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- IB DP Biology SL- IB Style Practice Questions with Answer-Topic Wise-Paper 1
- IB DP Biology HL- IB Style Practice Questions with Answer-Topic Wise-Paper 1
- IB DP Biology SL- IB Style Practice Questions with Answer-Topic Wise-Paper 2
- IB DP Biology HL- IB Style Practice Questions with Answer-Topic Wise-Paper 2
3.1 Genes
Essential Idea:
Every living organism inherits a blueprint for life from its parents
- A gene is a heritable factor that consists of a length of DNA and influences a specific characteristic
- A gene occupies a specific position on a chromosome
- The various specific forms of a gene are alleles
- Alleles differ from each other by one or only a few bases
- New alleles are formed by mutation
- The genome is the whole of the genetic information of an organism
- The entire base sequence of human genes was sequenced in the Human Genome Project
- The causes of sickle cell anaemia, including a base substitution mutation, a change to the base sequence of mRNA trancribed from it and a change to the sequence of a polypeptide in haemoglobin
- Comparison of the number of genes in humans with other species
- Use of a database to determine differences in the base sequence of a gene in two species
3.1.U1 A gene is a heritable factor that consists of a length of DNA and influences a specific characteristic.
- Define gene.
3.1.U2 A gene occupies a specific position on a chromosome.
- Define gene locus.
3.1.U3 The various specific forms of a gene are alleles.
- Define allele.
- List two examples of genes with multiple alleles.
- State a similarity between alleles of the same gene.
3.1.U4 Alleles differ from each other by one or only a few bases.
- State the difference between alleles of the same gene.
3.1.U5 New alleles are formed by mutation.
- State the source of new alleles of a gene.
- Describe a base substitution mutation.
3.1.U6 The genome is the whole of the genetic information of an organism.
- Define genome.
- State the size in base pairs of the human genome.
3.1.U7 The entire base sequence of human genes was sequenced in the Human Genome Project.
- Define “sequence” in relation to genes and/or genomes.
- State the aim of the Human Genome Project.
- Outline two outcomes of the Human Genome Project.
3.1.A1 The causes of sickle cell anemia, including a base substitution mutation, a change to the base sequence of mRNA transcribed from it and a change to the sequence of a polypeptide in hemoglobin.
- State the cause of sickle cell anemia, including the name of differences in the Hb alleles.
- State the difference in amino acid sequences in transcription of normal and mutated Hb mRNA.Outline the consequences of the Hb mutation on the impacted individual.
3.1.A2 Comparison of the number of genes in humans with other species.
- State the number of genes in the human genome.
- Describe the relationship between the number of genes in a species and the species complexity in structure, physiology and behavior.
3.1.S1 Use of a database to determine differences in the base sequence of a gene in two species.
- Explain why cytochrome oxidase 1 is often used to assess the differences in the base sequences of a gene between two species.
- Use NCBI to search for COX1 sequences for different species.
- Use a computer software tool to create an alignment of the gene sequences between different species.
- Outline information that can be determined given gene sequence alignment data.
3.1.NOS Developments in scientific research follow improvements in technology-gene sequencers are used for the sequencing of genes.
- Outline the technological improvements that have sped the DNA sequencing process.
- Determine a DNA sequence from an electropherogram.
Topic 3.1: Genes
In the Genes unit students learn the structure of the chromosome and identify the consequences of a base substitution mutation.
The unit is planned to take 2 school day
Essential idea:
- Every living organism inherits a blueprint for life from its parents. 3.1
Nature of science:
- Developments in scientific research follow improvements in technology—gene sequencers are used for the sequencing of genes. (1.8)
A gene is a heritable factor that consists of a length of DNA and influences a specific characteristic
Genetics is the storage of information and how this information can be passed from parents to progeny.
Genes are make up of DNA, few DNA molecules in a cell (just 46) but there are 1,000’s of genes. From this we know that each gene consists of a much shorter length of DNA than a chromosome and that each chromosome carries many genes.
