Bonds can be formed in many ways.
The landing module for the Apollo mission used rocket fuel made from a mixture of hydrazine, N2H4, and dinitrogen tetraoxide, N2O4.
N2H4(l) + N2O4(l) → 3N2(g) + 4H2O(g)
a.i.State and explain the difference in bond strength between the nitrogen atoms in a hydrazine and nitrogen molecule.[2]
a.ii.State why hydrazine has a higher boiling point than dinitrogen tetraoxide.[1]
a.iii.Determine the oxidation state of nitrogen in the two reactants.
a.iv.Deduce, giving a reason, which species is the reducing agent.[1]
b.Deduce the Lewis (electron dot) structures of ozone.[2]
triple bond in nitrogen «molecule» AND single bond in hydrazine
triple bond stronger than single bond
more shared «pairs of» electrons make bond stronger/attract nuclei more
Accept bond enthalpy values from data booklet (158 and 945 kJ\(\,\)mol–1).
[2 marks]
hydrogen bonding «between molecules, dinitrogen tetraoxide does not»
[1 mark]
N2H4: –2 AND N2O4: +4
[1 mark]
N2H4 AND oxidized/oxidation state increases
N2H4 AND loses hydrogen
N2H4 AND reduces/removes oxygen from N2O4
Accept “N2H4 AND gives electrons «to N2O4»”.
[1 mark]
Accept any combination of lines, dots or crosses to represent electrons.
Do not penalize missing lone pairs if already done in 3b.
Do not accept structure that represents 1.5 bonds.
[2 marks]