questions. There is also map activity given which has nine questions in which locate the islands groups of India, countries constituting Indian subcontinent, states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes, union territories of India and other places.
Chapter 2 – Physical Features of India
This chapter contains seven questions. The first question has four choose the one correct option questions. The second question has six short answer questions. In the third question, three distinguish between questions are given. The fourth, fifth and sixth questions are long answer questions. In the last question, we have to write short notes on three topics, the Indian Desert, the Central Highlands and the Island groups of India. The map activities have four questions in which we have to identify and locate the Indian desert, plateau, peaks on the outline map of India.
Chapter 3 – Drainage
There are six questions in this chapter. The first questions contain four choose the one correct option questions. The second question has seven short answer questions. In the third question, match the following questions are given. The fourth, fifth and sixth questions are LAQs type. There are two map activities question in which we have to locate various dams and lakes.
Chapter 4 – Climate
There are total eight questions given in this chapter. The first question has five choose the one correct option questions. The second question has seven short answer questions. The third and last four question is of long answer type. In the fourth question, there are four statements given and we have to a provide reason for them. In the map skills column, we have to locate the areas receiving rainfall over 400 cm and areas receiving less than 20 cm of rainfall. Also, we have to locate the direction of the south-west monsoon over India.
Chapter 5 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
This chapter has six questions. The first question has four choose correct option type question. The second question has four brief answer type questions. In the third question, we have to deal with distinguish type questions. The last three questions are of LAQs type. In the map activities, we have to show areas of Evergreen Forests, Dry Deciduous Forests and national parks.
Chapter 6 -Population
There are total six questions present in this chapter. The first question has four choose the correct option type question. The second has four SAQs type questions. The last four question are LAQs type questions.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9th History – (Social Science) India and the Contemporary World I – Free PDF
History in Class 9th shows the relation of India’s past with the history of the world. This helps us to understand the happenings in India clearly. Textbook of History Class 9th mainly deals with the revolutions and political ideology, daily lives of people such as their economic activities and livelihood patterns. All the answers of India and the Contemporary World I Textbook are provided below in a list. You can the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th History in PDF so you can easily find the solutions. Detailed NCERT Solutions will help you in clearing the concepts. Browse through the chapter and select your desired chapter.
History helps us to understand how present has evolved from centuries of development. The first unit of the chapter deals with the famous revolutions such as French and Russian Revolutions that generated new political ideology. The third chapter talks about the circumstances which led to rising of Hitler in Germany and Nazi ideology.
The second unit of the chapter discusses the daily lives of the people. It deals with the forest people, pastoralists and peasants; and how they have coped with and defined the nature of these changes.
Chapter 1 – French Revolution
The chapter has total six questions. Question number 3, 4 and 5 are HOTS while 1, 2 and 3 are short answer questions. Two activities are also given. First is writing a biography on any of the revolutionary figures given in the chapter. The second is a group activity in which each group has to produce a wallpaper on the French Revolution.
Chapter 2 – Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution
The chapter contains six questions. Question number 2 and 4 are HOTS questions while 1, 3 and 5 are short answer questions. In question number 6, you have to write short notes on five different topics. Three activities are given. In the first activity, you have to write a speech as a striking worker in 1905 who is being tried in court for the act of rebellion defending yourself. The second activity is about writing news article about the uprising of 24 October 1917. The Third activity is writing a letter by imagining yourself as a middle-level wheat farmer in Russia after collectivisation.
Chapter 3 – Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
The chapter contains six questions. Question number 5 is HOTS while all other short or long answers. The chapter has two activities. In the first activity, you have to write a one-page history of Germany as a schoolchild in Nazi Germany, as a Jewish survivor of a concentration camp, as a political opponent of the Nazi regime. In the second activity, you have to imagine yourself as Helmuth and have to write a paragraph to your father stating your opinion that Jews are not bad.