A gene occupies a specific position on one type of chromosome
Genes are linked in groups, the groups each corresponds to one of the types of chromosome in a species
DNA is packaged and organised into discrete structures called chromosomes . A gene is a sequence of DNA that encodes for a specific trait (traits may also be influenced by multiple genes)
The position of a gene on a particular chromosome is called the locus (plural = loci)
Alleles are alternative forms of a gene that code for the different variations of a specific trait
For example, the gene for eye colour has alleles that encode different shades / pigments
Different heritable factors = these pairs of heritable factors are alternative forms of the same gene – etc. Heigh, one gene making the plant tall and the other making it small. This is called allele. There can be more than just two alleles of a gene
Alleles occupy the same position on one type of chromosome – same locus // only one allele can occupy the locus of the gene on a chromosome
Alleles are alternative forms of a gene that code for the different variations of a specific trait
- Genes consist of a certain sequence of DNA bases which can be 100’s to 1000’s bases in length
- Usually different alleles of the gene vary by only one to a couple of different bases.
- For example, the allele for Sickle Cell Anemia is created by a mutation of a single nucleotide.
- Adenine is switched to Thymine (CTC to CAC) which results in glutamic acid being substituted by valine at position 6 in the Hemoglobin polypeptide.
- This variation when one nucleotide is switched for another is called a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs for short)
A gene mutation involves a change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA and is the ultimate source of genetic diversity. New alleles are created by random changes in the base sequence called mutations.
- Gene mutation – random changes
- Significant types is base substitution – one base in the sequence is replaced by a different base
- These changes can either be neutral or harmful, lethal – cause the death of the cell in which the mutation occurs.
- Mutations –> develop into gametes–> passed on to offspring –> causing genetic disease
Gene mutations can be beneficial, detrimental or neutral
- Beneficial mutations change the gene sequence (missense mutations) to create new variations of a trait
- Detrimental mutations truncate the gene sequence (nonsense mutations) to abrogate the normal function of a trait
- Neutral mutations have no effect on the functioning of the specific feature (silent mutations)
The genome is the totality of genetic information of a cell, organism or organelle. This includes all genes as well as non-coding DNA sequences (e.g. introns, promoters, short tandem repeats, etc.
- The whole of the genetic information of an organism’s genetic information is contained in DNA, therefore a living organism’s genome is the entire base sequence of each of its DNA molecules.
- In humans, the genome consists of 46 chromosomes plus the mitochondrial DNA
- In plants, the genome also consists of chloroplast DNA on top of their chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA
- Genome of the prokaryotes is much smaller and has the DNA in the circular chromosomes, plus any plasmids that are present.
- Prokaryotes have a circular chromosome and plasmids in their genome
The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 lead to many outcomes:
- Mapping – The number, location, size and sequence of human genes is now established
- Screening – This has allowed for the production of specific gene probes to detect sufferers and carriers of genetic diseases
- Medicine – The discovery of new proteins have lead to improved treatments (pharmacogenetics and rational drug design)
- Ancestry – Comparisons with other genomes have provided insight into the origins, evolution and migratory patterns of man
- A mutation that causes the replacement of a single base nucleotide with another nucleotide in DNA.
- When one of the bases is changed, this will cause a change in the mRNA sequence when the DNA is copied during transcription of the gene.
- This change in the mRNA sequence may change the amino acid in the polypeptide coded for by the gene; in the process of translation.
- Sickle-cell anemia is a disease that causes red blood cells to form a sickle shape (half-moon). These sickled blood cells cannot carry as much oxygen as normal red blood cells. They can cause clots in blood vessels because of their abnormal shape and inflexibility caused by crystallization of the abnormal hemoglobin.
- Sickle cell is caused by a base-substitution when the adenine base in GAG is replaced by a thymine base, changing the triplet to GTG.
- The normal triplet when transcribed and translated codes for the amino acid glutamic acid.
- When the base substitution occurs, the amino acid that is translated is now valine.
- Since valine has a different shape and charge, the resulting polypeptide’s shape and structure changes.
- As a result, hemoglobin’s shape will change, as does the shape of the red blood cell, resulting in the problems associated with sickle cell anemia listed above.
Gene sequences from different species can be identified and then compared using two online resources:
- GenBank – a genetic database that serves as an annotated collection of DNA sequences
- Clustal Omega – an alignment program that compares multiple sequences of DNA
Definition of Heredity
“Heredity is the transfer of genetic information from parents to offspring. Their heredity characters are present on the chromosomes in the form of genes and the combination of these genes expresses characters which may be similar to one of the parents.”
