Year 3 science: Animals, including humans: identifying the function of skeletons and muscles


Students will be able to

  • identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Key Vocabulary

vertebrate: animals with backbones

invertebrate : animals without backbones

muscles :soft tissues in the body that contract and relax to cause movement

joints: areas where two or more bones are fitted together

Skeletons do three important jobs:

  • protect organs inside the body;
  • allow movement;
  • support the body and stop it from falling on the floor.

Skeleton Worksheets

Sorting Skeleton types

The human skeleton is made up of 206 separate bones. Many have special names.

Skeleton Functions

Our skull protects our brain with a covering of hard bone.  Our rib cage protects our heart and lungs, but has the flexibility to rise and fall as we breathe. without a skeleton, we couldn’t stand or sit up and support our bodies. 


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