Year 3 science: Plants: investigating transportation of water within plants

Year 3 Science Worksheets and Online Tests

Comprehensive Year 3 Preparatory package targeted towards Maths and Science

Plants have specific needs – light, air, water, nutrients, and space – to survive and reproduce. Almost all plants need these five things to survive: 
  • Light
  • Air
  • Water
  • Nutrients 
  • Space to grow

Worked Out Examples

In this worksheet, we will practice describing the way in which water is transported within plants and designing experiments to test this.

Q1: Flowering plants have stems to transport nutrients and water. Which part of a tree is used to transport water?

  1. The leaf
  2. The branch
  3. The bark
  4. The trunk


Answer: D

Q2: A dye was transported to a flower in an experiment. Which other part of the plant was the colored water transported to?

  1.  The roots
  2.  The flower
  3.  The leaf
  4.  The stem


Answer: C

Q3: Which part of a plant helps transport water to the leaves and the flower?

  1. Flower
  2. Stem
  3. Leaf
  4. Roots


Answer: B

Q4: Which of these investigations would allow us to test whether plants with more leaves use more water?

  1. We place plants with different numbers of leaves in colored water and measure how much water they use.
  2. We place plants with different numbers of leaves in colored water and observe the color of their leaves.
  3. We place plants with the same number of leaves in colored water and observe the color of their leaves.
  4. We place plants with the same number of leaves in colored water and measure how much water they use.


Answer: A

Q5: Which part of the carnation plant helps absorb water from the ground?

  1. Stem
  2. Roots
  3. Flower
  4. Leaf


Answer: B

Q6: Benjamin’s class have observed what happens when you place white carnations in a glass of colored dye. Choose the statement that describes how the dye traveled to the flower.

  1. The dye is transported through the leaf to the flower.
  2. The dye is transported through the stem to the flower.
  3. The dye is transported through the roots to the flower.


Answer: B

Q7: When a plant cannot hold any more water, it is released from the leaves through the stomata.

Does a plant with more leaves use more water?

  1. Yes
  2. No


Answer: A

Q8: Which part of a plant is responsible for transporting water and nutrients?

  1. Flower
  2. Stigma
  3. Leaf
  4. Stem


Answer: D

Q9: Which part of the leaf opens and closes to allow water to be released?

  1. Xylem
  2. Stomata
  3. Veins
  4. Stigma


Answer: B

Q10: A celery plant was put in a container of colored water. After some time, the stem and the leaves changed color.
Celery plant - 72 ppi

What does this tell us about how water is transported in the celery plant?

  1. Water travels from the leaves down the stem to the container.
  2. Water travels from the container up the stem to the leaves.
  3. Water travels from the container down the stem to the leaves.


Answer: B

Year 3 Science Worksheets and Online Tests

Comprehensive Year 3 Preparatory package targeted towards Maths and Science

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