Variation in the characters of offspring arise due to a unique process called genetic recombination during crossing over events of meiosis.
Definition of Variation
“Variation is the degree by which the progeny differ from their parents.”
Human are aware since 8000 – 1000 BC that one of the reason of variation was hidden in sexual reproduction and they tried to exploit the variations that were naturally present in wild population of animals and plants. Therefore, they try to selectively breed the organism and try to get the desired characters.
Example of Variation
With the help of domestication and artificial selection from ancestral cows we are able to produce Indian breed, i.e. Sahiwal cows found in Punjab.
Mendel Law of Inheritance
Gregor Mendel conducted hybridization experiments on garden peas for 7 years and proposed the law of inheritance. He selected the large sample size with greater credibility of collecting data. He investigated garden peas with contrasting traits, i.e. yellow or green seeds, tall or dwarf, etc. This helped in establishing the basic frame work of inheritance. During the experiment, Mendel also carried out artificial pollination via different true – breeding pea lines. He selected 14 true – breeding pea plant varieties and selected different contrasting traits. Some selected traits were smooth or wrinkled seeds, tall or dwarf, yellow or green seeds, etc.
Following table shows seven contrasting traits selected by Mendel in peas for experiment:
Reason of selecting Garden Peas
Mendel selected garden peas (Pisum sativum) for his experiment because of several reasons –
- Presence of several contrasting characters that can be studies easily.
- Short life span.
- Pollination of pea flowers is easier and therefore, hybrids produced were fertile.
- Flowers show self – pollination and reproductive whorls being enclosed by corolla.
Working method
Mendel carried out his experiment with proper planning and his success depends on the working method he adopted.
- He studied single character at a time.
- Mendel used all available techniques in order to avoid cross pollination by undesirable pollen grains.
- He adopted concepts of statistics and mathematics so as to analyze the results obtained by him.
Inheritance of One Gene
Mendel carried out hybridization experiment, whereby he crossed tall and dwarf pea plant to study the inheritance of one gene. He collected the seeds produced as a result of this cross and grew first hybrid generation referred as first filial or Filial1 progeny or generation. Mendel observed that all F1 plants were tall and none were dwarf. Similar observations were found in other characters as well.
Then, Mendel self – pollinated the tall F1 plants and found some of the offspring were dwarf in F2 generation, i.e. the character that was hidden in F1 was now expressed in F2. The portion of dwarf plants were 1/4th of the F2 plants while 3/4th of the F2 plants were tall.
Following diagram shows the outcome of first hybrid generation, where at F1 Mendel observed all tall pea plants. Simultaneously, we can also see the dwarf character existed in F2 stage:
Based on these observations, Mendel proposed that something stably passed down, from parent to offspring, unchanged via gametes, over successive generations and called them as genes. Genes are the unit of inheritance and consist of information required to express the particular trait in an organism.
If we alphabetically represent each gene, whereby capital letter for tall and small letter for short, then the traits will be expressed as follows:
In the above image, T is used for tall trait and t is used for dwarf trait. Thus, T and t are allele to each other. Mendel also concluded that in case of true breeding, dwarf or tall pea variety of allelic pair are identical or homozygous (represented as TT or tt). On the other hand, Tt is considered as heterozygous.
Mendel’s work and result
After experimentation, Mendel proposed several laws that are referred as “Laws of heredity.”
- Law of dominance – “This law states that when two contrasting factors for two characters come together in an organism, only one is expressed externally and shows visible effect.” The character which is visibly present is called dominant while which remains hidden or do not express in recessive.” Thus, according to it –
- Factors are the discrete units that control characters.
- These factors occur in pair.
- In case of dissimilar pair, one pair is dominant while other is recessive.
- Law of segregation or Purity of Gametes – “This states that alleles separate or segregate during gamete formation, and randomly unite at fertilization.” When F2 generation was produced by allowing F1 hybrid to self – pollinate, to find out segregation or separation it was observed that both dominant and recessive plants appeared in 3:1 ratio.” In other words, alleles do not show any blending; rather both the characters are recovered in F2. Although, parents have both alleles but the gamete receive only one of the two factors. It is important to note that, homozygous produce all similar gametes while heterozygous produce two kinds of gametes.