Chapter 4 – Forest Society and Colonialism
The chapter has total four questions. In the first question, you have to describe how the changes in forest management in the colonial period affected the various types of people as stated. In the third question, you have to discuss the role of the factors which were given that led to decline in the forest cover in the Indian subcontinent between 1880 and 1920. Question number 2 and 4 are short answer questions. There are two activities also given. In the first activity, you have to state the changes in the forest areas where you live and the reason behind this. In the second activity, you have to write a dialogue between a colonial forester and an adivasi discussing the issue of hunting in the forest.
Chapter 5 – Pastoralists in the Modern World
There are total four questions. In the second question, you have to explain how the law made by colonial government in India changed the lives of pastoralists. Question number 1 and 3 are short answer questions while question number is HOTS. There are total three activities given in the chapter. In the first question, you have to imagine yourself as a 60-year-old Raika herder living in post-Independence India and telling your grand-daughter about the changes which have taken place in your lifestyle after Independence. In the second question, you have to write a magazine article about the life and customs of the Maasai in pre-colonial Africa. In the third activity, you have to collect information about the some of the pastoral communities marked in Figs. 11 and 13 of the chapter.
Chapter 6 – Peasants and Farmers
There are total nine questions and two activities. All questions are easy and short answer type. In the first activity, you have to draw a timeline from 1650 to1930 showing the significant agricultural changes. The second activity is about the filling the table with the events outlined in the chapter.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics Free PDF
There are total 6 chapters in this book. However, CBSE has decided to remove the first chapter from the book and thus we are left with only five chapters to study. In the first chapter, we will see the expansion of democracy during the last hundred years. The various ups and downs of democratic government in different countries. The second chapter tell us how we can distinguish a democratic government from a non-democratic one. The definition and minimum features of a democratic form of government. The third chapter is Constitutional Design in which we will see the importance of constitution in a democratic country. In the fourth chapter, we will learn how the representative in a democratic setup are elected to govern on the behalf of the people. In the fifth chapter, working of institutions we will talk about the functioning of the various institutions present in a democratic country and how they help in maintaining a democratic rule. Last chapter is democratic rights in which we will see the citizen’s democratic rights provided by a constitution.
Why opt for NCERT Solutions of Civics on iitianacademy
Our expert teachers of Social Science have prepared NCERT Solutions carefully so you can always have edge over other students. We are eager to provide you the best and accurate solutions. Feasibility is important to us that is why we followed every step and concept while preparing the solutions. Also, we regularly track suggestions of our students via comments section so that we can ensure error-free NCERT Solutions.
Let us look at the NCERT Solutions of each chapter. Type of questions and their difficulty.
Chapter 1 Democracy in the Contemporary World
Total nine questions are given of which first three are multiple choice questions, fourth question is match the following. Another five questions are of short answer type where we need to give appropriate reasons.
Chapter 2 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
There are total 10 questions. In the first, second, fourth question you have choose correct word for each statement. The third, fifth and sixth, question are multiple choice questions. In the seventh, eighth and ninth are of short answer type which need valid reasons. In tenth question, we have write essay on ‘Democracy and Poverty’ with the help of report given in the question.
Chapter 3 Constitutional Design
Total ten questions are given in the chapter of which first three are multiple choice question. Fourth and sixth question are match the following type. Fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth questions are of short answer type. Last question is true/false.
Chapter 4 Electoral Politics
Total eleven questions are given of which first and second question are multiple choice questions. The third question is match the following type. Another seven questions are of short answer type.
Chapter 5 Working of Institutions
Ten questions are given in the chapter. The first four questions are of multiple choice questions. Question number fifth is match the following. Remaining questions are of short answer type.
Chapter 6 Democratic Rights
Total ten questions are given in this chapter of which three questions are multiple choice questions. In fourth, fifth and sixth questions we have to write valid reasons for the statement. Remaining questions are of short answer type.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Economics (Social Science) Understanding Economic Development – Free PDF
Chapter 1 – The Story of Village Palampur
The chapter is story of a hypothetical village called Palampur. Farming is the main activity in Palampur, whereas several other activities such as small scale manufacturing, dairy, transport, etc. are carried out on a limited scale. Palampur is well-connected with neighbouring villages and towns. Raiganj, a big village, is 3 kms from Palampur.