- Law of independent assortment – “This law states that when two or more characteristics are inherited, individual hereditary factors assort independently during gamete production, giving different traits an equal opportunity of occurring together.” To prove this, he did a dihybrid cross. He crossed homozygous dominant smooth and yellow seeded (YYRR) with homozygous recessive wrinkled and green seeded (yyrr) plants. The F1 hybrid was self – pollinated and F2 generation was obtained with the phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 and genotypic ratio of 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1.”
Inheritance of Two Genes
Mendel also researched with inheritance of two genes, but crossing over pea plant with two contrasting traits, such as plant with seeds with round and green color and plant with seeds with yellow and wrinkled shape and found that the seeds resulted from this crossing over was yellow colored and round shaped. He thus, concluded that yellow color is dominant over green and round shape is dominant over wrinkled shape.
Now let us consider several genotype symbols –
Y = dominant yellow seed color
y = recessive green seed color
R = round shaped seeds
r = wrinkled seed shape
The genotype of parents is written as follows – RRYY and rryy.
Following figure shows the cross between these two parents produced the following result:
Result of the Dihybrid Cross
Phenotype Ratio =
Round Yellow: Round Green: Wrinkled Yellow: Wrinkled Green
9 : 3 : 3 : 1
In the above figure, the gametes RY and ry unite on fertilization and produce RrYy hybrid at F1. When Mendel self – hybridized F1 plants, he found 3/4th of F2 plants had yellow seeds while 1/4th had green. Thus, the yellow and green color segregated in a ratio 3:1. In the similar manner, round and wrinkled seeds also segregated in the ratio 3:1.
Law of Independent Assortment
Referring the above image of dihybrid cross, the phenotypes round yellow: wrinkled yellow: yellow round: wrinkled and green appeared in the ration 9:3:3:1.
According to the law of independent assortment “when two pairs of traits are combined in a hybrid, segregation of one pair of characters is independent of the other pair of characters.”
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance was proposed by Boveri and Sutton in 1902. Sutton described Mendel principle of Inheritance on cytological basis. According to him, during meiosis, one member of the pair of homologous chromosome goes to one daughter cell and second to another daughter cell. The principle of Independent Assortment (proposed by Mendel) found cytological proof from the fact that member of one pair of homologous chromosomes independently move to poles towards another pair. Sutton calculated the number of combinations of chromosomes in same manner as gametes was calculated by Mendel. He also found that the number of chromosomes combinations were same as Mendel postulated during crosses of pea plant. During the independent assortment of chromosomes, four types of allelic combinations are made which are in the phenotype ratio 9:3:3:1 at F2.
Following figure shows Chromosomal Theory of Independence. It is clear that the genes and chromosomes arrange themselves in homologous manner and separate in two different ways during meiosis. This results in four types of allelic combination and at F2 the phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1.
Arguments of Sutton and Boveri for Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
- Since eggs and sperm cells are the one bridge that is transferred from one generation to another. It implies that all the heredity characters are included in them.
- During maturation, the sperm cell practically loses all its cytoplasm. But sperm contributes heredity similar to eggs; therefore the heredity factors are carried in nucleus.
- Similar to Mendelian factors, chromosomes are also found in pairs.
- Union of egg and sperm re – establishes new organism with two sets of chromosomes previously seen in the body cells of parent organism.
- Chromosomes divide accurately during cell division and this gives an idea that genes are carried on chromosomes.
- Chromosomes segregate during meiosis.
- Member of chromosome pair also segregate independently of other chromosome pairs. Genes, proposed by Mendel also segregate independently.
Sex Determination
Definition of Sexual differentiation in Humans: “Sexual Differentiation in Humans is the process of development of sex differences in humans.” It is the process of development of different genitalia and the internal genital tracts, body hair, breasts, etc. play the significant role in sex determination.
The development of sexual differences in human is due to the presence of sex chromosome. It begins with XY sex – determination system followed by the complex mechanism for the development of phenotypic differences between female and male humans. Female has two X chromosomes while male have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. At the early developmental stage of an embryo, both sexes possess equivalent internal structures, referred as mesonephric ducts and paramesonephric ducts.
In humans, sex determination mechanism is referred as XY type. Out of 23 pair of chromosomes, 22 pairs are exactly same in case of both male and female. These chromosomes are called autosomes. A pair of X chromosomes is present in female; while X and Y chromosome are the determinant of male characteristics. During spermatogenesis, two types of gametes are produced in which 50% of sperm carry X chromosome while another 50% of the sperm carry Y chromosome. There is equal probability of fertilization of the ovum with sperm carrying X or Y chromosome. Thus, it is evident that sex of the child depends on the sperm and during pregnancy; there is always 50% probability of either a female or a mal child.
Following image shows the sex determination in male and female. Here an egg comprises of XX chromosome and sperm consist of XY chromosome.
“Mutation is a phenomenon which results in alteration of DNA sequences and consequently results in changes in genotype and the phenotype of an organism.” Mutation is also the phenomenon that results to variation in DNA.
Following image shows mutation where the DNA is changed to mutant copy rather than original one:
Genetic Disorders
- Pedigree Analysis – In pedigree analysis, the inheritance of a particular trait is represented in the family tree over generations. It is the strong tool, which helps in studying the inheritance of specific trait, disease or abnormality. It is important to note that each and every feature of an organism is controlled by one or other gene which is located on DNA present on chromosome. However, alteration or changes takes place occasionally and such an alteration is called mutation. Number of disorders has been found that are associated with the inheritance of altered or changed genes.
- Mendelian Disorders – These disorders are determined by mutation in a single gene. The pattern of inheritance of such disorders are traced and studied by Pedigree Analysis. Most prevalent Mendelian disorders are Sickle – cell anemia, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, color blindness, phenylketonuria, etc. These disorders can be dominant or recessive as well.
- Hemophilia – It is sex linked recessive disease which is transmitted from unaffected carrier female to some of the male progeny. In this disease, a simple cut results in non – stop bleeding in an affected individual. Possibility of female of becoming hemophilic is extremely rare because mother needs to be carrier in this case and father needs to be hemophilic. Following figure shows the condition of hemophilia in an individual. The blood of such person is not able to clot:
- Sickle cell anemia – It is autosome linked recessive trait which is transmitted when both the parents are carrier for the gene. This disease is controlled by single pair of allele, HbA and HbS. Heterozygous individual (HbAHbS) are apparently unaffected but they are the carrier of the diseases. Following figure shows the condition of sickle cell anemia in an individual where sickle cells block the flow of blood while normal red blood cells results in free flow of blood vessels:
- Phenylketonuria – It is inherited as autosomal recessive trait and is an inborn error of metabolism. The individual suffering from phenylketonuria lacks an enzyme that transform amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine, due to which phenylalanine is accumulated and converted into phenyl pyruvic acid and other derivatives. These accumulate in brain and thereby result in mental retardation.
- Chromosomal Disorders – These disorders are caused due to lack of excess or abnormal arrangement of one or more chromosomes. “Failure of segregation of chromatids during cell – division results in the gain or loss of chromosome(s), called aneuploidy. For instance, Down’s syndrome results in the gain of extra copy of chromosome 21. In the same way, Turner’s syndrome is resulted from the loss of an X chromosome in human females. “Failure of cytokinesis after telophase stage of cell division results in an increase in a whole set of chromosomes in an organism and this phenomenon is called polyploidy.” This condition is often observed in plants.
- Down’s syndrome or Trisomy 21 – It was first described by Langdon Down in the year 1866 and occurs due to the presence of additional copy of chromosome number 21. The person suffering from this disorder is short statured with furrowed tongue, short round head and partially open mouth. Psychomotor, mental and physical development is retarded in such individuals.
- Klinefelter’s syndrome or 47, XXY or XXY – This disorder results due to the presence of additional copy of X chromosome. Such individuals have masculine development; followed by expression of feminine development as well (It includes development of breast). The individuals suffering from this disorder are sterile.
- Turner’s syndrome or 45,X – This disorder occurs due to the absence of one X chromosome. Such females are sterile and lack secondary sexual characters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What are true – breeding lines?
Answer: “A true – breeding line is one that having undergone continuous self – pollination, shows the stable trait inheritance and expression for several generations.”
Q2: What are alleles?
Answer: “Alleles are the alternate pair of the same gene which is present on the homologous pair of chromosome.”
Q3: What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous?
Homozygous | Heterozygous |
It gives rise to similar homozygous individuals and is usually represented as tt or TT. | It produces offspring of different genotype and is represented as Tt or tT. |
Both the alleles have similar traits. | Both the alleles have contrasting traits. |
Homozygous individuals carry either recessive or dominant allele but not both. | Heterozygous individuals carry both dominant and recessive alleles. |
It produces one type of gametes. | It produces two types of gametes. |
It does not display extra vigour. | It displays extra vigour and is referred as heterosis or hybrid vigour. |
Q4: What is incomplete dominance?
Answer: “It is a form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele for a specific trait is not completely expressed over its paired allele.” It results in third phenotype in which the expressed trait is the combination of both the trait of parents. It is also referred as semi dominance or partial dominance.
Example of Incomplete Dominance: Pink roses are the example of incomplete dominance.
Following figure shows incomplete dominance, whereby RR is red rose and rr is white rose. At F1, they produce Rr and all offspring are of pink color.
Q5: What is the difference between incomplete dominance and co dominance?
Answer: Incomplete dominance occurs when the alleles received by parents are neither recessive nor dominant rather blend together and produce new trait that is somewhere between the two traits. On the other hand, co dominance is also the similar phenomenon where neither dominant nor recessive trait is displayed, rather both the alleles mix up and shows in the offspring. For instance, red and while flowered rose plant may produce red or white flowers but white flower with freckles of red spots.
Following diagram shows the difference between incomplete and co-dominance:
Q6: What is point mutation?
Answer: “Point Mutation is a change in one or a few base pairs in a gene.” There are two Types of point mutation –
- Base substitution:– It occurs when one base is switched out with another base.
- Frame shift mutation:– It occurs when one base is added or removed.
Following figure shows two types of point mutation, i.e. base substitution and base shift mutation.
Chromosomes, genes, alleles and mutations
4.1.1 State that eukaryote chromosomes are made of DNA and proteins.
Eukaryote chromosomes are made of DNA and proteins.
4.1.2 Define gene, allele and genome.
Gene: a heritable factor that controls a specific characteristic.
Allele: one specific form of a gene, differing from other alleles by one or a few bases only and occupying the same gene locus as other alleles of the gene.
Genome: the whole of the genetic information of an organism.
4.1.3 Define gene mutation.
Gene mutation: a change to the base sequence of a gene.
4.1.4 Explain the consequence of a base substitution mutation in relation to the processes of transcription and translation, using the example of sickle-cell anemia.
Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic disease that affects red blood cells in the body. It is due to a mutation on the Hb gene which codes for a polypeptide of 146 amino acids which is part of haemoglobin (haemoglobin is an important protein component in red blood cells). In sickle cell anaemia the codon GAG found in the normal Hb gene is mutated to GTG. This is called a base substitution mutation as adenine (A) is replaced by thymine (T). This means that when the mutated gene is transcribed, a codon in the messenger RNA will be different. Instead of the normal codon GAG, the messenger RNA will contain the codon GUG. This in turn will result in a mistake during translation. In a healthy individual the codon GAG on the messenger RNA matches with the anticodon CUC on the transfer RNA carrying the amino acid glutamic acid. However, if the mutated gene is present then GUG on the messenger RNA matches with the anticodon CAC on the transfer RNA which carries the amino acid valine. So the base substitution mutation has caused glutamic acid to be replaced by valine on the sixth position on the polypeptide. This results in haemoglobin S being present in red blood cells instead of the normal haemoglobin A. This has an effect on the phenotype as instead of normal donut shaped red blood cells being produced some of the red blood cells will be sickle shaped. As a result these sickle shaped red blood cells cannot carry oxygen as efficiently as normal red blood cells would. However, there is an advantage to sickle cell anemia. The sickle cell red blood cells give resistance to malaria and so the allele Hbs on the Hb gene which causes sickle cell anemia is quite common in parts of the world where malaria is found as it provides an advantage over the disease.
Summary of important steps:
Normal Gene | Mutated gene | |
Codon | GAG | GTG |
Transcription | GAG on mRNA | GUG on mRNA |
Translation | Anticodon CUC and amino acid glutamic acid on tRNA. | Anticodon CAC and amino acid valine on tRNA. |
Haemoglobin | HbA | HbS |
Phenotype | Normal donut shaped red blood cells. | Sickle cell shaped red blood cells. |
Effects | Carry oxygen efficiently but are affected by malaria. | Do not carry oxygen efficiently but give resistance to malaria. |